The site I set up is ps238 dot wikia dot net; it’s pretty bare-bones at the moment (just a page for each issue). I don’t have anything on Toby yet.
Freak, do you have the PS238 Roleplaying game? It has a lot of the background on the students and faculty and covers most of the events in the comic in detail, right up to the alien invasion is defeated. It could be very helpful in creating bios and a basic timeline.
Aaron’s parodying the tendency on “Star Trek” for Kirk (or Picard/Sisko/Janeway etc.) to record a Captain’s Log when they are not on the ship, are locked up by hostile aliens, and have no recording equipment. The point of the Captain’s Log is to provide exposition, but the framing of the exposition requires Captain Kirk to be on the bridge or have his tricorder handy. You could base a drinking game on how improbable certain Captain’s Logs are.
Not The Punisher’s Warjournal?
I don’t think the Punisher actually writes his War Journal; he probably narrates the whole thing in his head as part of his psychosis. Its kinda creepy.
The Punisher has just joined a superhero team for the first time ever, having been recruited by General Thadeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (aka Red Hulk) to join the newest incarnation of the Thunderbolts. The other members include the Flash Thompson Venom, Elektra and Deadpool. Between the five of them, Frank Castle is probably the most psychotic. (Flash Thompson is the least messed up; he’s merely a recovering alcoholic bonded to a homicidal alien.) Even Deadpool looks almost normal next to the Punisher. (But just almost.)
The sad thing is, blackmailing the Punisher into joining a team of vigilantes is probably the least awful thing General Ross has ever done. Bruce Banner, Rick Jones, Uatu the Watcher and Ross’ own daughter all have restraining orders against Red Hulk coming within 500′ of them.
Good for-thought on the reverend’s part. ” let’s see, aliens are invading, and I’ve sent Tyler and Cecile out on recon. Chances are, one of them is going to fall off a building, or tick someone off so bad they’ll need a get away vehicle. Better send the jet!”
Reverend: Revenant’s lesser-known younger brother. Pastor by day, crime fighter by night. B)
The Reverend was one of the super-villains who applied to join the Evil League of Evil and was rejected by Bad Horse. He was a rapping puppet with mind control powers and a religious theme. Not the best of the League applicant rejects, but he was okay.
And this reminds me VERY STRONGLY about the scene in DCAU where Batman calmly reminds everyone that he can’t fly. At all. While falling down from the sky.
She’s broad to the wind, he’s streamlining. Obviously, his parents took Tyler skydiving at some point. Knowing them, probably without giving him a parachute.
I’m sorry, the what? Why is it every time a male and female interact in a book, show, movie, or comic, every one try’s to interpret it as a romantic relationship? It’s like saying a woman can not be seen as anything but a romantic object in the eyes of a man, and vise-versa! Honestly, I don’t have a real ship in this comic. Because its about kids! Can’t you all just lay back and enjoy the clever, clever, craziness!?!
It’s far from limited to readers; Ultima and Sovereign mistook Julie for Tyler’s GF (2011-11-14, 84 and the Nuclear Family).
Which part of my post do you find so hateful towards the shippers? o_õ
Sorry, I misunderstood your post when I read it this morning. 🙁 I did not mean to be insulting. (That detention is just going to keep adding up, isn’t it?)
That’s right, Ambriel and Zodon are probably going to develop one of those love/hate relationships, Moonlighting style. There are hints of it in the last story arc before the book’s last issue, where Ambriel is the only hero who doesn’t need to be bribed, blackmailed or intimidated by Zodon into helping him save the day. (She comes along willingly, assuming she’ll get cool loot like her bat if she hangs around him all the time. 🙂 )
As for 84 and Moonshadow, their “relationship” will be taken to a whole new level in a few pages. (Not that they really understand what the big fuss is.)
Alright, I’ve learned my lesson. I’m going to post comments without spoiling anything from now on to avoid detention. While it’s great to hang out with Angie-bot, I can’t stand hearing Von Fogg’s ranting any more! (Luckily Zodon made a sound-nullifier for just that purpose. 🙂 )
Sorry, that was supposed to be a reply on the zodon/amb spoiler. The Tyler and Julie thing I understand, because of her not-so-Subtle reactions When he compliments her.
That could still be a sign of close friendship. Tyler is nice to Julie and respects her powers, even though her set of abilities is now considered humdrum by the super-community at large. Throw in the fact that, as Moonshadow, he is considered super by the supers, and his being nice to her is a real ego-boost.
Tyler is nice to everyone, not just Julie. But Julie is self-conscious due to the stigma F.I.S.S.’s face, plus the fact that her cousin Susie’s family all have unique powers. Moonshadow’s encouragement has been very helpful in helping her gain self-esteem. But remember that Tyler didn’t go to Las Vegas with Julie when she beat the Praetorian Centurion and Beryl (she thought Moonshadow was dead at the time). Tyler wasn’t even really there when she challenged the Imps and Cherubs at the Nuclear Family’s BBQ (that was Toby). Julie has gotten encouragement from Ms. Kyle, Ambriel, Kevin, Polly and even Zodon. But the connection with Moonshadow is special, and I think Tyler feels a special friendship with her too. Since we know that Tyler will still be Moonshadow fifteen years in the future, and we know that Julie will [Redacted] after [Redacted], it is not unreasonable to see Julie develop a crush on Moonshadow as she grows up. In addition, if Tyler were to ever reveal his secret identity to anyone, it would be either Julie or Ron. (He already told Ron, but Ron has no memory of it.)
55 thoughts on “02/27/2013”
Graduated from coodies to hand holding. How sweet.
Well cooties can take a vacation when lives are at stake.
And to think at one time he was afraid to swing between buildings.
Now he thinks nothing of sliding off an alien spaceship hovering thousands of feet off the gound.
BTW, I’ve just set up a ps238 page on Wikia. Anybody interested in helping with it?
I just got off that site, and there are facts in there that are not in any of the books! Where is this info coming from! And where can I get more!
Seriously, go the page. Their we’re some interesting facts about Toby in there. INTERESTING…
I know that the PS238 role-playing game revealed a number of secrets that haven’t been revealed in the comic, or hadn’t at that point.
The site I set up is ps238 dot wikia dot net; it’s pretty bare-bones at the moment (just a page for each issue). I don’t have anything on Toby yet.
Freak, do you have the PS238 Roleplaying game? It has a lot of the background on the students and faculty and covers most of the events in the comic in detail, right up to the alien invasion is defeated. It could be very helpful in creating bios and a basic timeline.
Is this the page ? i din’t found anything about Toby. @Patigal, can you put a link?
Oops! I thought wika was short for Wikipedia! My bad!
Is what I was talking about. My bad!
Ok, I just got off the REAL site, and how do you add a character tab? No one has profiled Tyler yet! That’s a crime!
I just started the project. Right now, I’m looking for people who are interested in helping.
YEAH! Good boy, Tyler! That is classic heroing. ^^
…how’d he have time to write that?
I think the idea is that he’s composing it in his head, rather than writing it down – hence the “if I survive to write it” bit.
Also, _damn_ you’re cool, Tyler.
Ah. I understand now.
Aaron’s parodying the tendency on “Star Trek” for Kirk (or Picard/Sisko/Janeway etc.) to record a Captain’s Log when they are not on the ship, are locked up by hostile aliens, and have no recording equipment. The point of the Captain’s Log is to provide exposition, but the framing of the exposition requires Captain Kirk to be on the bridge or have his tricorder handy. You could base a drinking game on how improbable certain Captain’s Logs are.
Not The Punisher’s Warjournal?
I don’t think the Punisher actually writes his War Journal; he probably narrates the whole thing in his head as part of his psychosis. Its kinda creepy.
The Punisher has just joined a superhero team for the first time ever, having been recruited by General Thadeus “Thunderbolt” Ross (aka Red Hulk) to join the newest incarnation of the Thunderbolts. The other members include the Flash Thompson Venom, Elektra and Deadpool. Between the five of them, Frank Castle is probably the most psychotic. (Flash Thompson is the least messed up; he’s merely a recovering alcoholic bonded to a homicidal alien.) Even Deadpool looks almost normal next to the Punisher. (But just almost.)
The sad thing is, blackmailing the Punisher into joining a team of vigilantes is probably the least awful thing General Ross has ever done. Bruce Banner, Rick Jones, Uatu the Watcher and Ross’ own daughter all have restraining orders against Red Hulk coming within 500′ of them.
I’m ready for a Moonshadow t-shirt. With some catch phrase that sums up just how calm, cool, and collected he is.
And the legend continues to grow.
Tyler doesn’t need “powers” – he has the heart of a god. Major world-class life-saving there.
That is a hero defining moment, that is.
jt lannister
a rock guitar chord just played at that last panel
*swell to heroic action theme*
“Dare”, by Stan Bush, methinks. ^^
Good for-thought on the reverend’s part. ” let’s see, aliens are invading, and I’ve sent Tyler and Cecile out on recon. Chances are, one of them is going to fall off a building, or tick someone off so bad they’ll need a get away vehicle. Better send the jet!”
It’s “Revenant”, not “reverend”. ^^; I doubt he’s been ordained…
Reverend: Revenant’s lesser-known younger brother. Pastor by day, crime fighter by night. B)
The Reverend was one of the super-villains who applied to join the Evil League of Evil and was rejected by Bad Horse. He was a rapping puppet with mind control powers and a religious theme. Not the best of the League applicant rejects, but he was okay.
Tyler is an absolute badass.
And this reminds me VERY STRONGLY about the scene in DCAU where Batman calmly reminds everyone that he can’t fly. At all. While falling down from the sky.
How is Tyler falling faster than her?
Prairie Son
She’s broad to the wind, he’s streamlining. Obviously, his parents took Tyler skydiving at some point. Knowing them, probably without giving him a parachute.
Moe Lane
“…And that’s how I met your mother.”
A very sweet thought. It’d certainly be a heroic event if, over time, those two developed a lasting romance from a childhood friendship.
@Rock stop hating on the Moonshadow/84 shippers! Next thing, you’ll probably object to the blossoming Guardian Angel/Zodon romance too, won’t you?
How’s he hating? I b confused.
I’m sorry, the what? Why is it every time a male and female interact in a book, show, movie, or comic, every one try’s to interpret it as a romantic relationship? It’s like saying a woman can not be seen as anything but a romantic object in the eyes of a man, and vise-versa! Honestly, I don’t have a real ship in this comic. Because its about kids! Can’t you all just lay back and enjoy the clever, clever, craziness!?!
It’s far from limited to readers; Ultima and Sovereign mistook Julie for Tyler’s GF (2011-11-14, 84 and the Nuclear Family).
Which part of my post do you find so hateful towards the shippers? o_õ
That confused me, too.
Sorry, I misunderstood your post when I read it this morning. 🙁 I did not mean to be insulting. (That detention is just going to keep adding up, isn’t it?)
That’s right, Ambriel and Zodon are probably going to develop one of those love/hate relationships, Moonlighting style. There are hints of it in the last story arc before the book’s last issue, where Ambriel is the only hero who doesn’t need to be bribed, blackmailed or intimidated by Zodon into helping him save the day. (She comes along willingly, assuming she’ll get cool loot like her bat if she hangs around him all the time. 🙂 )
As for 84 and Moonshadow, their “relationship” will be taken to a whole new level in a few pages. (Not that they really understand what the big fuss is.)
Please stop serving spoilers.
Sigh… I’m getting detention for those two, aren’t I?
Alright, I’ve learned my lesson. I’m going to post comments without spoiling anything from now on to avoid detention. While it’s great to hang out with Angie-bot, I can’t stand hearing Von Fogg’s ranting any more! (Luckily Zodon made a sound-nullifier for just that purpose. 🙂 )
Again, why can’t they just be friends? The whole world does not revolve around who ends up with who you know.
Sorry, that was supposed to be a reply on the zodon/amb spoiler. The Tyler and Julie thing I understand, because of her not-so-Subtle reactions When he compliments her.
That could still be a sign of close friendship. Tyler is nice to Julie and respects her powers, even though her set of abilities is now considered humdrum by the super-community at large. Throw in the fact that, as Moonshadow, he is considered super by the supers, and his being nice to her is a real ego-boost.
Tyler is nice to everyone, not just Julie. But Julie is self-conscious due to the stigma F.I.S.S.’s face, plus the fact that her cousin Susie’s family all have unique powers. Moonshadow’s encouragement has been very helpful in helping her gain self-esteem. But remember that Tyler didn’t go to Las Vegas with Julie when she beat the Praetorian Centurion and Beryl (she thought Moonshadow was dead at the time). Tyler wasn’t even really there when she challenged the Imps and Cherubs at the Nuclear Family’s BBQ (that was Toby). Julie has gotten encouragement from Ms. Kyle, Ambriel, Kevin, Polly and even Zodon. But the connection with Moonshadow is special, and I think Tyler feels a special friendship with her too. Since we know that Tyler will still be Moonshadow fifteen years in the future, and we know that Julie will [Redacted] after [Redacted], it is not unreasonable to see Julie develop a crush on Moonshadow as she grows up. In addition, if Tyler were to ever reveal his secret identity to anyone, it would be either Julie or Ron. (He already told Ron, but Ron has no memory of it.)
Is this really the best time to be writing a journal entry?
I’d buy a Moonshadow t-shirt. Maybe Aaron would draw one up and sell it through Cafe Press or Zazzle?
Awww hell yeah.