My view of the flaws in her argument is shaded by my religious beliefs. That said, I think her argument is generally sound, if a bit short sighted. Using power responsibly is important. Blanket statements about what that means might not be the best plan.
Thie reminds me of the one Buffy plot where they pulled her out of heaven, and that would be cruel, perhaps evil. Another question would be if a truly nasty went a redemption tour? But Ambriel wasn’t in any standard afterlife, and she may be a special case because of the angel… Vern should be more mindful, but it was an honest, kid mistake. Satori is a kid too and there is a lot in balancing.
I’ve read PS238 more than a few times, and this is the first time I’d ever noticed that Vashti’s reflection shows her illusory outfit, not her Spell Siryn costume.
Statements like this might make them scared to use their power in gen… And personally I disagree that it’s wrong to pull somebody from beyond the grave back to the living.
6 thoughts on “08/10/2009”
Ed Rhodes
I think Satori’s wrong in this. Ambriel wasn’t IN the “afterlife,” she was stuck in limbo.
Ben T.
Whatever we call the state she was in, it counts as an afterlife. But there are other flaws in Satori’s argument…
My view of the flaws in her argument is shaded by my religious beliefs. That said, I think her argument is generally sound, if a bit short sighted. Using power responsibly is important. Blanket statements about what that means might not be the best plan.
Thie reminds me of the one Buffy plot where they pulled her out of heaven, and that would be cruel, perhaps evil. Another question would be if a truly nasty went a redemption tour? But Ambriel wasn’t in any standard afterlife, and she may be a special case because of the angel… Vern should be more mindful, but it was an honest, kid mistake. Satori is a kid too and there is a lot in balancing.
I’ve read PS238 more than a few times, and this is the first time I’d ever noticed that Vashti’s reflection shows her illusory outfit, not her Spell Siryn costume.
Very nice, subtle touch!
Xel Unknown
Statements like this might make them scared to use their power in gen… And personally I disagree that it’s wrong to pull somebody from beyond the grave back to the living.