
28 thoughts on “2018-10-23

  1. And that, dear friends, is why we love Flea. He goes to war with the army he has and makes people jealous of it, even when it is just starting a food fight with a bunch of 8 year olds.

    1. He also makes use of whatever tools are available to fight said war. 8 YO’s and food? Why not? Insects in a forest? yea, got that. Mosquitos, go for the face.

  2. Is it just me or does Flea already have an orb in his device before Moonshadow tells him to catch one?

  3. There are too many orbs in this strip. Flea seems to have found any extra one from somewhere.

  4. Why does Flea have a black ball in his gizmo in the first panels, if Moonshadow is the one that carries the chaos ball? Is it a decoy?

    1. Nevermind.

      It is a decoy. It lacks the blue halo. I expect it’ll be caught by one of the Powers.

      1. I’m actually pretty sure it’s an art error, since we haven’t seen a “decoy” created, and when the holder that Moon Shadow now has (initially held by our mystery nefarious woman who wants it and Tyler for her deal with P&G) initially sucked the orb away from the one the Flea now has (which, at the time, was held by Ron), the blue aura was created and used to yoink it out, and no orb was left in the holder Flea now has.

        I suspect this is an error; if it isn’t, I’m not sure what’s going to happen when the fake is in the way of the real one now that Moon Shadow has passed it.

        1. Remember that Moonshadow gave the chaos orb and, in the next panel, was already getting it back. But the voice that alerted him of the arriving ball came from another direction. Probably Quantum’s position. (taps my nose expertly)

    2. No, it’s the shielded sphere that contains the chaos orb. Because Zodon uses multiple layers of safeguards.

      Showing a five-year-old supergenius is outsmarting the regular adult supergeniuses (and assorted other lackwits) again.

  5. I was beginning to wonder what Zodon was up to. The sad thing is I trust the evil mastermind more than the red lady. I’m sure the PS238 kids won’t object to throwing food at Zodon either. As enacting the catastrophe protocols sounds like a trump card that will not help the good guys or adults. I really have to wonder who can cut through the chaos and settle things well, outside Revenant, who is busy.

    1. Zodon is that rare breed who you can see as successful if only his own ego didn’t get in the way. He had success in lots of situations where he kept a level head or held back enough of his ego to prevent himself from losing… While some other villains had a point of success, but let their own ego push them last the point of success to wretch burning horrible hero foiled failure.

      We also have seen the same come from heroes.

      1. Which is the point of difference between Zodon and Von Fogg. Well, that and I don’t buy that Zodon is actually evil. I think it’s more that he’s bored frustrated, and acting out. He seems to try to do the right thing for (to us) the wrong reasons quite often.

  6. I want to see the effect of a slice of pizza pass through the orb !)

    1. And thus the first pizza tree came into being.

      1. Pizza the Hutt’s new origin story.

  7. Apple Core!
    Who’s Yer Friend?

  8. “Zodon is evil!”

    “From my point of view, Tyler’s parents are evil.”

    “Well – actually, you may have a point there.”

  9. Some kids aren’t looking for anything complicated, like debating good and evil. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned, or negotiated with. Some kids just want to watch the food fight.

  10. And I’m all caught up, I’ve been out of the loop for a while

  11. In the wiki, should hero names be used in brackets after a persons actual name in the characters list for clarity?
    For an example of why: who knows the real name of The Flea?

    1. It’s Alejandro, I think. No clue on his last name. I don’t remember him ever getting involved in aboveground playground games.

      And I would probably use the most common name used in the comic for each character. It’s a wiki, so you can do re-directs as appropriate. So, instead of Alejandro [whatever], [Bob and Susan] Marlocke, or Kent Allard, I would have The Flea, Ultima and Sovreign Powers, and The Revenant.

      1. In the Flea-Va Las Vegas storyline his last name is given as TORRES.

    2. I’ve been using legal names as much as possible, but linking to the character’s page when ever the name is mentioned. The character pages should be titled with legal names but include hero names. If a character is two minor for a page dedicated to them, brackets work.
      The Flea’s last name is Torres.

    3. By the way, which one is “the” (most official) wiki?

      1. I don’t know about an official one but https://ps238.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page is being updated frequently. Lots of archive here though so it might be a while until is reasonably complete. Many hands make light work and all that though…

      2. The most official would be the pdf of the PS238 game. Next most official would be whatever takes that and adds the material since the Septos Invasion.

        1. The game isn’t the same as the comic for entertainment and balancing reasons (I’m guessing). It’s been mentioned a few times in the comments regarding basics like what FISS stands for or if Tyler has powers.
          Games often differ from media in the same franchise.

  12. Flea has a natural 18 charisma

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