
34 thoughts on “2017-01-30

  1. Even other dimensional artifacts hate ankle biters.

    And Toby, apparently.

    1. Well Toby IS the victim of direct tampering by both an agent of Order and an agent of Chaos, given what kind of anomaly he is and the jacket’s the direct result of tampering by a being of Chaos it’s no wonder it has issues with Toby.

  2. Are you my Mummy?

  3. Was the woman part of his “metahuman detection” tour with the Revenant?

    1. She looks a lot like Power&Glory’s first customer, but as to where Cecil knows her from …

      Wait, didn’t Sarah say she used to be a redhead? Maybe that’s her mum.

      1. Maybe its her

    2. No. Different hair and costume. (10242011)

      I can’t help wonder if Sarah Bartlett (and Lester Wilcox) are just red herrings for us readers regarding the mystery of Glory & Power’s customer. Sarah is indeed a customer of G&P and she’s up to something here, but what if it’s a separate plot? Also, Sarah is much shorter than the mystery customer. Lester has motive but he doesn’t seem to be doing anything and seems unlikely to have been the person who met G&P just as they set up shop. That said, it has to be someone we’ve already seen or else it would just be too left field.

    3. She looks like Chandra. Heck, Red costume with goggles and red hair is standard for most pyrokinetics in this world…

    4. I think that’s Dr Positron’s sister. The one that ran the slushie store & who was trapped on the space rock by Charles? That’s how Cecil knows her, but she’s in costume; she’s an android, so she’s not a metahuman, but still giving off odd vibes?

  4. Toby still has the little busy-bodies of Order and Chaos stuck in his head. Cecil’s coat is a creation of Malphast’s mother, so it knows that Toby could possibly be a threat.

    1. No, the imps are gone from Toby’s head. He still has the *powers* of order and chaos, though.

  5. Ugh. The Whiz shouldn’t treat eating *pizza* as a race for goodness’ sake…

    1. His “Buzz-saw Bite” really is a Buzz-saw Bite!

    2. He may just need the fuel. Moving as fast as he does would require a *lot* of energy. One of the iterations of The Flash had the same problem, he had to eat a lot to use his powers and would quickly become emaciated and starve if he couldn’t fuel up between bursts of speed.

      1. Yeah, didn’t Miss Kyle mention that he needed to have his hair cut five or six times per day?

    3. Also, if he isn’t just a standard Speedster, but actually experiences time more quickly, he may very well be taking his time.

      1. The fact he has two slices in his mouth right now argues against that.

        1. It just looks like he’s eating two slices right now because your punny mortal brain can’t comprehend the speed at which he is eating. ?

        2. Yes, the slices in his hands, are the same slices in his mouth.

    4. I have read all of the past message threads on pizza and what goes on it, and I would like to add that I disapprove of The Whiz if that pizza has mushrooms, but very highly approve if those are sausages.

      1. It does appear you both disapprove and highly approve. I can clearly see both. Perhaps we can use the paradox to generate free pizza?

        1. Maybe it can be Schrodinger’s pizza. Until you open the lid, you don’t know if it is gross or delicious. Before you open the lid, it can be thought of as both.

  6. I like how a lot of character arcs seem to be tying in, even in the background.

  7. I wonder what the deal with gas-mask kid is. Most costumes are designed to be flashy more than functional. Either he really wants to make an odd statement or he actually needs the gas mask.

    1. makes me wonder if his catch phrase is “Are you my Mummy?”

      1. Nice Dr. Who ref. ^_^

        1. I also love the Dr. Who reference, but there IS an actual super hero that this could be an expie of. The original Sandman. He was a man, wearing a gas mask, who fought crime with a sleeping gas gun. When they brought back The Sandman as a character, it was explained that “Dream,” the original Sandman had been imprisoned and some people tried to compensate for the lost of “Dream” in different ways, this hero’s attempt to compensate was to name himself “Sandman” and fight crime.

    2. Or they had tacos on the menu as well as pizza, and he overheard the Flea’s conversation with one of the adults about opening the window.

    3. Or he just thinks gas masks look cool? That’s my excuse in Fallout And WWE Games.

  8. Of course, he could also be a little bitty baby Starlord!

  9. What episode was the one that we found out about Cecil being a metahuman detector?

    1. Umm, let’s see. Post invasion (Tyler in quarantine), post Vegas (all the metas move to town), before the soccer game. So it starts like issue 31 and runs to, say 33.

      1. Mostly 33. I re-read it over the weekend and there is a supervillainess there who looks similar. But I’m not sure it’s her. Cecil would have known instantly and not have had a doubt.

  10. Some heroes (like Donald Blake/Thor) do not just wear a disguise, they literally transform into someone else who has powers. I would imagine Cecil thinking they have similar “flavor”. But Sarah has not yet paid for her powers so the redhead is not a Walking Cane Stomp or Spin Move to alternate body with superpowers. Sarah has run to the “bathroom” to do whatever chore is required of her, which no doubt seems innocent until the rest of Power and Glory’s web comes into focus.

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