So the question remains… if the parents of this household are super!Zodon’s parents, who is this universe’s Zodon and where are HIS parents?
It is curious that he’d make this universe “look” uninhabited, too. Are there really so many universe-hunting horrors that seek out inhabited ones that making it look uninhabited served as a useful security measure?
@Segev: Our Zodon did it to keep the Superheroes of his own world from determining which alternate universe he’d exiled his parents to. By making the alternate universe the group is currently visiting look uninhabited, Zodon hoped that the heroes would not be able to find his folks, and he’d be able to conquer the world without parental interference. Little did he know that his parents already enrolled him in PS238!
As you guessed, the mom we saw was our Zodon’s mom. She fainted when she heard Zodon’s voice coming out of a different child. As for where alt!Zodon’s parents disappeared to, and why our Zodon had his parents replace alt!Zodon’s missing parents, that’s going to be revealed next issue.
As for who alt!Zodon is… he’s a regular kid, albeit a very clever and talented one. His parents dote on him and encourage him to pursue his interests. He is friends with Jeff. Does that answer your questions Segev?
What sort of ego trip do you get out of ruining other people’s fun by continually posting spoilers? How small a soul do you have that you find joy in the continual expression of “HA-HA! I have the dead-tree version and you don’t!”?
You are an epic-level jerk to be continually doing this.
Dude, come on, you don’t have to read the comments. This isn’t Facebook, stay civil.
Deth Invictus
There’s only so much civil to go around and I find myself siding with GameDamsel against leor613’s ongoing habit of getting its self-gratification with its smarmy I know what’s going on and here’s a clue or a blatant outright giveaway or you’ll find out in this many strips or whatever.
Seriously, stop the attention seeking.
I enjoy reading the comments, but not when leor613 is in them.
Leo, are you by any chance close to the author? You seem to know an awful lot about what’s going on in the series. If that’s the case, do you think you could tell me more about this RPG I keep hearing about. I picked up on it’s existence a long while ago, and there’s at least one paragraph about it on wikipedia. (I only own one RPG at the moment that I never get any use out of so there’s little chance I’d consider purchasing it at this point.) Still, the concept intrigues me…
How far into the future of PS238 would you say the game covers?
And, to the best of your knowledge, does it cover more than the dead tree edition?
Prairie Son
The game came out several years ago at this point, so it pretty much cuts off as of the end of the Septos invasion (so like, issue 27 or thereabouts). It uses the HERO system (point buy, often ridiculously complex IMHO) and doesn’t really reveal anything that you haven’t seen in the strip by this point, save that Ms Kyle keeps her super power on at a low level all the time, which is why she’s shortish and chubby looking.
Well, there’s write ups on some of the background shot students too.
There’s quite a bit more than that. The RPG gives answers to questions you’ve probably forgotten about. For example, what happened to aroura? Remember her? Also, the headmaster’s name, supporting characters origin stories, and thing about the kids’ powers even they don’t know yet. I highly suggest buying it on amozon. Not to mention, it’s fun to see all the characters given stats. You’ll be supprized to see whitch two students have the highest stats…
I bet Leo knows what is going to happen like I do. He bought the comic book.
I bought mine off Amazon. The only thing I can’t determine is if Aaron is doing another comic after this one?
12 thoughts on “12/04/2013”
Prairie Son
There’s more people going through this Zodon’s bedroom than in a French farce.
Stephen Bierce
Or Even HERE!
So the question remains… if the parents of this household are super!Zodon’s parents, who is this universe’s Zodon and where are HIS parents?
It is curious that he’d make this universe “look” uninhabited, too. Are there really so many universe-hunting horrors that seek out inhabited ones that making it look uninhabited served as a useful security measure?
@Segev: Our Zodon did it to keep the Superheroes of his own world from determining which alternate universe he’d exiled his parents to. By making the alternate universe the group is currently visiting look uninhabited, Zodon hoped that the heroes would not be able to find his folks, and he’d be able to conquer the world without parental interference. Little did he know that his parents already enrolled him in PS238!
As you guessed, the mom we saw was our Zodon’s mom. She fainted when she heard Zodon’s voice coming out of a different child. As for where alt!Zodon’s parents disappeared to, and why our Zodon had his parents replace alt!Zodon’s missing parents, that’s going to be revealed next issue.
As for who alt!Zodon is… he’s a regular kid, albeit a very clever and talented one. His parents dote on him and encourage him to pursue his interests. He is friends with Jeff. Does that answer your questions Segev?
What sort of ego trip do you get out of ruining other people’s fun by continually posting spoilers? How small a soul do you have that you find joy in the continual expression of “HA-HA! I have the dead-tree version and you don’t!”?
You are an epic-level jerk to be continually doing this.
Dude, come on, you don’t have to read the comments. This isn’t Facebook, stay civil.
Deth Invictus
There’s only so much civil to go around and I find myself siding with GameDamsel against leor613’s ongoing habit of getting its self-gratification with its smarmy I know what’s going on and here’s a clue or a blatant outright giveaway or you’ll find out in this many strips or whatever.
Seriously, stop the attention seeking.
I enjoy reading the comments, but not when leor613 is in them.
Leo, are you by any chance close to the author? You seem to know an awful lot about what’s going on in the series. If that’s the case, do you think you could tell me more about this RPG I keep hearing about. I picked up on it’s existence a long while ago, and there’s at least one paragraph about it on wikipedia. (I only own one RPG at the moment that I never get any use out of so there’s little chance I’d consider purchasing it at this point.) Still, the concept intrigues me…
How far into the future of PS238 would you say the game covers?
And, to the best of your knowledge, does it cover more than the dead tree edition?
Prairie Son
The game came out several years ago at this point, so it pretty much cuts off as of the end of the Septos invasion (so like, issue 27 or thereabouts). It uses the HERO system (point buy, often ridiculously complex IMHO) and doesn’t really reveal anything that you haven’t seen in the strip by this point, save that Ms Kyle keeps her super power on at a low level all the time, which is why she’s shortish and chubby looking.
Well, there’s write ups on some of the background shot students too.
There’s quite a bit more than that. The RPG gives answers to questions you’ve probably forgotten about. For example, what happened to aroura? Remember her? Also, the headmaster’s name, supporting characters origin stories, and thing about the kids’ powers even they don’t know yet. I highly suggest buying it on amozon. Not to mention, it’s fun to see all the characters given stats. You’ll be supprized to see whitch two students have the highest stats…
I bet Leo knows what is going to happen like I do. He bought the comic book.
I bought mine off Amazon. The only thing I can’t determine is if Aaron is doing another comic after this one?
Prairie Son
“Signs unclear, ask again later”
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