
14 thoughts on “12/02/2013

  1. Honestly, if he wipes out that universe after this discovery…I for one won’t blame him

    1. Maybe he could finesse the shot, and just take out the part with Simon Cowell..

  2. Muahaahaha… this is just precious! XD Victor Von Fogg taken down peg by peg 😀

  3. The Internet, complete with overdone Portal memes.

  4. Great Ghu! I’d love to be in the room when Victor Foglio sees this.

    1. Too late, since this issue is a few years old.

    2. Even aside from this issue being a few years old, a lot of webcomic artists — particularly those who used to work in Dragon and such — know each other. A version of Nodwick, for instance, has appeared in Girl Genius. I’d be willing to guess that Phil Foglio knew about this pretty early on.

  5. Oh, this is wonderful. 😀

  6. Hey kids, try and guess who’s speaking off panel at the bottom of the page!

    1. Our Zidon probably!

  7. Ouch. Please tell me he’s going to find blackmail material for his sister…

  8. I don’t remember this scene. My dead tree version must be missing some pages.

  9. LOL XD hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ROTFLOLCOPTER TROLLOLOLOLOLOL


    I don’t even watch American Idol, but this is comedy gold.

  10. OMG! this isn’t the world of Tyler the mastermind is it?

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