
9 thoughts on “11/14/2011

  1. Oh. It’s those two.
    =_= [air quotes] “Yay”. [/air quotes]

  2. It seems like the handwriting is different on this page


    Man, just when I thought I was maxed-out on hate-levels for Tyler’s parents, they reveal the doorway to the Hidden Hate-Cow Level. GAH. When will Revenant just adopt Tyler and get him away from these two douchebags?

    1. To be a little fair, we don’t know how old they were when they went public. I’m beginning to think they got powerful very young and have absolutely no idea how normal people do anything. They try, within their duties. They don’t seem malicious, but they take their clueless neglect to Galactus levels. (I look forward to when maybe a much older Moon Shadow is a known hero and they discover it’s Tyler…)

      1. Clueless or not, it’s still emotional abuse. Tyler isn’t allowed to feel good about himself as-is; unless he has powers, his parents don’t want anything to do with him (and that’s taken up to Galactus+ levels in the current posts). They slough him off on the school; they give his room away to Toby; they’re constantly putting Tyler thru dangerous & deadly crap just to “see if he develops powers”…good GODS. There’s a deadly alien invasion, and what’s the first thing these jackasses do? Ask if Tyler’s developed powers — not “are you okay??”, not “thank god you’re alive”.

        This goes beyond clueless. If this world’s version of CPS had any sense, Tyler would be in foster care & his parents ordered to undergo counseling.

        1. You’re right that it’s abuse, and quite awful. But you’re wrong that CPS would get involved or the implication that it’s rare. Parents like these exist IRL all over. Oh sure, they don’t put their kid in front of a radioactive werewolf in hopes he gets super-rabies but that’s only because radioactive werewolves don’t exist.

          And that’s before we get to the anti-vaxxers.

          And to me that’s what makes them such good characters (and bad parents). They’re so very *real*, and such a great example of the *&% that parents put their kids through every generation without even realizing it’s *&%$. I recall in the trade paperbacks Aaron Williams did a good spiel (which I will now butcher with my attempt to remember it)

          “You’re a kid, and you don’t know anything. But you’ve got all these adults telling you all these things that are contradictory and make no sense in a big, scary and intimidating world. The story I’m writing is trying to capture the idea that growing up is insane even before you have the ability to shoot beams of energy from your hands.”

        2. OMG this. That said, it’s probably worth mentioning that CPS isn’t amazing even when they do step in. They’re only able to place children in the care of other humans, who are fallible and have their own self-interests. A lot of these homes are only marginally better than the homes the kids were removed from.

          Tyler would probably do better in CPS care, except that really isn’t an option for him – his parent wouldn’t understand why he’d been taken away from them, and they’d seek him out and take him back. Sure, this world’s CPS probably has some superheroes of their own, but Tyler’s parents are top tier, and CPS probably wouldn’t have supers that could really stand up to them that well.

    2. They do seem to be really… off when it comes to social norms, don’t they?

    3. While I despise Sovereign and Ultima as much as anyone, I think responding to your pre-teen child hanging out with a member of the oppsite sex by joking about them dating is fairly normal. I don’t think it’s a great thing to do, but it’s normal

      Except I’m not sure the Powers have ever joked about anything in their lives.

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