Not at all… it looks like a smile to me. He’s a sort of chaos god, and with all this bunch of misfits all arguing over who gets to take him down… well… things are about to become a lot more fun for him.
Would it be a horrible loss to anyone (other than the yahoo squad and their lawyers) if Veles just de-powered them and dumped them in the lake so he could continue his civil conversation with 84…?
Ow… just ow… It looks like he is actually getting a headache from their stupidity. Atlas was an interesting hero and a decent foe. These people on the other hand wear to many flashy outfits and quite frankly think to highly about themselves. I wonder if he is going to strip them of their powers just to shut them up. I mean he did make a Godzilla like monster really easily and to be fair these jerks are pretty much asking for it.
I don’t think he’s going to have to make anybody do anything. This has all the hallmarks of a classic Captain Marvel/Superman “I’ll fight you to prove I’m the one who should fight the bad guy” clusterstomp.
In any event, having them stripped of their powers might confer some measure of humility, although I doubt it. The “supers” have had their own way too long.
In regards to Veles and his choosing, it would be better to let him lose to find a new champion. After all, he will NOT choose someone who is not his equal.
Well, Tyler is probably still flying around unobtrusively. Of course, it’s not like anyone in this impromptu “Theme-TeamCon” aside from the Vanguard would notice that he’s there. That would actually require them to pay attention beyond their own noses.
84, I would recommend 2 things,
#1 hide behind the target, it would be safer.
#2 Hit the target over the head with a cast iron frying pan from behind. No male of any race or divinity is immune to that.
At least the Elementalists have a decent spread, with an obvious tank (IS dude w/ jetpack), two dpses (Fire and Lightning dudes), and a mid/support (air lady; using wind powers to influence aerial battles can be ridiculously effective). Of the teams we’ve seen, they appear to at least have a clue how to actually plan ahead.
Anyone else kinda want to see the Q-Force from Nodwick do a cameo?
“And after milking their powers and public images for all they could for so many years, the transgressors spent the rest of their lives being milked out in a pasture somewhere.”
I’m starting to think that way too… frankly, Veles looks to be the sanest non-FISS here… I’m half inclined to form up as his bodyguard, and invite him to tea while we discuss the best way to organize the new Veles Olympic Challenge…
I don’t see it: Veles doesn’t seem the type who would deliberately throw down on a kid unless a) he knew she could take the hit and b) she was swinging at him.
So I could see him mixing it up with, say, Superboy. 84? …Not yet.
Veles is looking for someone who’s interesting to be his nemesis, not necessarily someone powerful. He’d choose 84 because she’s shown herself to be smarter and more cunning than the circus rejects surrounding them, not because of her ability to take punches. Remember, he’s a TRICKSTER god.
Those two guys from the Psikinetics remind me of the last set of villains Cecil and the Revenant tangled with (when the Rev was checking out Cecil’s “alien” detecting ability), while the one Elementalist guy looks like he could be Coach Rockslide’s brother.
Yes, but I love the Carnivale lookalike’s design, and also the face on the Psyghost thing, which is probably a dead ringer for Herchel’s Wife whose name I can’t be bothered to look up right now.
I count only two characters that may wind up becoming Veles’ new target, maybe even 3. And only one of them is present unless the “maybe third” one is part of the last group because he followed his parents and they are part of the late arrivals.
She’s just trying to figure out what is going on, meanwhile all of these supers are butting in, now that the innocent guy is out of the way. I can only see one way that this could end well, & I doubt that anybody else there would see it that way.
My prediction: Veles will randomly pick a hero to challenge and pick Moon Shadow, or pick 84 after announcing he is picking the most mentally mature hero.
I’m actually starting to feel sorry for the non-FISS heroes. FISS know they’re not special. They accept it and get on with their day. Non-FISS, on the other hand, have to try so hard to prove their worth. So, so hard. And fail.
I think that after this 84 should get her own blog and set the record straight on what immature jerks the grown up heroes are and shame them all to shaping up.
Steps to proving your a worthy rival for a god.
1. Don’t think your a worthy rival to a god.
2. Be apropriatly scared of the god.
3. Try to talk first.
4. Be willing to man up if talking doesn’t work.
Except unfortunately all these idiots showing up clearly DO think they’re gods, if anything they’re behaving way more pompous than the average god including the one they’re ticking off. I doubt any of them will learn any lessons from the likely serious curb-stomping they’re about to get from the very bored god.
don’t most superheroes just assume that beings calling themselves ‘gods’ are really just other supers with bigger egos?
True, but lets take a look at the history books. The “God” class tends to have the power to back it up. If this guy can easily magic up a Godzilla class monster just for fun… These guys are way out of their power class. It’s like stepping up to a Klingon and then insulting him to his face while your as skinny as a stick with no fighting skills. Said Klingon with either walk away from your stupidity or slam you hard into the ground. That’s why you play it smart and get a phazer or do something smart.
Veles’ foe has to be a strongman type, and a direct thinker – that is in his nature. And Veles himself looks for the strongest, i.e. Atlas. So Moonshadow is out. And unless 84 is strong even for a FISS she may not be Veles’ choice either.
Well, in fairness, most of them couldn’t flex their powers without threatening what’s-his-face, Atlas’ buddy, and they’d been specifically ordered not to do that. Now that the only possible collateral damage involves the FISS that nobody respects, they feel free to open fire.
91 thoughts on “10/17/2014”
Judging by the expression Veles is about one more pompous jackass remark shy of Officially Having Had Enough Of This Shit…
This statement made me laugh – ++.
Perfect description, right there.
Not at all… it looks like a smile to me. He’s a sort of chaos god, and with all this bunch of misfits all arguing over who gets to take him down… well… things are about to become a lot more fun for him.
Would it be a horrible loss to anyone (other than the yahoo squad and their lawyers) if Veles just de-powered them and dumped them in the lake so he could continue his civil conversation with 84…?
Prairie Son
Toy merchandisers would get a bit miffed as well.
He’s getting bored. When dealing with a near-omnipotent being, you do NOT want to bore him, because he WILL start making his own “fun”.
Ow… just ow… It looks like he is actually getting a headache from their stupidity. Atlas was an interesting hero and a decent foe. These people on the other hand wear to many flashy outfits and quite frankly think to highly about themselves. I wonder if he is going to strip them of their powers just to shut them up. I mean he did make a Godzilla like monster really easily and to be fair these jerks are pretty much asking for it.
By the Farmstead
I’m hoping to see this show.
Bonus points for being over water.
My bet is, after this battle is done, he chooses 84 as his next nemesis.
@ Doc: I was thinking he’d ask 84 for advice for a new nemesis, and she suggests Moonshadow.
Tyler: “Wait, WHAT?!”
Toby: “My destiny-sense is tingling again… Aw man, where’s Tyler now?”
I think we’re about three panels away from him making all these blowhards fight each other.
Marc Cabot
I don’t think he’s going to have to make anybody do anything. This has all the hallmarks of a classic Captain Marvel/Superman “I’ll fight you to prove I’m the one who should fight the bad guy” clusterstomp.
Should be fun.
Yeaaaaah. Trickster God + Arrogant Heroes Trying To Take Credit = Friendly Fire Incident.
“i shall battle the most powerful among you! prove yourself” that’s all he would have to do probably
Oh… So after the Infinite Vanguard do all the hard work, THESE bozos come out to ‘kill steal’.
C’mon Veles, ignore these clowns! The Infinite Vanguard is all that’s needed to take you down!
No, no, don’t ignore them.
Do something hilarious to them. *evil grin*
Infinite Vanguard ??? I’d stick with the Numbers.
In any event, having them stripped of their powers might confer some measure of humility, although I doubt it. The “supers” have had their own way too long.
In regards to Veles and his choosing, it would be better to let him lose to find a new champion. After all, he will NOT choose someone who is not his equal.
Robin Bobcat
It was the only superteam name not taken.
Bets on it being Ultima Powers and Family (minus Tyler) who is boasting off-panel about their “might?”
Ugh! The elder Powers are among the worst of a bad lot.
Well, Tyler is probably still flying around unobtrusively. Of course, it’s not like anyone in this impromptu “Theme-TeamCon” aside from the Vanguard would notice that he’s there. That would actually require them to pay attention beyond their own noses.
84, I would recommend 2 things,
#1 hide behind the target, it would be safer.
#2 Hit the target over the head with a cast iron frying pan from behind. No male of any race or divinity is immune to that.
This sorting into teams by power is a very ineffective way to get a team that can handle every situation.
By the Farmstead
Wasn’t the FISS only group that junior Ajax was starting part of that same problem? I always like mixed groups in comics and gaming.
Yep, minimum requirement for a decent superhero group is a brick, an energy projector, a martial artist and a psion 🙂
flyer, although that can one of the above as well. and rich guy. need a base somehow
Its more like a social movement not a group to fight supervillains
At least the Elementalists have a decent spread, with an obvious tank (IS dude w/ jetpack), two dpses (Fire and Lightning dudes), and a mid/support (air lady; using wind powers to influence aerial battles can be ridiculously effective). Of the teams we’ve seen, they appear to at least have a clue how to actually plan ahead.
Anyone else kinda want to see the Q-Force from Nodwick do a cameo?
Prairie Son
I wonder how the DMA is going to handle having so many of their supers turned into newts.
Veles is also the god of cattle. He might prefer a more bivine form for arrogant supers.
“And after milking their powers and public images for all they could for so many years, the transgressors spent the rest of their lives being milked out in a pasture somewhere.”
I’m starting to wonder if 84 would be better off teaming up with Veles.
I’m starting to think that way too… frankly, Veles looks to be the sanest non-FISS here… I’m half inclined to form up as his bodyguard, and invite him to tea while we discuss the best way to organize the new Veles Olympic Challenge…
Mister Andersen
I’m still banking on him choosing her as his new nemesis
Moe Lane
I don’t see it: Veles doesn’t seem the type who would deliberately throw down on a kid unless a) he knew she could take the hit and b) she was swinging at him.
So I could see him mixing it up with, say, Superboy. 84? …Not yet.
Veles is looking for someone who’s interesting to be his nemesis, not necessarily someone powerful. He’d choose 84 because she’s shown herself to be smarter and more cunning than the circus rejects surrounding them, not because of her ability to take punches. Remember, he’s a TRICKSTER god.
Moe Lane
That’s true. I could even see it becoming a mildly demented mentoring…
LOL, beat me to that comment. =)
Those two guys from the Psikinetics remind me of the last set of villains Cecil and the Revenant tangled with (when the Rev was checking out Cecil’s “alien” detecting ability), while the one Elementalist guy looks like he could be Coach Rockslide’s brother.
Horatio Von Becker
Yes, but I love the Carnivale lookalike’s design, and also the face on the Psyghost thing, which is probably a dead ringer for Herchel’s Wife whose name I can’t be bothered to look up right now.
The stone guy is a IS that needs a jetpack to fly and probable gets more respect than a FISS
The Almighty 404
I count only two characters that may wind up becoming Veles’ new target, maybe even 3. And only one of them is present unless the “maybe third” one is part of the last group because he followed his parents and they are part of the late arrivals.
Frith Ra
Poor 84.
She’s just trying to figure out what is going on, meanwhile all of these supers are butting in, now that the innocent guy is out of the way. I can only see one way that this could end well, & I doubt that anybody else there would see it that way.
My prediction: Veles will randomly pick a hero to challenge and pick Moon Shadow, or pick 84 after announcing he is picking the most mentally mature hero.
Aaron K
I’m guessing that 84 is going to have a nice little Tea Party session soon with him.
She’s the only one who hasn’t really tried to attack him.
I’m guessing that’s how Atlas 1 became his Rival. Veles is big on Respect. These yahoos don’t respect him, so he’s nerfbatting them around.
I’m actually starting to feel sorry for the non-FISS heroes. FISS know they’re not special. They accept it and get on with their day. Non-FISS, on the other hand, have to try so hard to prove their worth. So, so hard. And fail.
I think that after this 84 should get her own blog and set the record straight on what immature jerks the grown up heroes are and shame them all to shaping up.
I think its obvious veles is going to pick 84
Mister Andersen
I think its obvious he is going to pick 84
Veles seems to have a Target Rich Environment at the moment. This is going to be fun.
Prairie Son
For us.
Steps to proving your a worthy rival for a god.
1. Don’t think your a worthy rival to a god.
2. Be apropriatly scared of the god.
3. Try to talk first.
4. Be willing to man up if talking doesn’t work.
6. If someone asks if you’re a god, you say YES!
Except unfortunately all these idiots showing up clearly DO think they’re gods, if anything they’re behaving way more pompous than the average god including the one they’re ticking off. I doubt any of them will learn any lessons from the likely serious curb-stomping they’re about to get from the very bored god.
don’t most superheroes just assume that beings calling themselves ‘gods’ are really just other supers with bigger egos?
True, but lets take a look at the history books. The “God” class tends to have the power to back it up. If this guy can easily magic up a Godzilla class monster just for fun… These guys are way out of their power class. It’s like stepping up to a Klingon and then insulting him to his face while your as skinny as a stick with no fighting skills. Said Klingon with either walk away from your stupidity or slam you hard into the ground. That’s why you play it smart and get a phazer or do something smart.
Otherwise you’ll be stuck with crossing the streams….
My preferred response is from the perspective of one of the Exalted: “I am no mere god!”
Andrew Rawlings
And so 84 learns that adult heroes are just as immature about competitiveness and cliquey gangs as elementary school children.
The psikinetics will be mind wiped and the elementalists will be swatted by elements etc all the teams will be defeated at their own games.
Matt [in Middletown]
Veles: “You know what? I give up, I have a show to watch.”
If Veles had pupils he’d be rolling his eyes
Veles’ foe has to be a strongman type, and a direct thinker – that is in his nature. And Veles himself looks for the strongest, i.e. Atlas. So Moonshadow is out. And unless 84 is strong even for a FISS she may not be Veles’ choice either.
Mr. Bawkbagawk
I see all these supers flexing at Veles and all I can think is “we’re gonna need another Timmy!”
Where where these idiots … err I mean heroes when Veles was sitting on top of the giant lizard sidekick?
Jonathan S
Well, in fairness, most of them couldn’t flex their powers without threatening what’s-his-face, Atlas’ buddy, and they’d been specifically ordered not to do that. Now that the only possible collateral damage involves the FISS that nobody respects, they feel free to open fire.
This will not end well. For them, anyway.