
14 thoughts on “09/25/2013

  1. Or the other way around, eh, Patriot? Baahahahahahaha!

  2. Hmm, so one of the universal constants is Omaha?

    1. Why not? It’s either that or New York, & who wants to live there?

      1. I do. But I can see Omaha being a fixed point in the multi-verse. Capt. Jack Harkness should feel very comfortable there!

  3. I still think the floating head in magnetic chair is a hologram as well, and that we haven’t yet actually seen Zodon beyond the illusion. He could look like anything or anyone really. What if he turns out to be the class bunny rabbit? Or, better still, what if Zodon is really is Bernard’s half brother or even his biological twin. I mean, we know there’s metal in their somewhere, but what is it really housing? Could he be like wolverine?We already know he’s like Captain America.

    1. When I said twin I meant “with braces” and when i used thier I probably meant there. sorry.

    2. I’ve always thought that with Zodon, what we see is what we get. He’s always in his hover chair and he never uses his hands. I’ve gotten the impression that this super smart genius is also a quadriplegic. So, with limited physical ability he has somehow created this chair which allows him freedom. It just gives me the impression that he’s not evil per se, but he is angry at the world.

      1. I would subscribe to the “super-, no, REALLY super-genius baby” idea with Zodon; it would explain his appearance and need for a hover-chair to get around with any alacrity and to have controls that can perform gross motor functions with any strength.

        I would, that is, except that we’ve had several weeks – at least a month, probably more than one – pass since we first met him, in-story, and he’s not grown notably. While some of that could be “comics aging,” with babies it just doesn’t work unless you have an explanation that says “and he won’t grow any further because super-science reasons.”

        Maybe he’s a toddler – 1 or 2 years old – and out of his first major growth cycle, though.

        Or maybe he just looks really weird.

        1. Zodon’s body is slightly atrophied; his head is larger than it should be (to accommodate his larger than average brain) and according to the RPG sourcebook, the band on his forehead is actually an anti-gravity generator that he designed to make it easier to hold his hold upright. Zodon’s hands and legs are beneath the control panel of his hover-chair.

  4. Okay, everybody remember where we parked the trans-demensional gate.

  5. Fallout Shelter sign. Wonder if that’s current?

    1. Wow, good eye; I completely missed those random letters in the corner, and may never have gotten the “whole” of the message until you pointed it out.

    2. You don’t generally build a fall out shelter after the fact, so any currency would be based on threat levels not radiation levels. If its in active use…

  6. I hope they have the freedom to smack uppity kid-sized politicians upside the head in this dimension. =_=

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