
25 thoughts on “09/19/2014

  1. In case you’ve been wondering: Veles is basically the slavic pantheon’s answer to Loki. Trickster, mage, and eternal rival of the thunder god (Perun).

    He was also associated with dragons (which fits Bertram’s new form) and a protector of cattle herds, hence the horns he’s often depicted with.

    1. …Also, Chernobog’s armpits are just flat-out nasty.

    2. Ah, thank you. I wouldn’t have known that. So now I’m wondering if the Marvel (C) version of Loki with the impressive horns is an homage to this fellow.

      1. No, he’s had them forever.

      2. Nope, more likely they are an homage to Ol’ nick, as Loki was originally conceived of as generically evil.

    3. jimbotherisenclown

      It’s good to see a member of the Russian pantheon get some representation in modern stories. The pantheon has more than a few superficial similarities to the better known Norse pantheon, though I find it to be far more interesting. I’ll always have a soft spot for Perun and Veles in particular, too, given that Perun was one of the most fun RP characters I’ve ever played.

      1. I really like Slavic pantheon. They are much more like a supers team, because they have a god for ANYTHING & EVERYTHING.
        Mathematics? Chislobog. Anything else? There is a god for that too! 🙂
        Its something new? Well, they’ll have a god for it in a bit. :>

    4. Question is the slavic pantion : norse pantheon the way the greek : the roman?

      1. Nah, they’re all variations on a theme, probably going back to the original Indo-European barbarians when they still lived on the steppes.

        1. One theory about Veles and Perun is that they reflect an ancient cultural conflict…nomadic herders versus settled farmers. When the two cultures merged, their respective deities took up opposing positions in the pantheon.

  2. Bored god = dangerous god.

    The glyphs on the staff keep changing.

    I don’t suppose anyone has bothered to tell Veles that Atlas is off-planet for the foreseeable future. If Veles believed that, would he take another chosen nemesis, e.g. 84?

    So, what will dumping Bertram and Veles in the harbor do?

    1. Maybe Bertram will shrink in the wash.

    2. It’ll at least make it harder for him to set things on fire.

      1. That depends on how he’s spewing fire. Some chemical fires can burn in water.

        1. I don’t think that New York Harbor is quite *that* polluted anymore.

    3. It prevents him from setting things on fire.
      It also limits his movements.
      And the god might jsut be annoyed enough by being turned into wet goat to run off.

    4. Who says that they drop him in the harbour,somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic would be more likely.


  4. I somehow see this being turned into massive publicity for 84. It’s her idea to dump him in the water, and I’m pretty sure Brian/73 is going to basically gush over her efforts here.

  5. I can’t help thinking how cool it would be for Forak to make a significant contribution here – probably not by finally being “heroic”, but maybe by pulling out some strategy that let him set a high score in one of his video games.

    1. Flappy birds ?

      1. Large slingshot, endless supply of pigeons, and a live action game of Angry Birds. Any questions?

  6. I have a very important question:

    Why the left armpit of Chernobog? Is it inherently more horrible than the right armpit? 😉

    1. Each armpit is more horrible than the last.

    2. In mythos, the left is considered more “sinister” than the right.

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