
58 thoughts on “09/09/2014

  1. ahh, they forgot to mention: Godzilla sized.

    It might take all of them to get the job done.

    1. Size, shape and almost the same in most respects except this one is spikier and with more class.

  2. It’s a good thing they don’t have to telephone someone else for help, Moon Shadow is sitting on the phone books.

    Well, we now have a clue what a class five is; I assume 1 is something like baby goldfish and it theoretically could scale up to a Galactus level threat at around never-mind-the-number-just-bring-me-some-new-pants.

    84 definitely has the most important parts of being the leader down: Keep in mind that everything is a team effort and never split the party. I’d say something about never letting the thief out of sight, but I don’t think Forak counts as a thief.

    1. I think “Class 1” is superhero-talk for “Cat Stuck In Tree”. 😉

      1. Sale at the Donut shop and cop stuck in a booth.

    2. THE Nodrog or just A Nodrog? 😉

    3. I remembered Doctor Positron’s Science Corner, in the comics, mentioning classes of threats, but I just went through all of my back issues and the only thing actually described is an “Omega Event”, a world-altering threat such as a villain threatening to blow up the Moon or release an engineered virus that would turn all of humanity into mindless slaves.

  3. …Heh. I was expecting ‘Cat Stuck In Tree.’ On the bright side, showing up with a half-dozen or so super-strong and durable flyers to fight Tieju is actually not a bad call.

    1. A “Cat Stuck in Tree” is a Class 0.

  4. Come to think of it… at least half the FISS’s will have lots of experience in the Superhero bizz.

    1. And they’re invulnerable, so what’s the worst that could happen?

  5. The rags (and bow tie) the monster is wearing suggest it may be a transformed and massively expanded human, whose clothing was only partially transformed. If so, then while the FISS’s may be able to help restrain the monster, they may not be able to turn it back into a human. It’s also possible that whoever or whatever transformed this monster may transform other people, creating more monsters.
    Which of 84’s classmates might be able to help in the situation? The Flea might help figure out what’s going on by using the senses of millions of insects. Toby could change the monster back, but the price he or someone would have to pay might be too large. If the transformation was caused by magic, Malphast might be able to help. If it was done by some technological means, Zodon might be useful. If whoever did this came from a parallel universe, they need Guardian Angel.

    1. I keep looking for a fez, with that outfit there must be a fez somewhere.

      1. Or a white lab coat. . .

    2. Well, that would explain the ‘orders to avoid termination’ part from two pages ago.

    3. Let’s not put the cart before the horse. Sure, 84 and the others don’t have the powers to change him back but note that the non-FISS supers already there have yet to restrain Bowtiezilla. Restraining him has to come before any attempt at restoring him to human form. It may seem futile without any way to transform him, but if he’s not contained, he’s going to continue to do damage to the city and scaring people.

  6. Well, of course it’s wearing a bow tie. Bow ties are cool.

  7. Hah, 84 is literally tugging on Forak’s cape to get him to do his job.

    1. I like the irony of Forak’s cape showing “V” for victim. Making him the new Atlas is a PR disaster waiting to happen. ’71’ looks like a MUCH better candidate, even if he doesn’t want the leadership role himself. Julie using his cape reminded me of that gag from the Incredibles, but used to pull him to his job.

      1. That’s not a ‘V’, it is an inverted Argosian ‘A’.

  8. Looks like Comics Code Clothing Physics (AKA the “Hulk’s pants” rule) still applies – no matter how big the transformed form, the critical parts of the clothing *will* survive and still fit. The bow tie was probably critical for coolness or humor instead of modesty.

    1. Ah, the “Magic Pants” rule. 😀

      1. Yep. Although, given how big the split tail is, I still hope someone’s ready with a bathrobe or something if the transformation gets reversed. Otherwise it could be embarrassing (unless “Magic Pants” also regenerate).

      2. No one (with the exception of Skaar’s mum) wants to see the Hulk without his magical purple pants. No one. *shudders*

        1. Too late! (Rule 34) I’ve already seen a drawing (I will not say where) that wasn’t too bad, but will disturb you a bit.

        2. I worked in the Mighty Marvel Mailroom for a short while many MANY years ago. I remember a cartoon someone had on the wall that showed Hulk with an enormous um, “member” looking down confused and saying; “Hulk knows it’s big. Hulk just wishes he knew what it was FOR!”

        3. Given the fact of Skaar’s existence (for a given value of ‘fact’ and, indeed, ‘existence’) I’d say he found out. Or Skaar’s mum explained it to him, at least…

    2. I wonder if this is a reference to Fin Fang Foom’s inexplicable pants :P.

  9. With the “scraps” of clothing, this reminds me of Lizzie in Rampage, but she only breathed fire if she ate a fuel tank, or the soldier carrying the flame-thrower. Mind you, this is likely male, based on the outfit. One heck of a growth spurt there buddy.

    1. It is good that she isn’t Lizzie, given that the victory conditions for that game were primarily based on taking the buildings down. Ah, fun times.

  10. OK, not a kitten in a tree. It took me a second look to realize that the specks around the monster were supers, including one who looks like he/she just bounced off it.

    I love how Moon Shadow is depicted as sitting on books to reach the controls. Consistent with prior work and amusing.

    The Central Park gardeners are going to need to put in a whole lot of overtime after this.

    1. we’re assuming thats what they sent forak for. they’ve got this handled HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE on tree cat duty afterall

      1. Forak the gardener! I hadn’t thought of that and it is highly amusing. Given his like of video games, train him using Farmville.

  11. You don’t tug on superman’s cape, (but Archon.2 you sorta have to)

    And you don’t mess around with F.I.S.S.!

  12. I’m having a scale error with the “clothing” here.

    It’s an important clue that this is probably a transformed human (so try not to kill it), but there just isn’t that much cloth in an outfit that a human might wear.

    Or are we looking the remains of a circus tent that the transformed person happened to be standing inside?

    1. Maybe a Superhero with the ability to grow got transformed while being big?
      Or while trying to contain the original (Level 2-3 threat) they accidently hit it with a growth-beam?

      We will find out soon. Same PS238 time, same PS238 channel.

    2. It’s the “Hulk effect”. No matter how big you get, you will always have enough clothing to stay G-rated.

  13. A FISS with the name “Slamhawk” ?? I guess we know what his favorite method of attack is . . .

    1. A New York hero may not be a FISS, although they clearly have some form of flight.
      I expect wings from a hawk named hero.

  14. I’m starting to like 71. Aside from his fanboish fawning over 84, he seems to be a fairly level-headed sort of guy.

  15. Love the Jimmy Olsen reference.

    1. Oh dur! Only just caught that!

      Good work.

  16. 84 is a capable leader-in-training, 71 knows the locals and can get intel, no one is flying off the handle and attack willy-nilly…

    … this FISS-team may work out quite nicely. 🙂 They’ll work out even better if they get rid of Forak somehow.

  17. There is one dragon that wears a vest and a bow tie. The Jaberwock from Alice through the Looking Glass.

    1. I doubt that the Jabberwock would run around with shredded clothes

      1. Maybe he’s looking for a tailor.

  18. Is… is that Pee Wee Herman’s standard outfit on the… creature?

    Or is it supposed to be Steve Urkel’s?

  19. Since they are a massive team of FISS supers, it may be an option for them just to hold it down until a cure or tranquilizer can be administered. Not very showy, but it would minimize damage to the surroundings and the creature/person.

    1. As a big group of FISS supers, it is likely that they can more easily lift it off the ground than hold it down. Lifting off the ground deprives it of a lot of leverage and footing, and unless it has flight powers of its own, it allows you to control its movement and keep it away from important stuff.

  20. Why, hello there Edison! You’re looking a bit worse for wear after your encounter with the good Doctor.

    So, which Sphere exactly is this? 😀

  21. Under the pant rule, doesn’t the existence of a Halter top, sort of, indicate the victim is most likely female?

    Suddenly wondering if PS238 is due for a new student at the close of this arc?

    1. If that is the case, that might be a ribbon on the neck rather than a tie.

      And again I want Aaron to make a cast page identifying all of these people.

      1. If that’s a halter top, then… we are looking at a giant, fire-breathing reptile in hotpants?!

        o_o I feel scarred.

        1. Could be a skirt, or perhaps a skort.

  22. It could be just the haircut, but doesn’t 71 bear a resemblance to Yeager, albeit one with brains ?
    (long time lurker, first time poster)

    1. To paraphrase Rich Burlew, there’s only so many ways to draw a muscle-bound lummox.

  23. Quick question while the Fiss team flies to the “Monster”.

    Does the “Mon-Wed-Fri” still apply to this comic, or did I miss an announcement?

    1. The regular schedule ended with the end of the printed comics. Now it’s all new work, so the schedule’s a bit slower.

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