
35 thoughts on “08/25/2014

  1. New Your is under attack by a giant killer shrub, with orders to not let itself get trimmed?

  2. Hmmm… 71 is turning down the ‘adult stalking little girl’ creepiness a notch but turning the cluelessness up to eleven.

  3. Are we talking about getting an aligator from the sewer?

    1. no if i had to guess i’d say Mutated endangered animal

  4. Watch this turn out to be “rescue a kitten stuck in a tree.”

    1. Pretty much what I thought.

      1. Not for a Level Five. That’s more like a really grumpy billy goat.

    2. It’s obviously a rogue greased pig who ran away from the bacon facility. A very ANGRY rogue greased pig.

      1. If this is the Wonder Pig from Justice League Unlimited, he might be in for quite a bit of trouble.

    3. no that would be a level one organic relocation

  5. I’m thinking a baby sharktopus…

  6. >_< If it turns out Forak's been pushing this whole thing so he'd have F.I.S.S. backup, I shall think better of his intellect — but I'll still want to kick his butt. Preferably with an Argonite boot.

  7. After some archive-bingeing, I have come up with a scary thought.

    The U.S.A. army developed Argonite to restrain Atlas and the F.I.S.S. because, and I quote, “they’re unstoppable”. What happens if the army gets wind of the 84 Fanclub and decides they’re a menace to national security…? I bet the Headmaster could convince them of it if they can’t make up their own minds.

    1. Correction: ATLAS was unstoppable. He’s the superman expy, so he ranks higher than every other FISS. She’s 84? He’s _One_. The original (for this world) and the best (for this world).

      1. Wasn’t Mr. Extraordinary technically FISS #1?

        1. No. They didn’t start numbering until the Department of Metahuman Affairs was founded and registration became mandatory.

        2. Also, nobody but our heroes knew about him flying. He was just ISS until their school history report.

        3. To clear some things up:
          – Registration isn’t mandatory. Doctor Positron said that mandatory registration of meta-abilities would cause chaos in the flashbacks that Tyler was having of Mr. Cranston’s former job as President, specifically the one where Cranston is removed from office. See Issue 27: Remember When I Was President.

          – Mr. Extraordinary is FISS #1. There’s a few things to back this up. First. The FBI agent, Mr. Griffen, that was handling Mr. Extraordinary’s leash when he was working with them figured it out after Naomi told him that “you can’t make an angel do bad things… they just fly away.” in Issue 7: Mr. Extraordinary. It’s likely that his reports would have been declassified by the time of the events being depicted and given that he would have been doing his damnedest to find Mr. Extraordinary, you can bet there’s probably some records of him telling agents to keep an eye on the skies. Furthermore, the movie that Ajax, aka FISS #82, was shown while sparring with the Headmaster flat out says that Mr. Extraordinary was FISS #1. Given the style of the movie and that Ajax said it was old, I think it was likely made in the 40’s to 70’s. (As a side note, it’s been stated that there are thousands of Metas out there. Given the apparent exponential growth of the meta population and how steady the FISS count seems to increase in comparison, I’d say that the movie couldn’t have been produced later than the early 60’s.) Not only that, there’s a page later that confirms that Mr. Extraordinary is FISS #1.

          – Most FISS types, in comparison to humans, are unstoppable. Forak is probably in the bottom percentile, possibly in the bottom tenth percentile, of the FISS spectrum while Atlas was certainly in the 99th percentile at least. (And before you say there’s only 84 known FISS types, I’d like to point out that there’s probably hundreds with parts of that powerset or even the whole thing with extras on top.) Atlas may have indeed been the best, but from what we’ve seen of Julie and Atlas when he was just Ul-Ron Peterson growing up on an Iowa farm, I’d say that Julie is at least as powerful as he was. She no-selled two blows from Thunderclap, a guy that looks like a cross between Bane and Doomsday, and she’s only 8-10 years old at most. If meta-powers can be exercised like muscles, then she could be as powerful if not more powerful than Atlas when she’s older.

          – Given what we know and the time period involved in Atlas’ childhood, Argonite was probably developed in the 50’s and 60’s as a countermeasure against FISS types from the USSR and the communist Bloc. That it worked to help sell Argos’ destruction probably let them do some damage control on a potential leak. That said, with all of the watchdog organizations out there and how much scrutiny the US government would come under for it, I would think that any plan that involved mobilizing the military against US citizens is going to be very, very carefully thought over and even then would like only be used in a last resort where it’s clear that the group in question is hostile.

          Sorry for the wall of text, but I keep seeing a lot of comments that are clearly contradicted by canon material. Admittedly the last two points are mostly speculation, but I think they are decent speculation given the information.

  8. It is nice to know that talking w. Forak is on Julie’s “to do” list, but of course there is an interruption. So what is it?

    “category five” ??? no scale available
    “organic menace” monster
    “orders to avoid termination” don’t kill it

    So, like other commenters said, kitten in a tree… or Godzilla.

    1. If it is Godzilla does that mean Forak is beyond the Godzilla threashold?
      And does that mean it will now be renamed Forak threshold?

    2. Godzilla in a tree…

  9. Maybe it means the monster has orders to avoid killing anyone, so they think it’s a more appropriate threat level to start Forak on.

  10. No, he wants to follow you to New York.

  11. Because “Rampaging livestock in Central Park” sounds less military

  12. My guess is some animals escaped the zoo. Like, probably an elephant, but maybe a few monkeys instead.

  13. This will get out of hand and need them all. Their first team win.

  14. How high proof is that punch 71 is drinking? Must be pretty strong if he thinks that going with Forak is a good idea. Plus, a class five? Do you realize how much the claws of a cat in a tree can hurt?!?

  15. Why is a little girl the most sensible person present?

    1. Because she’s managed to avoid becoming a Belieber, unlike the rest of them.

    2. In some family’s that is normal. Adults have been warped to some degree in many ways, some more so than others.
      The clearer thinkers often are young and have less mental clutter to navigate through to get a straight and full answer.

    3. None of the adults had PS238 to teach them. And they’ve been told all their lives that they are pretty much worthless.

  16. Did 71 just drink the Kool-Aid?

  17. Julie is the most level-headed person in the room because her brain has not yet been warped by hormones. Seriously I have watched perfectly sane and rational 9 and 10 YO turn into blithering idiots by menarche. Similar effects for testosterone but since the onset is more gradual you have to watch the changes on a year-by-year basis instead of living with them. I have 3 grown kids of my own and a few dozen nieces and nephews.

  18. She STILL needs to point out that she didn’t start the team, and the information needs to be corrected.

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