
32 thoughts on “08/12/2014

  1. yaay! Where was this hiding for 2 days? 8)

  2. Good save on not saying “Punch” there Forak. Good save.

    1. I was thinking the same thing once I figured out why he made that save. Took the second or third look before I followed his eyes.

  3. Forak has, in all likelihood, successfully railroaded Julie into going ahead with this. And she is too inexperienced to back out gracefully. However, since this is clearly a pattern of behavior for Forak, what she strongly needs to do is to block Forak from doing it again. Something like:
    Forak did this without consulting me. I will support this decision, but because of this and other similar problems with Forak, I deny Forak’s ability to speak for me on anything in the future. If it didn’t come directly from me, it isn’t me, and don’t trust Forak.

    1. No, no. Tell them this is all the new Atlas’ work. He should be the leader and run things. My priority is on school and I’m not joining a team at this point in my career.

      She doesn’t want to alienate all her friends now that she knows why they’re mad. She has enough to do to mend fences. Do not say you support his decision because that is a blessing on his lies.

  4. Oh, no… I have a terrible feeling of foreboding.
    If 84 / Julie isn’t careful, she’ll be turned into a figurehead.

    1. She already has been.

  5. -laugh-
    I totally see Julie telling Tyler about how all the FISS are looking at her is this great heroine and blowing out of proportion what she did, and Tyler saying or thinking ‘Welcome to my world’.

    1. OTP, anyone? 😉 I kid, I kid! But at the very least, they have a lot in common. Can’t hurt their friendship. ^^

      1. And he is, after all, her consort…

  6. I really, really, REALLY shouldn’t be laughing here. I mean, this has “This Will End Badly” written all over it in forty meter tall, neon green letters. But I just can’t help myself. 🙂

  7. She’s gained enough confidence to stand her ground against disapproval — now she has to stand up against approval. That’s trickier.

  8. I hope everything there is made of reinforced concrete or superalloys.

  9. I have to wonder why so many seem to think Forak’s responsible for all of that, when 71 is the one who actually created the original webpage regarding 84 and it was his efforts to get material on her from Forak that led to the creation of the FISS-only super-team. Also while Forak looked up the name for it he’s never actually admitted to creating it, it’s a good chance 71’s responsible for that if not completely at least in good measure.

    Remember, Forak’s indoctrinated to be a flunky, and flunkies don’t have initiative. His behavior has been an eagerness to please 71 and try and do what he’s been left thinking is a good thing for 84 as well. It’s odd seeing so many acting as if he’s some mastermind eagerly railroading her into the position of heroic leader of the FISS, we really need a lot more explicit material than what we’ve seen to put all off on him instead of being more the result of a simple eagerness to please individuals perceived as higher ranking than him.

    1. I think it mainly has to do with the fact that none of us like him.

      1. I was starting to realize that, since there is someone else far more deserving of the criticism who isn’t getting any of it and Forak’s failings due to being brought up in a victimizing environment seem to be ignored. He had an abusive boss to the point he was treated little different than how they treat non-powered members of their world (he couldn’t even handle flying because he wasn’t allowed to fly) and as a victim of that environment he’s following those patterns because he still has to learn and develop better ones which 84 is supposed to help him do. Of which part of it is going to be her becoming more assertive (since she’s still a kid and learning too) and taking control of things instead of letting herself be swept along like she’s been so far (such as how she was sent off as a Trojan Horse by Forak’s leaders when someone more mature and experienced wouldn’t have fallen for their scheme).

        1. Being front man doesn’t absolve you of bad behavior.
          He definitely needs to be broken of this ‘your people’ delusion. Dividing people into groups is a lot of the ongoign issues: FISS or not, powered or not, which school…. Super heroes on this world are way more varied and FISS are not a royalry to get in with.

        2. Except FISS as a group are already divided out and unlike on Forak’s world they’re marginalized because they’re the most common super-power category. Also his ‘Your People’ line is likely more a reference to Earthlings rather than FISS, and 84 took it to be more exclusive a reference.

          I also don’t see Forak as trying to make the local FISS into Royalty, he’s listened to 71 explain how the local FISS are treated poorly and compared them to his people’s FISS and thought ‘well gee these people do a LOT more for the people than mine do and should get the recognition they deserve for it’. While he may be going about it the wrong way his intentions are good and he should get credit for them instead of demonized when he’s only got the tools he’s learned to work with from his world.

    2. 71 may have set it up, but it’s Forak who has been taking pictures, telling everyone where she’s going to be so they can take pictures and videos, etc.

      1. Which makes him simply 71’s lackey, Forak wouldn’t be doing any of that but for 71 providing him with the reasons for doing so. 71 should be getting most of the heat for things instead of none of it.

  10. Hmmm, so she has a 9 person team not including herself and Forak, mainly of adults and all looking at her for leadership and guidance. There are people who’d kill to be able to draw such a reaction out of people and she’s managed it without even trying simply by being a good person. I wonder if they’ve got someone to bankroll them or if they’re self-financed, either way things are certainly snow-balling.

  11. Counting Julie and Forak, there are 12 people on that roof… You missed the one sitting down at the table lower right.

    1. One or two of those might be serving staff/managers from the restaurant, but yeah, it’s already an unwieldily large team.

      1. If I’m waitstaff there, I’m not going to be on that roof. AND, regardless of what management says, they’re going to get poor service; because (uncle ss I have superpowers too) I don’t want them coming back — too dangerous!

        1. I HATE AUTOCORRECT! Uncle ss should read unless…

        2. Should be one of the safest places around, with that many FISS to serve. So far the PS238verse doesn’t seem to have problems with people like Darkseid, Loki, or Apocalypse running around where dozens of powerful super-villains would attack a super-hero gathering particularly one that odds are they wouldn’t even know was going on until after the fact.

    2. Hmmm so I did, and in response to Prairie Son’s note maybe they’ll be setting up Gold and Blue teams. 😀 Or start out with a North and South version of the team (in a contrast to the Avengers having their East and West Coast phase).

      With a dozen on the team they could go as far as 4 three-man teams depending on the situation, each with their own focus in a crisis situation and while they all have the same powers those powers are good for a wide range of circumstances and we don’t know how varied their skills are which could add quite a bit.

      1. Or even just Day and Night patrols, so everyone gets some rest.

        1. Which is also good PR, showing you care enough to ensure 24/7 coverage by having a team that covers every hour of the day with sufficient manpower (hard to imagine 6 FISS not being able to handle the kinds of things that happen; even Forak as relatively weak as he is is still incredibly powerful). Not that 84 would think that way but I’m sure 71 would think of that angle.

  12. A more crucial question should be if JULIE wants to lead a team, and lead a team with only FISS. Why are you determined to take that choice away from her? You are not her parent, nor her teacher/mentor, nor a boss. And none of the other FISS’s should have a say over her either. Just because you think she would be a good leader doesn’t mean these other people have the right to railroad her. It’s her life, not Forak or 71’s to decide. This insistence on making her a figurehead is not admiration but creepy and disturbing.

    1. Not sure who that ‘you’ is aimed at, but they aren’t railroading her, or at least no moreso than we see with anyone else who gets thrust into a leadership position. Nor are they making her a figurehead they’re looking to her as an example and seeking her guidance seeing her as a visionary who decided to stand up against the efforts of everyone to put her down for being a FISS and be proud of who and what she is instead.

      Yes in their enthusiasm they’ve done things without consulting her first but it’s out of a measure of idealism and being swept up in the newness of things. Also as a super-hero who’s gone out and fought to defend others she put herself in the position to end up having events take things places she might not have wanted to go.

      I do find it odd that people seem more upset by 71 and Forak’s actions in looking up to her and making a team for her without consulting her first than were bothered by Atlas’ people sending her off to fight a WAR for them that could have seen her locked into stasis like their other soldiers for centuries or more.

  13. Well, at least it’s the kind of surprise that comes with cake.

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