07/20/2012 Jul20 by Aaron on 2012-07-20 at 12:01 am Issue: Issue 38: Super-Soccer Share this:TweetRedditEmailShare on Tumblr └ Tags: ps238
Clay industries here too? Dun-dun-dunnnnn!
Clay Industries is everywhere.
Doesn’t that just mean it was designed by the PS238 janitor, though?
Shop Class teacher, the Rainmaker is the Janitor 😉
I pretty sure they stealing Clay’s tech.
Heh. “Would you like to submit a bug report”… Aren’t all of Flea’s reports bug reports, in a way? 😉
And is that really the Headmaster, or a robotic decoy?
Or maybe the Headmaster is really an AI
Actually, he’s really…
No, I won’t spoil it for you. You’ll just have to wait until we get around to issue 50, or go buy the trade.
Aw, crap. Is he Clay? That would suck.
Issue #2 ‘Student From Beyond The Stars’, page 1. Herschel Clay, aka Mantium, is the guy who designed and built PS238, as well as being a founding member of the Union of Justice.
I think clay is just another refference to girl genious. Agatha Clay