In my mind, she’s what Valeria Richards (Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman’s daughter) would look like if raised by her godfather (Dr. Doom). Since the Von Foggs are based on Dr. Doom along with the Foglio family, this may be intentional
Especially considering that young Von Fogg resembles Phil’s cartoon alter-ego an awful lot!
And it does go both ways–check out GG, starting at the header “Balan’s Gap,” and look for Artacz and Nod (the caretaker), plus I’m told the Prince bears a strong resemblance to a certain cartoonist…
17 thoughts on “06/29/2012”
Man in the Mists
I’ll bet the Von Foggs don’t believe in putting all their eggs in one basket.
Or all the bombs in one bunker.
Kathrine Roid
Did I forget something? Since when did Von Fogg have a brother in PS238?
Kathrine Roid
Oh for pete’s sake… I can’t think this early in the morning. Let me get some coffee.
I like her already.
….is it just me or does Miss Von Fogg look like a evil version of the main character of Girl Genius?
It’s not just you.
Shae Erisson
Girl Evil Genius? I like this idea!
And de-aged around 10 or 12 years.
In my mind, she’s what Valeria Richards (Mr. Fantastic and The Invisible Woman’s daughter) would look like if raised by her godfather (Dr. Doom). Since the Von Foggs are based on Dr. Doom along with the Foglio family, this may be intentional
Especially considering that young Von Fogg resembles Phil’s cartoon alter-ego an awful lot!
And it does go both ways–check out GG, starting at the header “Balan’s Gap,” and look for Artacz and Nod (the caretaker), plus I’m told the Prince bears a strong resemblance to a certain cartoonist…
Young VonFogg’s resemblence to Phil’s cartoon self is probably just because the real Victor resembles the real Phil an awful lot too:
o_o Victor has a sister… Egad. The Von Foggs had more than one child.
I wonder whether this android teacher is at all connected to the one at PS238.
Well duh. Heir and spare 😛
ed rhodes
ooooh, I would really watch the “spare” comments around the Lady Alexandra.
What makes you assume Victor is the heir?
Indeed. One can only imagine the machinations that go on when they’re both at home…