The flea is meant to be a spidey parody. If you notice, he’s pretty much the best at throwing around snarky comments while being nigh impossible to catch/hurt.
Hrmm, I don’t recall what his “playground” look is, and I don’t think I’ve seen him with his costume off.
Yeah, I’m seeing influence from Spidey, the Tick and first issue Ambush Bug (when he was fun, before he got all angsty and put civilian clothes on OVER the costume!)
9 thoughts on “06/25/2012”
I love how Flea can point out the obvious while somehow making me think of Spider-man and Mucha Lucha’s The Flea.
Flea reminds me a lot of the character Bug from the old Micronauts comics…
The flea is meant to be a spidey parody. If you notice, he’s pretty much the best at throwing around snarky comments while being nigh impossible to catch/hurt.
Hrmm, I don’t recall what his “playground” look is, and I don’t think I’ve seen him with his costume off.
Look back for the Vegas strips, he was in “playground mode” at the casino.
No idea for coloration, but … interesting taste in clothes.
Based on his name Alejandro Torres there’s a good chance he comes from a Hispanic background
Chris W.
His costume is more like The Tick than Spidey.
I’m more impressed with the Flea every time I see him.
ed rhodes
Yeah, I’m seeing influence from Spidey, the Tick and first issue Ambush Bug (when he was fun, before he got all angsty and put civilian clothes on OVER the costume!)
Also Ambush Bug, a pester nuisance has the same look but less sanity than Flea. AB was aware to meta things.
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