
4 thoughts on “04/30/2010

  1. To be fair Zodon does have a valid complaint, while he has those ego issues the teachers shouldn’t be actively harassing him or letting others get away with it. He’d be far more responsive if they treated him with respect and demonstrated the value of respectful conduct rather than encouraging bad conduct by doing it as well.

    1. Ummm…you ARE aware that this is Zodon you’re talking about? Self-absorbed snot among snots, lord of the self-important arses?

      1. Sure, but that doesn’t mean you treat someone badly. If they need punishment, you punish appropriately.

        This isn’t the 1200s, shaming and bullying is inappropriate. In Herschel’s defense, he has been beyond busy, and he probably didn’t stop to think it through all the way.

    2. “Ego issues”?? You have a distinct talent for massive — nay, SUPER-massive understatement.

      Saying that Zodon has “ego issues” is like saying the Titanic had an ice problem. It’s technically true, but….

      Seriously, though, go back and read what Zodon tried to do Tyler before this: Zodon kidnapped Tyler from class and tried to dump him in the far past, tried to frame Tyler for Zodon’s own infiltration of a dangerous secured area in the school, etc etc etc. Angie & Prospero fixing Zodon’s vehicle in their own way & altering his hologram is freakin’ **minor** compared to how the school should have punished him.

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