
19 thoughts on “04/23/2014

  1. I hope there’s more! We’ve finished some major plotlines, but there’s still the war between Krypton and OA er Argos and the emerald planet,Alexandria vs Pretorian Academy, and the adventures of super hat rack

    1. There’s the kinda-sorta issue 51 that comes next, but after that, the cupboard, she’s bare.

      1. I’m sad now. 🙁

  2. Aww….

  3. Melancholic.

    Which worries me.

  4. ouch, right in the feels.

  5. Man, I think the worst part of Ron’s story is that he’s been repeatedly hit with something no kid under ten should have to deal with: What do I wanna do with my life? Not to mention that with like 20 disasters going on like every other hour at PS238, the poor kids breakdown over his parents divorce slipped under completely under the radar.

  6. Yeah, I missed the print of the last few issues due to RL, but I really wanted to see how Ron’s arc went. He sounds better than earlier. I hope he realizes that lack of powers won’t make his life any easier… I’m guessing he might enroll in the school over PS238 as he still may need protection, kind of like Tyler. Too many stories need more… *sniffle*

  7. Maybe he can be Tyler’s butler, the way Albert is Bruce Wayne’s butler.

    1. As I recall albert was both a secret agent and retired schizophrenic super villain.

      I’m not sure being a former childhood superhero will prevent him from doing something equally amazing with his future. then again when I was in third grade i wanted to be a maid…becasue I thought vacuum cleaners were the best inventions ever.

      If your interested as to why, we didn’t have a housekeeper or anything, if we did hire anyone to clean it was used by my father to show how dirty we were and how he had to suffer, because even a housekeeper couldn’t clean up the mess. I wasn’t exactly aware of the title of maid applied to specific gender either. Keep in mind my father was one of those obsessive control freaks that was never satisfied with anything and insisted everything from shag carpeting to berber be “swept” sideways with a thick bristled broom…because he was obviously mentally ill.

      It wasn’t even one of those scooter brooms they use in children’s classrooms, or the wide headed push brooms used by janitors. I was ironing bedsheets too. By the time I was in middle school I knew for sure I didn’t want to be a slave.

      Also, not a hoarder unless you count books. I am a bit disorganized but not nearly as bad as some people I’ve met/worked with.

      1. _Alfred_ Pennyworth was a retired agent in WW2, but his background has been updated and I believe the villainous Outsider as an resurrection excuse in the early 60’s Showcase and has been retconned out of continuity quite some time ago.

        I like Ron having a chance at a more ‘normal’ childhood. I’d like to see how he comes out.

  8. We have:
    A self aware spaceship unlocking safety’s allowing it full self control.

    A super in need /want of his powers back.

    An alien war and intelligent entity that it is over.

    And probably something I am forgetting.

    1. Academy versus academy

      Alexandria versus the headmaster

  9. wait its over? thats odd

    1. they literally just started several plot threads. why bother in the last issue?

      1. I don’t think the cancellation was planned.

  10. I could see that Moon Shadow is going to be the one to really uncover Praetorian Academy’s plots. I get this feeling when Ron tries to get his clarinet back he’ll be detained, because how will he resist? And they’ll want to see if they can replicate his power loss. Maybe they can use it. And Moon Shadow will notice things being wrong and want to help.

  11. But there’s more stories after the sorta-issue 51, right? I thought there were more that just weren’t out in TPB form …

    I really hope I’m right, because this series is too awesome to end right now. Or ever, really.

    1. Aaron was working on some stuff, but no idea if it got much beyond the doodle stage. Which sucks.

      Of course, I also want more Nodwick, as long as I’m complaining.

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