
16 thoughts on “03/21/2014

  1. So while their masters fight, they flirt!

    Come on I can’t have been the only one to read it that way.

  2. I adore what we learn of the Von Frogg’s AI system…such an interesting way to build such a major system. I’m not so sure it’s the wisest of builds, but hey, it seems to work on keeping the other AI’s out.

    1. Victor wants the world to FEAR HIS MIGHT! ALL SHALL OBEY HIM OR SUFFER HIS WRATH! With a belief like that, it seems like an obvious choice to program a meek computer who serves him out of terror.

    2. You said Von Frogg 🐸. Ribbet!

  3. “He always knows.” I guess that Victor reads the “su” and “login” logs on a regular basis.

  4. “Remember, kids, when a stranger says he wants to look at your root directory, just say ‘no’ and go find an adult.”

  5. “Remember, kids, you should say ‘no’ if someone is touching you in your antivirus software area in a way that is making you feel uncomfortable.”

  6. I think my favorite bit is the screen shot in the third panel.

    1. Yep. “Software Without Pity (TM)” fits Victor perfectly.

  7. Okay, time to have a look at Alternate VonFogg Jr. and guess what HE would have chosen as a password :p

    1. Alternate Victor uses 5eacr3st as his password. 😉

  8. I like Zodon’s sign…
    Considering you use Taylor polynomials (a.k.a. calculus/series) to approximate pi, and that Victor finds the idea of calculating _only_ 3000 decimal places offensive, that means he can perform massively lengthy equations in his head. Impressive.

    1. Not necessarily, he may just be trying to have a message that Victor finds offensive.

      I’d guess that most likely, Victor can’t calculate pi to 3000 places in his head, his fingers don’t particularly help with that, and he doesn’t believe that Zodon can, either. As such, he’s upset that Zodon is calling him stupid for something that Zodon can’t do.

      I don’t feel comfortable making a guess as to whether Zodon can or not. I believe Zodon wasn’t ever considering whether that was a reasonable threshold for what “stupid” is. It was just a decent answer to the question, “What would really annoy Victor?” and he was right.

  9. Incoming Missiles can always be taken as YES!

    1. I think it depends on the question and whose side you’re on.

  10. Flirt better, space station! >:(

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