
20 thoughts on “03/18/2013

  1. And we finally get a good look on the Headmaster.

    1. We already got a look at the Headmaster in issue #38, after he disengaged from the controls of his invisible hovercraft. Check the page posted on July 28, 2012.

      Remember kids, it’s like Doctor Positron always says: “The archives are your friend!”

  2. Another dimension? Quite powerful technology?



    1. Go back and re-read issue #42. The Emerald Ones made a deal with her behind the backs of the Emerald Gauntlets.

      Oh, and for the last time you worthless peasants, THE NAME IS LADY ALEXANDRIA VON FOGG!

  3. Hey, as long as leor613 is giving out free archive lookups…

    Gee, durh, when did that shrink ray enter the plot? I don’t remember him ever getting a shrink ray…

    1. The Revenant gave it to him. We first see Cecil use it (and learn that The Revenant is posing as the “Director” of the BAM) in PS238 #22.

      For homework Dr. Positron is assigning you an archive binge.

  4. As I hinted a few pages ago, Cecil shrunk the command chair and concealed it in one of his coat’s (many) pockets.

  5. Makes the house lights flicker. Uh oh. How long till repair Nantes conver his house into a space cruiser. Or is the house just an antenna to remote control the ship. Oh the joy of random button presses with no apparent result but some other place havoc could be ensuing.

    1. Right now the chair is a snazzy looking piece of furniture with electronic components that are not compatible with Earth technology. The Argosian ship does not need the command chair to function, but the two were meant to operate together.

      I can’t really reveal more, except to quote River Song: “Sorry sweetie, spoilers!” (That’s incredibly apropos in this case.) 🙂

  6. The Von Foggs, the adults anyway, strike me as incompetent cartoony supervillains, but people you wouldn’t want to trifle with.

    1. Dr. Phillip Von Fogg is a pretty typical “evil overlord” type, who would try to blow up Praetorian Academy from his armored Zeppelin. But I see his wife as a more level headed type, who’d probably call child welfare and inform them her daughter was missing. The Headmaster probably doesn’t want the authorities looking into rumors about how he “recruited” many of Praetorian Academy’s students via kidnapping, blackmail and mind control.

  7. I’m starting to think the Headmaster is really Dr. Irons.

    1. I think I agree.

      1. That’s a good guess, as Irons’ new body was 100% bald, and the Headmaster has a shiny pate. The lack of coloring is not going to help here; Irons’ skin was supposed to be green (it contained chlophyll), while the Headmaster’s head and most of his face is covered in metal alloys (he’s a cyborg, Irons’ new body wasn’t).

        Of course there is one major problem with your hypothesis: The Headmaster created Praetorian Academy before Dr. Irons and The Rainmaker kidnapped the kids in PS238’s Rainmaker Program. Praetorian Centurions (the guys in gold armor) were searching for the Rainmaker kids so that The Headmaster could enroll them in the Academy. But it was a nice try!

        1. I mispelled “chlorophyll”.

    2. wasn’t him the senator that take down cranston from the presidency? i think it was insinuated in some past issue…or maybe i dream it.

      1. No spoilers about the Headmaster’s secret identity, where Praetorian Academy came from or the Headmaster’s secret agenda! You just earned yourself detention pal!

        1. Meh, could be worse. Zodon’s spending detention helping Herschel again, and the Angie-bot hasn’t done anything to get incarcerated for yet today.

        2. It’s all on TV Tropes…

          (It’s okay! I didn’t look, so I have no idea who the Headmaster is.)

        3. The Headmaster’s secret identity is a big deal, which is why I would never spoil it. There are hints in the PS238 RPG, but those are probably based on an older plot that Aaron discarded in favor of the actual reveal (which is much cooler). Either that or Aaron provided Steven Long, the author of the RPG, with misinformation. 🙂

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