
16 thoughts on “03/07/2014

  1. “Hiccup” wasn’t a censor word? Zodon must *really* be stressed, he’s watching his language a little.

    1. Not necessarily. While it’s true he’s not letting strip with strings of profanities like he has done in the past, Zodon could really only be saying he wants to disrupt Victor’s power supply… for however brief a time span the disruption holds. And for that, ‘hiccup’ is indeed the right word.

  2. Nooo they be wreckin his bukkit

    1. …that is the only thing this particular comic is missing. Angie.

      1. Zodon can barely tolerate Ambriel, Julie, Dillon and his counterpart; there’s no way he’s going to be able to tolerate Angie and Prospero’s dissing of the Queen’s English, yo! 🙂

      2. It’s a meme reference.

        Don’t you people appreciate the classics?

  3. Huzzah, I used to read this waaaaaaaaaaay back when it was being hosted on Gamespy of all places. But then that bookmark stopped showing updates. And then it stopped showing ANYTHING.
    But now I have found the wonderful world(s) of PS238 again, and with several years’ worth of updates to read through! Which I just finished catching up on!
    And now I have to wait until Monday for the next page. Sigh!

  4. And any second now, we get to here the complete lyrics to “Impossible Dream” when a certain plan does not come together.

    P.A.: Hello corporal. I really need to speak with your commanding officer. Tell him that Project Sentinel has been activated in a civilian area; the friend-or-foe recognition system appears to be compromised. That should be enough to get his attention. If he does not immediately blanch at the thought, then you need to go higher up the chain of command until you find someone with a high enough security clearance to be truly frightened when you say that.

    1. What?!?!??!! PROJECT SENTINEL activated on US soil! May God have mercy on us all.

    2. Or, they USA Patriot could just input the magic words: terrorist attack in Omaha, scramble fighter jets ASAP. They don’t need to tell them the nature of the threat, since a soldier’s job is to follow orders. Once the pilots report that someone is reenacting a Michael Bay “Transformers” movie in the middle of Omaha, the brass will have independent confirmation of just what’s going on.

  5. Zodon you must learn from your normal counter part. He has the military on speed dial and can call them in on most stuff (with a few military codes need for the abnormal stuff). You on the other hand… yes you do have intelligence but you do not apply it that well. That is your problem… besides the ego, pride, poor planning, etc… how many flaws do you have compared to your alter ego?

    1. That is what you get for spending all your development points on Intelligence, without putting any points to Wisdom.

      1. You… win the internet and my D&D-career! XD

      2. He’s likely the only character in the history of superhero gaming whose “monologuer” defect is set to “showtunes.”

    2. I admit I am a fan of the geek Zodon. He had some rough parts in his origin, but he has a family that loves (them) and he has all the perks of genius and wealth to do pretty much anything he wants. He has the win.

      1. dont forget the normal sized head and functioning legs

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