
22 thoughts on “03/06/2013

  1. Interesting icon on that containment device…

    1. Not really. He’s the goddamned Revenant.

    2. He borrowed it from the revenant a few pages back.

  2. Check the last few pages of the previous issue… The Revenant mentions that he has had someone “break in” and relieve him of something…

  3. …OK. He actually just says borrow and mentions billing him for the roof; see the 4th panel on 2/20…

    1. The Revenant’s logo can be seen on the Argonite containment device on the page posted on 2/22/2013.

  4. Take a good look at the shape of the device again and tell me this is a kid friendly comic 😛

    1. Seriously? Dude, it makes sense for it to be shaped like that. Jeez…

  5. When did honour go right out the government’s window?

    Anyhoo, looks like I was right: succession war.
    Now the question just becomes: why did the Argonites select Earth as their little prince’s home-away-from-home?

    1. When did any government have any honour? I’m guessing MAYBE back in the Middle Ages, but I doubt that chivalry was all it’s cracked up to be.

      I reacon they chose Earth simply because we look like them. Makes fitting in easier.

    2. If they deleted the end destination planet why bother with a homing device? Unless they thought he’d not stay we’re they left him. Oh and why not a 25 year timer on that beacon doohickey?

  6. I want to know about the argonite. I mean I agree with the don’t tell the superpowered hero that he is part of a intersteller space empire bent on glatic domination and that he is their prince where there could be thousands like him ready to conqure earth. Because he would either A. Join them and attack earth or B. try to stop them only to cause them to attack earth.

    1. Who said the Argonites were bent on galactic conquest?

      1. A) They are called “Argosians”; “Argonite” is the substance Atlas was holding that made Dax, Forak and 84 sick.

        B) The cover of PS238 #43 says, that’s who!

  7. Sounds like 84 has recovered now that the argonite is covered. This might not end well.

    I wonder how things might have been different for Atlas if his ship had been found by some ordinary family in, say, rural Kansas instead of the military.

  8. – Wait… Isn’t it strip canon that Atlas was raised by some judgemental prick farmer analog of Jonathan Kent? Where did the government come in? Or was that something changed in Toby’s time travel adventures?

    1. Pop Peterson didn’t strike me as judgemental.

      Rather, considering what did happen with the government, Ron and the spaceship, it seems that he had a very clear and realistic view of what might happen. He took in a kid without reservation and wanted to teach him to be careful with his powers, lest people abuse him.
      Which, apparently, they did. 🙁

      1. So grandpa did the same to dad to control and indoctrinate, that an even more repressive PA want to do to Ron. And this is a better world??

  9. Ul-Ron Peterson (aka Atlas) wasn’t raised by the military. He was raised by “Pop” Peterson, as shown in issue #8 of PS238 (“The Rainmaker”). When Atlas became a superhero the government took custody of Atlas’ spaceship, as referred to all the way back in PS238 #2. Atlas feels justifiably betrayed right now by the US Government. And he’s not the only one.

    Also, Toby has never traveled through time. (Thank goodness, the space-time continuum probably can’t take that much raw chaos!) Zodon dumped Tyler into the middle of Lyle’s story in PS238 #8, in order to stabilize his time travel circuits in PS238 #20. Tyler and Zodon didn’t change anything; Zodon created a series of closed time loops.

  10. 5 seconds after its inception?

  11. “Pop” Peterson was not a judgmental person. He adopted a baby he found in an alien spaceship and taught his son to help other people and always choose the moral option. He would have adopted Harold too if not for Doc Irons’ meddling.

    Given the lengths the government has gone to in the PS238 ‘verse to persecute metas, beginning with Mr. Extraordinary, continuing with the “Rainmaker Program” and the attempted coup against President Cranston, it is not at all surprising that Pop tried to shield Ul-Ron from discovery. Plus Pop was probably warned to do so by the young time traveler who convinced him to adopt Atlas in the first place.

  12. Ah, yes, I forgot that atlas had met Tom and Tyler as a kid. I wonder if he would recognize them.

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