
17 thoughts on “02/19/2014

  1. I just read the entire archive and I love it. I wish I had an infinite amount more I could read.

  2. So that’s where Edison came from… the hat should have been a clue!

    1. Not to offend, but I believe Edison achieved his reputation for mechanical genius and aptitude the way Pythagorus and many other corporations did… through subcontractors. One of particular notoriety was Tesla.

      1. Preeeeeeeetty sure that isn’t the Edison he was talking about.

      2. Farmstead’s referring to Edison the Demon-Monkey (Demonkey) familiar with a bowler hat from Aaron’s comic “Use Sword on Monster”, which is linked between “Nodwick” and “About” in the banner navbar above.

      3. No offense taken; Thomas Alva Edison would have agreed that most of the patents under his name were bought and paid for through the services of his employees. The Edison referred to in the above comment, though, was “Edison” the demon (real name unpronounceable) from a recent arc of “Use Sword On Monster” elsewhere on this site.

      4. I doubt that Tesla ever subcontracted to Edison. They were bitter rivals.

        1. They were bitter rivals because when Tesla worked for Edison, Edison screwed him out of 50k.

        2. Everyone cheated Tesla, not only was he a terrible businessman, but he was utterly uninterested in learning anything about it, and refused to hire a business manager.

        3. Yeah, I meant Edison the demon monkey. (I didn’t think the historical inventor would be assumed as as far as I know he never floated in midair with a nimbus of energy making thrates like this. 😀 Tesla was the one who claimed an earthquake machine and would have made a better mad genius. Many people may have cheated Tesla, but he hated Thomas Edison.)

          It was more a comment that godlike power and funny hat.

    2. Nahh Edison’s hat didn’t have a built in monocle. But they do seem to have similar goals and Zodon keeps making a monkey out of Victor

  3. Forget it Victor, the good guys and the bad guy (& perhaps a few we’re not so sure about) have leagued against you. You have no chance.

    Surrender or be terminally embarrassed.

    1. Nuts to that. Surrender and we won’t let Ambriel use you as a pinata for an afternoon.

      1. Victor’s too stubborn to let this go without a fight. As Zodon might say, “MATZAH BALL SOUP just got real!”

  4. Hahaha, marinate. It fits so well if you subsitute it with “urinate”.

  5. But Victor… the universe isn’t even a trillion light-years across!

    1. The VISIBLE universe isn’t. By which I mean visible to mortals.

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