
3 thoughts on “02/09/2011

  1. Doesn’t this blow Zodon’s whole original plan? If he hadn’t been there, Poly and Julie would have just jumped off and tried to explain themselves to the local authorities who MIGHT have called the teacher, but probably would have called PS238 first and gotten someone else there.

    1. I think he was just planning on ruining Miss Kyle’s vacation and not caring about whether Poly and 84 got into trouble. I think someone with goals like that doesn’t necessarily think through all of the fine details on the plans to accomplish them when such disposable tools are available.

      Sure, it’s not what I would call intelligent behavior, but then Victor tends to have the same sort of issues. They stem from the same place: overconfidence.

    2. Nah. While this isn’t the “win-win” he originally envisioned, it would have worked fine without him. The girls would have been picked up, the school called, but the school wouldn’t have anyone who could get there quickly. So instead of having the girls in Vegas custody for a few days, Cranston would have just called on Ms Kyle and apologized for having to ‘ruin’ her vacation. Ms Kyle would have picked up the girls and supervised them until someone from PS238 could drive or fly out and ferry the girls back to school.

      So even without him, Ms Kyle’s vacay would have been disturbed. But this way he can make sure it’s worse and possibly win big at the casinos. Win-partial win.

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