
12 thoughts on “01/16/2013

  1. Haha this kid with the face covered is like a little Deadpool 🙂

  2. Ho hum, just another day, just another alien abducting Ron. Lessee if I can fit his rescue onto my agenda.

  3. What do you know. Fandom does move faster than the speed of light. I mean look how fast they found him.

  4. This is the difference between ps238 and the academy. Ps238 teaches you right from wrong, how to make decisions, and to stick together. Because they know that there isn’t a text book for life. Your are going to be in situations that no one saw coming, and you will have to deal with it. The academy seems to think that life is following derections, and doing what the adult says, because the adult knows every thing. Thay don’t.
    To quote a character in this vaery issue,
    ” we make misstakes a lot. The important thing is that we LEARN from them.”
    Every day at school, I pass a wall that reads:
    ” teaching is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire.”
    I think ps238 understands that.

    1. Of course at PS238 a sign like that would need a disclaimer: “This is a metaphor. Please don’t set the students on fire. Our liability insurance can afford it. Even Zodon.”

    2. The fact that teaching isn’t about filling a bucket, but lighting a fire still doesn’t justify the holes in the bucket. In my opinion, if you can’t start a fire, you should at least be able to use the bucket when you’re through. Everyone needs tools that work, not tools that leave you as unskilled labor.

      1. I think you missed my point. The point is if you teach a child 2+2=4, thay will go Their whole lives being able to recite, “2+2=4”. But if you teach a child WHY 2+2=4, they will be able to figure out any addition problem presented to them. Though I do under stand that sometimes you do need solid facts. But I think that if a teacher has done their job right, the student will continue to teach themselves, even after thay have graduated. I don’t see how you think this would result in unskilled labor. Really, all I was saying was I don’t agree with the praetorian philosophy.

        What dose praetorian mean any way…

        1. A Praetor is a Roman title for a senior military/civil ruler, so essentially a praetorian is an elite ruler.

        2. I’m guessing Scorpion, but anyone can guess an answer and be half right. It’s like predicting the future, most people can do it with about 60% accuracy and yet for some reason they’d rather believe a prediction given to them by a sooth sayer that’s half right. Sorry for going off on a tangent, but people are weird.


          Yes, based on H2, and the logical fallacy of part to whole reasoning, it is my understanding is that people who support the ancient alien theory also teach us that Romans made sure every one of their soldiers was an engineer. At least the ones in Britain at any rate.

  5. I told you those aliens were about to be Moonshadowed!

    Thats whats comes from ignoring those warning from cosmically powered entities of right, wrong and whatever the other places are called…

    He taught them a new game when he faced them… cosmically powered entities faced off a supposedly nonpowered kid crimefighter and he taught them something… sigh I guess they’re not on the friends list of whatever passes for facebook for cosmic entities…

  6. It is actually possible to make a believable for-profit superhero team work while still maintaining the usual super-hero tropes. My Mutants and Masterminds group is working around such a premise currently, and while we have a hard time justifying ourselves sometimes, we’re all in it because we want to help people, and we’re payed by a tax-deductible agency, so it’s guilt free!

    1. Are you saying you are on a super team? With secret identeties, and cool costumes? Where can I sing up?

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