More likely because Forak isn’t the previous Atlas, since he doesn’t know anything about him he’s not going to simply assume he’s worthy he’s going to want tryouts to properly select his new Worthy Opponent (kind of like how Mxylptlyk selected Superman after watching his exploits from the Fifth Dimension).
Bright side evil monster returned to normal. On the worst side you just let a trickster god have free run of earth trying to find his next target. Needless to say the next week will be chaotic around the world.
(As for the let him have free run. It wouldn’t be able to be solved without the original, but the press and other supers will spin it that way.)
While Ron’s powers were negated that doesn’t mean his genetic potential for super-powers was also negated. Nothing about the power-negating weapon indicates it turns Argosians, full-blooded or half, into normal humans only that it ‘permanently’ negated his powers. It’s a common trope that depowered supers retain the genetic potential for them and it can be triggered in other ways. Carol Danvers for example, even after Rogue permanently depowered her by absorbing her Ms. Marvel abilities ended up gaining far vaster powers after being tampered with by the Brood. So one good super-empowering event and Ron can be pumped back up as well.
One key difference, of course: While Loki’s characterization as a full-on bad guy is a fairly new thing, he was never exactly popular with the masses.
Veles was one of THE most popular gods in the slavic pantheon. Veles was the guy the peasants prayed to. Perun was for the nobility.
so he was a mix of Loki and Thor?
Chris PV
No, not a mix of Loki and Thor. Veles is his own separate being from Slavic mythology; he’s the god of Earth, the waters, the Underworld, cattle, and magic, and Slavs and Russians prayed to him for good harvests and wealth. He’s also considered a trickster, too. He and Loki are somewhat related, where the Slavic and Norse mythos cross, but Thor has nothing to do with Veles at all.
Perun, though, was the Slavic god of thunder and war.
And this happened before. Aaron’s version of the embodiment of Chaos is called Balagan – a Slavic (well, surely Polish, so I guess it exists in other Slavic languages) word for “mess”
84 is the one who figured out how to foil his giant monster. She’s also relatively close to Atlas, if he likes the whole Magic vs. Flying Brick paradigm.
I can’t see him particularly targeting Moonshadow for any reason besides Moonshadow’s aforementioned bad luck. He likes a challenge he can test his Godly Wits and Might against. An admittedly clever boy with some toys is not going to be good enough that he could go Full Loki mode on him.
Its more of a clash of powers he likes. I trying to trick a detective isn’t that fun because they know what to look for and life has throne a bit of bad luck at them so their used to it. Doing it to a boy scout though leaves fun. Even if they been through a lot that just have that little spark that makes it all the more fun to do it anyway. Besides a good dose of logic tends to ruin the game. I mean having Godzilla run rampant was fun with the other supers, but the dump, rinse, repeat took a logical turn which kind of put a damper on that plan.
However, if he’s both a FISS AND a magic user then it’s only the mortal upon whom he stands who will get a dunking.
Might I recommend finding another god for him to contend with? There must be dozens of otherwise unemployed ancient deities cluttering the celestial retirement homes.
Not sure if we can conclude that he is both FISS and a magic user. Being a god does have its minimum standards, but not necessarily FISS. For example, we don’t know if he has super strength.
Also, dude has pink-eye. How FISS can he be with such a bad eye infection ?
Nope. It’s Fuschia Eye.
And if he’s a good enough mage, flight is still on the table even if he isn’t FISS.
But did we ever get an answer to the question of “Can Bert Swim?”
Unless someone catches him, we’ll probably find out in the next panel…
That’s assuming his normal form appears at top-of-monster-head-level. If at mid-body, someone will have to dive for him. I’d prefer the former, but both are more interesting than just appearing on the surface.
Despite some of the relatively dark story arcs, this is still a comedic comic, so having Veles accidentally dunk himself is to be expected, regardless of his powers. The humiliation of it would also probably help set him up to square off against 84 as his next opponent as she’s well on the road to being the new Atlas.
Apparently, where Marvel uses Norse myth and DC uses Greek, the PS238-verse employ the Slavic gods (as well as angels and demons to represent Order and Chaos).
“When Perun passed from this world”, is it? Someone needs to call Jesus and tell Him He missed one. Since it’s the Slavs we’re talking about, it’s either the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch; have both call Him to be sure…
52 thoughts on “10/06/2014”
Wait, did Forak just saved the day by being utterly useless?
By just not being a worthy foe for a god?
That oddly enough makes perfect sense.
More likely because Forak isn’t the previous Atlas, since he doesn’t know anything about him he’s not going to simply assume he’s worthy he’s going to want tryouts to properly select his new Worthy Opponent (kind of like how Mxylptlyk selected Superman after watching his exploits from the Fifth Dimension).
Bright side evil monster returned to normal. On the worst side you just let a trickster god have free run of earth trying to find his next target. Needless to say the next week will be chaotic around the world.
(As for the let him have free run. It wouldn’t be able to be solved without the original, but the press and other supers will spin it that way.)
Horatio Von Becker
Nono. My first thought was ‘Oh, crud, he’s going to decide on Moonshadow’.
Aaron K
That would be awesome!
This is a 84 chapter though, so more likely . . .
Dude, you know you misspelled mxzptlk, right?
Mxyzptlk. C’mon, Bear.
“I’m back! And this time you’ll never make me say kltpzyxm retsim!”
Mix-yizz-spit-lick. It’s one of his iconic scenes!
There’s something endearingly pathetic about Forak, isn’t there?
Okay taking bets on who he finds worthy
David Nuttall
Poly Mer or Guardian Angel?
What if Gods can’t see Guardian Angel either?
I suspect they could feel her expoldybat though. . .
I have a feeling that most other gods would feel that this one had it coming.
I think he’ll want to duke it out with the now unreasonably powerful USA Patriot Act.
I’ll put my money on Moonshadow!
Just wait ’til somebody tries to tell him Atlas has a son, and our not-Loki decides to test him.
And being depowered, Ron isn’t worthy… Of course Not!Loki is uniquely able to fix that…
Remember, Ron only lost the powers he inherited from his father. He still has currently unknown powers from his mother.
You mean, like the power to be a nosy reporter? There’s been no indication that his mother has any meta-powers.
You mean, other than the fact that Cecil says he still gets the same “you’re a metahuman” vibe from Ron after his depowering, right?
While Ron’s powers were negated that doesn’t mean his genetic potential for super-powers was also negated. Nothing about the power-negating weapon indicates it turns Argosians, full-blooded or half, into normal humans only that it ‘permanently’ negated his powers. It’s a common trope that depowered supers retain the genetic potential for them and it can be triggered in other ways. Carol Danvers for example, even after Rogue permanently depowered her by absorbing her Ms. Marvel abilities ended up gaining far vaster powers after being tampered with by the Brood. So one good super-empowering event and Ron can be pumped back up as well.
Not “not-Loki”. Veles. Aaron actually referenced Slavic myths for this the same way Marvel referenced Norse myth.
One key difference, of course: While Loki’s characterization as a full-on bad guy is a fairly new thing, he was never exactly popular with the masses.
Veles was one of THE most popular gods in the slavic pantheon. Veles was the guy the peasants prayed to. Perun was for the nobility.
so he was a mix of Loki and Thor?
Chris PV
No, not a mix of Loki and Thor. Veles is his own separate being from Slavic mythology; he’s the god of Earth, the waters, the Underworld, cattle, and magic, and Slavs and Russians prayed to him for good harvests and wealth. He’s also considered a trickster, too. He and Loki are somewhat related, where the Slavic and Norse mythos cross, but Thor has nothing to do with Veles at all.
Perun, though, was the Slavic god of thunder and war.
And this happened before. Aaron’s version of the embodiment of Chaos is called Balagan – a Slavic (well, surely Polish, so I guess it exists in other Slavic languages) word for “mess”
84 is the one who figured out how to foil his giant monster. She’s also relatively close to Atlas, if he likes the whole Magic vs. Flying Brick paradigm.
I can’t see him particularly targeting Moonshadow for any reason besides Moonshadow’s aforementioned bad luck. He likes a challenge he can test his Godly Wits and Might against. An admittedly clever boy with some toys is not going to be good enough that he could go Full Loki mode on him.
Its more of a clash of powers he likes. I trying to trick a detective isn’t that fun because they know what to look for and life has throne a bit of bad luck at them so their used to it. Doing it to a boy scout though leaves fun. Even if they been through a lot that just have that little spark that makes it all the more fun to do it anyway. Besides a good dose of logic tends to ruin the game. I mean having Godzilla run rampant was fun with the other supers, but the dump, rinse, repeat took a logical turn which kind of put a damper on that plan.
I find it rather fitting that Forak being utterly useless saved the day. Or rather 84 showing that Forak is, well, Forak saved the day.
Does anyone else read Veles in Christopher Lee’s voice?
Aaron K
Is there any other voice you could read him in?
Given the principle behind his abilities, here’s hoping he doesn’t pick Tyler’s clone Toby…
Prairie Son
Although if anyone could stabilize Toby’s powers, it’d probably be a trickster god.
The next panel should be hilarious.
He just de-monstered the monster while he was standing on its head and it’s still in the middle of the harbor…
Frith Ra
However, if he’s both a FISS AND a magic user then it’s only the mortal upon whom he stands who will get a dunking.
Might I recommend finding another god for him to contend with? There must be dozens of otherwise unemployed ancient deities cluttering the celestial retirement homes.
Not sure if we can conclude that he is both FISS and a magic user. Being a god does have its minimum standards, but not necessarily FISS. For example, we don’t know if he has super strength.
Also, dude has pink-eye. How FISS can he be with such a bad eye infection ?
Nope. It’s Fuschia Eye.
And if he’s a good enough mage, flight is still on the table even if he isn’t FISS.
But did we ever get an answer to the question of “Can Bert Swim?”
Unless someone catches him, we’ll probably find out in the next panel…
That’s assuming his normal form appears at top-of-monster-head-level. If at mid-body, someone will have to dive for him. I’d prefer the former, but both are more interesting than just appearing on the surface.
Despite some of the relatively dark story arcs, this is still a comedic comic, so having Veles accidentally dunk himself is to be expected, regardless of his powers. The humiliation of it would also probably help set him up to square off against 84 as his next opponent as she’s well on the road to being the new Atlas.
Well, there’s an aspect of Hesta at the school…
Why not just follow him to the other planet?
Because he’s a god. He lives here! By now, he’s probably rather attached to it.
Apparently, where Marvel uses Norse myth and DC uses Greek, the PS238-verse employ the Slavic gods (as well as angels and demons to represent Order and Chaos).
“When Perun passed from this world”, is it? Someone needs to call Jesus and tell Him He missed one. Since it’s the Slavs we’re talking about, it’s either the Pope or the Ecumenical Patriarch; have both call Him to be sure…
They need to invoke the patron saint of smacking people with rulers.
The Penguin?
I bet Forak introduces him to vidiogames.