Oh no he didn’t! Get ready for the throwdown you’ve been waiting for: Moonshadow vs. a depowered Ron Peterson! Who will win? Will Ron’s raw anger be enough to overpower the months of training Tyler has received from the Revenant? Will Moonshadow’s gadgets end the fight before it begins? Will the ship’s robots intervene? Will the giant squid enjoy watching the fight? Will Ron use the moves he learned in Praetorian Academy? Will Frank kick Lewis out of the house for his latest shenanigans? Will the Omaha police department get extra funding to handle metaprodigies and trans-dimensional chimpanzees with laser rifles? Will the hamster in Miss Kyle’s class recover?
Stay tuned to find out! Same PS238 channel, roughly the same PS238 time!
I don’t know. I see the name “Peterson” in the news an awful lot attached to murderers. I don’t know how common the name is, but I’m willing to wager that somewhere in that family line is a nurtured or conditioned response of violence if their scapegoat proves to be “superior” to them in any way.
Then again, I almost always hear about fleeing felons getting captured in Florida or Las Vegas instead of attempting to leave the country when there is a manhunt. Of course, I attribute that to John Walsh more than anything else…
Yes, it is about time someone who could thump the chump did so in order to convince him to get his head out of his self-absorbed butt and stop acting like an ass.
Yup, Ron still hasn’t regained his Argosian abilities. However, both Ron and Moonshadow have had similar training. They both were taught combat moves by Coach Rockslide, and while Tyler was trained by the Revenant, Ron was trained by Praetorian Academy. Tyler also missed several weeks of training while he was in stasis. On the other hand, Ron’s training at Praetorian probably focused on how to maximize super-strength, super-speed and invulnerability. So it could be an even fight.
Do the fighters use the same style of navigation system as the main ship? If so, could the guys replace the damaged/sabotaged navigation system with the working one from the fighter? It was just the maps that got scrambled, right? Fix the map and the engines can take you home!
Fighters typically don’t have FTL drives hence why they are fighters not corvettes [star wars aside]. lacking such a drive they will lack the cabilites for FTL navigation
The starfighters are used for planetary landings, and for ship-to-ship combat. They’re more like a TIE/ln Fighter or the fighters from Babylon 5, than an X-Wing or Viper, in that they can’t travel at FTL speeds. The fighters do have a really nifty cloaking device, but the cloak only works when the fighters are stationary, or moving very slowly. The good news is that Tyler can give Cecil the cloaking device he promised him… if Tyler and Ron ever make it back to Earth, of course.
Also, the maps and engines on the Valiant Lance are fine. What got wiped was the data in the navigation computer. Without that data, someone in Ron and Tyler’s position would need to use the maps to calculate their position, and then try to locate where Earth might be. Then they would need to feed that info into the nav computer.
Neither Tyler nor Ron have the training to do this. Zodon could probably do it in his sleep, Angie might be able to do it, and Prospero could just call his people for a tow truck, but Ron and Tyler are stuck, for now.
Provided that any of Prospero’s people are still alive after encountering the aliens who reproduce by infecting alien species with their own genetic code…
According to the PS238 RPG, Prospero’s people are alive and well. Prospero is an advanced scout sent to fight the Septos (and destroy Earth if necessary). What that says about aliens who use children to fight their wars, is open to interpretation.
Moonshadow was able to text the Revenant while he was on Argos, but it took at least a half hour for each text to travel at FTL speeds to Earth or Argos. Right now Tyler and Ron are lost in space. Without proper coordinates, presumably the Clay Industries tech that the Revenant gave Tyler can’t be used.
Even if he could text the Revenant, without their precise coordinates, how exactly is the Revenant supposed to come and rescue them? I;m sure that the Revenant either has access to an FTL capable spaceship, or could get one from Herschel, the Power Partners, or the EDL, but space is big. Really big. Douglas Adams was very clear about that: if you don’t know where you are in space, the odds of being picked up by a friendly spaceship are very unlikely. (Unless using a stardrive powered by “improbable” events.) 🙂
Um… actually, aren’t these kids actually still in GRADE school? Not even Middle School or Junior High yet. What’s probably fooling you is that they ARE intelligent kids, and the author has the respect to write and treat kids 10-13 as the often intelligent and thoughtful people that they are, not the furless monkeys and clowns that sitcoms usually portray them as. (To be fair, they often portray the adults like that, also).
I call that the “Fatty Arbuckle” approach after reading a quote from an actor of the same name, apparently he and Buster Keaton had a difference of opinion on the subject. Obviously, both had their 15 minutes of fame. Supposedly, Buster was the more successful and influential of the two, but that could have more to do with the fact that he worked with other celebrities.
I think a lot of professional writers, that are successful, pride themselves on their ability to write as intellectuals, and either forget how to write for ten year olds like a true journalist, or still think of themselves as teachers elevating the consciousness of morons. I find this ironic, because the latter requires a laugh track for jokes that aren’t funny and the conscious dehumanization and contempt for humanity in general. Quite honestly, I think they should be ashamed of themselves. Then again, I’m not much better. I create based on the assumption that people find pleasure and enjoyment form the same things I do. I create to discharge my emotional baggage and repressed anger and frustration. And, I create to give myself an ego boost from helping others express their ideas in ways they hadn’t thought of before. When I’m creating I have this wondrous gambling high because I “know” that eventually there’s going to be a big payoff at some point in the future…I haven’t actually profited from my madness, but if some random artisan can sell cans of dookie there’s hope everyone, even if that jackass was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and trust fund they decided to blow on the court of public opinion and all I have is a college degree and debt up to my eyeballs. At some point, there is a possibility that I will king of hill and god of the mountain…
Roscoe Arbuckle’s career came to an end with his trials for rape and manslaughter. He worked with Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, and Bob Hope, as well as Keaton.
Hence the reason Arbuckle was unsuccessful. Because, rather than discovering new reasons to admire his fellowship with the rest of the human ‘race,’ he viewed his audience with a contemptuous ire of superiority, or possibly derived some other form of malicious pleasures from the “furless monkeys and clowns.”
And, when I say unsuccessful I mean by standards that change depending on ones personal values. As a celebrity I’m sure he would have been successful no matter what he did. After all, he was a celebrity. Surely, he had to have done something remarkable.
Ahem. Roscoe Arbuckle’s first love was performing; when that was taken from him by his conviction in the media (he was acquitted in the courts after two hung juries), he was shattered. He recovered amazingly when he was given a comeback by Vitaphone in 1932, as you can see here:
Roscoe (“Fatty” was his screen character, and he *hated* being called that name in public) was a gem of a performer to the end. He considered making people laugh to be the highest calling in life, and when that was taken away, he was destroyed. When it was given back to him, he was happy once more… and when he died, he died happy, having been offered his first feature-length sound picture.
Roscoe was a fine man and a gentleman. Let’s not sully his name.
Yeah, but the thing is, anyone who isn’t buried in a potter’s field is remembered as a good person. They could have been morally bankrupt and twice as nasty as a ferengi mafia boss and they’d still be remembered as a saint. To the best of my knowledge the wages of sin is death. Some people are gifted with more opportunity and abundance than others. Some can make an opportunity last a lifetime, and others like to stir things up. I assume Roscoe was one who liked to stir things up, he needed the chaos and tragedy in his life, and so he created that for himself. Whether he encountered those people because of his lifestyle or selected people who created the drama for him is immaterial. He chose how he reacted to the world, just as he chose his victories, and just as he chose what needs and substitutions for those needs held priority.
Is Tyler going to have to choke a chicken? Yes, yes he does
Really Ron your self pity has entered the realm of wangst and Moonshadow has had it with that.
35 thoughts on “10/02/2013”
Frith Ra
Is it time for the big reveal? or is whatever is tying these plot elements together going to come into play?
Stand by for the exciting continuation…
I thought Ron was Captain Clarinet, not Captain “Thass” Cold…
Alright, that’s the straw that broke the camel’s back. =_=
Grumpy Old Snake
Brick that broke it, more like. Yeowch…
Too bad they can’t fly the ship, since the command chair is in Cecil’s room…
Oh no he didn’t! Get ready for the throwdown you’ve been waiting for: Moonshadow vs. a depowered Ron Peterson! Who will win? Will Ron’s raw anger be enough to overpower the months of training Tyler has received from the Revenant? Will Moonshadow’s gadgets end the fight before it begins? Will the ship’s robots intervene? Will the giant squid enjoy watching the fight? Will Ron use the moves he learned in Praetorian Academy? Will Frank kick Lewis out of the house for his latest shenanigans? Will the Omaha police department get extra funding to handle metaprodigies and trans-dimensional chimpanzees with laser rifles? Will the hamster in Miss Kyle’s class recover?
Stay tuned to find out! Same PS238 channel, roughly the same PS238 time!
I don’t know. I see the name “Peterson” in the news an awful lot attached to murderers. I don’t know how common the name is, but I’m willing to wager that somewhere in that family line is a nurtured or conditioned response of violence if their scapegoat proves to be “superior” to them in any way.
Then again, I almost always hear about fleeing felons getting captured in Florida or Las Vegas instead of attempting to leave the country when there is a manhunt. Of course, I attribute that to John Walsh more than anything else…
Yes, it is about time someone who could thump the chump did so in order to convince him to get his head out of his self-absorbed butt and stop acting like an ass.
Right then. Ron, I think we’re going to need to have a little talk .
It’s about to get real…ish.
Ron’s still powered down, right?
Maybe a little attitude adjustment is coming…
Yup, Ron still hasn’t regained his Argosian abilities. However, both Ron and Moonshadow have had similar training. They both were taught combat moves by Coach Rockslide, and while Tyler was trained by the Revenant, Ron was trained by Praetorian Academy. Tyler also missed several weeks of training while he was in stasis. On the other hand, Ron’s training at Praetorian probably focused on how to maximize super-strength, super-speed and invulnerability. So it could be an even fight.
David Nuttall
Do the fighters use the same style of navigation system as the main ship? If so, could the guys replace the damaged/sabotaged navigation system with the working one from the fighter? It was just the maps that got scrambled, right? Fix the map and the engines can take you home!
Fighters typically don’t have FTL drives hence why they are fighters not corvettes [star wars aside]. lacking such a drive they will lack the cabilites for FTL navigation
That’s a lot of technical expertise you’re expecting out of two high school kids.
They’re not exactly high school yet…unless more years than I think have passed.
Their 8.
The starfighters are used for planetary landings, and for ship-to-ship combat. They’re more like a TIE/ln Fighter or the fighters from Babylon 5, than an X-Wing or Viper, in that they can’t travel at FTL speeds. The fighters do have a really nifty cloaking device, but the cloak only works when the fighters are stationary, or moving very slowly. The good news is that Tyler can give Cecil the cloaking device he promised him… if Tyler and Ron ever make it back to Earth, of course.
Also, the maps and engines on the Valiant Lance are fine. What got wiped was the data in the navigation computer. Without that data, someone in Ron and Tyler’s position would need to use the maps to calculate their position, and then try to locate where Earth might be. Then they would need to feed that info into the nav computer.
Neither Tyler nor Ron have the training to do this. Zodon could probably do it in his sleep, Angie might be able to do it, and Prospero could just call his people for a tow truck, but Ron and Tyler are stuck, for now.
Provided that any of Prospero’s people are still alive after encountering the aliens who reproduce by infecting alien species with their own genetic code…
According to the PS238 RPG, Prospero’s people are alive and well. Prospero is an advanced scout sent to fight the Septos (and destroy Earth if necessary). What that says about aliens who use children to fight their wars, is open to interpretation.
Prairie Son
Cosmic levels of desperation?
I don’t remember, can Moonshadow not contact The Revenant? He’s been pretty good at talking Moonshadow through dire situations before…
Moonshadow was able to text the Revenant while he was on Argos, but it took at least a half hour for each text to travel at FTL speeds to Earth or Argos. Right now Tyler and Ron are lost in space. Without proper coordinates, presumably the Clay Industries tech that the Revenant gave Tyler can’t be used.
Even if he could text the Revenant, without their precise coordinates, how exactly is the Revenant supposed to come and rescue them? I;m sure that the Revenant either has access to an FTL capable spaceship, or could get one from Herschel, the Power Partners, or the EDL, but space is big. Really big. Douglas Adams was very clear about that: if you don’t know where you are in space, the odds of being picked up by a friendly spaceship are very unlikely. (Unless using a stardrive powered by “improbable” events.) 🙂
Um… actually, aren’t these kids actually still in GRADE school? Not even Middle School or Junior High yet. What’s probably fooling you is that they ARE intelligent kids, and the author has the respect to write and treat kids 10-13 as the often intelligent and thoughtful people that they are, not the furless monkeys and clowns that sitcoms usually portray them as. (To be fair, they often portray the adults like that, also).
I call that the “Fatty Arbuckle” approach after reading a quote from an actor of the same name, apparently he and Buster Keaton had a difference of opinion on the subject. Obviously, both had their 15 minutes of fame. Supposedly, Buster was the more successful and influential of the two, but that could have more to do with the fact that he worked with other celebrities.
I think a lot of professional writers, that are successful, pride themselves on their ability to write as intellectuals, and either forget how to write for ten year olds like a true journalist, or still think of themselves as teachers elevating the consciousness of morons. I find this ironic, because the latter requires a laugh track for jokes that aren’t funny and the conscious dehumanization and contempt for humanity in general. Quite honestly, I think they should be ashamed of themselves. Then again, I’m not much better. I create based on the assumption that people find pleasure and enjoyment form the same things I do. I create to discharge my emotional baggage and repressed anger and frustration. And, I create to give myself an ego boost from helping others express their ideas in ways they hadn’t thought of before. When I’m creating I have this wondrous gambling high because I “know” that eventually there’s going to be a big payoff at some point in the future…I haven’t actually profited from my madness, but if some random artisan can sell cans of dookie there’s hope everyone, even if that jackass was born with a silver spoon in their mouth, and trust fund they decided to blow on the court of public opinion and all I have is a college degree and debt up to my eyeballs. At some point, there is a possibility that I will king of hill and god of the mountain…
Prairie Son
Roscoe Arbuckle’s career came to an end with his trials for rape and manslaughter. He worked with Harold Lloyd, Charlie Chaplin, and Bob Hope, as well as Keaton.
Hence the reason Arbuckle was unsuccessful. Because, rather than discovering new reasons to admire his fellowship with the rest of the human ‘race,’ he viewed his audience with a contemptuous ire of superiority, or possibly derived some other form of malicious pleasures from the “furless monkeys and clowns.”
And, when I say unsuccessful I mean by standards that change depending on ones personal values. As a celebrity I’m sure he would have been successful no matter what he did. After all, he was a celebrity. Surely, he had to have done something remarkable.
Ahem. Roscoe Arbuckle’s first love was performing; when that was taken from him by his conviction in the media (he was acquitted in the courts after two hung juries), he was shattered. He recovered amazingly when he was given a comeback by Vitaphone in 1932, as you can see here:
Roscoe (“Fatty” was his screen character, and he *hated* being called that name in public) was a gem of a performer to the end. He considered making people laugh to be the highest calling in life, and when that was taken away, he was destroyed. When it was given back to him, he was happy once more… and when he died, he died happy, having been offered his first feature-length sound picture.
Roscoe was a fine man and a gentleman. Let’s not sully his name.
Yeah, but the thing is, anyone who isn’t buried in a potter’s field is remembered as a good person. They could have been morally bankrupt and twice as nasty as a ferengi mafia boss and they’d still be remembered as a saint. To the best of my knowledge the wages of sin is death. Some people are gifted with more opportunity and abundance than others. Some can make an opportunity last a lifetime, and others like to stir things up. I assume Roscoe was one who liked to stir things up, he needed the chaos and tragedy in his life, and so he created that for himself. Whether he encountered those people because of his lifestyle or selected people who created the drama for him is immaterial. He chose how he reacted to the world, just as he chose his victories, and just as he chose what needs and substitutions for those needs held priority.
Is it just me or does Tyler look a might irritated in that last panel?
yes, yes, he does.
Ah, the old “Trapped together in an interstellar void” trope.
Is Tyler going to have to choke a chicken? Yes, yes he does
Really Ron your self pity has entered the realm of wangst and Moonshadow has had it with that.
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