I think it’s more that Ron has made it clear that he thinks he’s getting new powers (correctly, it would seem) and she’s assumed that that means he must be using Power and Glory. Since Ron hangs out with Tyler all the time, and Tyler is an unpowered member of a famous super-powered family, she assumes that Ron has also let him know (or that Tyler found P&G first and let Ron in on their existence).
Sarah’s real quick to assume, rather than just ask. I mean, they’re right there!
Sarah herself wasn’t sure that Ron actually knew — she asked P&G whether a kid had been asking after what she wanted, and got an evasive answer.
If she was so certain that Ron knew, shouldn’t she have demanded: “Ron, didn’t you tell him?”
Yea she’s already convinced they know because. P & G convinced her she has competition who will try to buy her powers first. Tyler has been trying to get Ron to keep quiet about his pending powers. Heck, Tyler is right now playing dumb in order to extract as much information out of her as he can.
But even if they might not know talking would b a waste of time because, if they did know they would likely lie about it. If they did not know they might pretend to know about it just to get information from her. Why would she ask? Better just skip to the chase and explain her plan where they all get what they want.
I’d guess that Lester — under house arrest — is wearing some sort of tracking device on his wrist, and the beeping is perhaps to let him know that he is near a location that he’s not supposed to be. Or maybe just to remind him that his movements are being tracked.
(Which, incidentally, means that Lester almost certainly cannot be the Mysterious Disguised Customer at P&Gs.)
Her task would be something odd like beat Him at rock em sock em robots. She doesn’t know that he is unaware and he hasn’t been offered a deal based on the result.
He’s actually being really smart. Fighting among the three (?) non-super powered kids here would probably strike a chord with Tyler’s parents, and deepen their disrespect. He also wants powers, and he knows by staying out of the limelight, they can complete their “quest”, and get the glowy-jar thingy for Sarah, and something else for him, Tyler and Ron. I sense he and Sarah are going to become very important characters.
Probably “hey, I am at a base for all the most powerful superheroes, along with all their kids. I REALLY don’t want to get beat up by every super at this place. I’m going to be on my BEST behavior. If they say no fights, I break up every fight I see, because I REALLY don’t want Sovereign Powers coming down on me like a ton of defendium.”
I’m wondering if this is not only about who wants superpowers, but who deserves superpowers. Or maybe even, who has earned superpowers. I wonder if Lester can grow enough, separated from his powers, to maybe earn them back. I don’t think Sarah is showing she deserved the powers she had, but then, she’s very young and what was done to her was much, much worse than Neuronet did to Phlogiston and 84. So she should be cut a little slack, and maybe there’s hope for her yet. Ron of course had superpowers, even earned superpowers (in my book anyway) but the question is, does he want superpowers?
You’re forgetting Tyler. Out of all of them, he is the who most deserves them, yet he is the one who least needs or thinks he really wants one. He is fine as is. I would say Ron is like this, but I’m guessing that he wants powers, at least to help his dad or maybe get revenge on Praetorian. I also think that Tyler would be fine with it because he would earn respect from his parents, and other kids at school. I personally want all of them to get powers, Just cause. I want four elements powers, also just cause.
I was pretty sure it was her, she seems to be a running gag of sorts harassing the two of them and constantly insisting on her delusional belief that Tyler knows all about Power And Glory and is her rival for the new powers she’s after. I’m curious how this is going to escalate and if she’ll undergo a Heel Realization, a My God What Have I Done? moment, or full on Face-Heel Turn.
Remember the price Sarah has to pay to Power and Glory to get superpowers isn’t monetary. I suspect that the price P&G is asking is that Sarah has to steal the superpowers of individuals who already have superpowers. Since she believes Ron and Tyler want superpowers as much as she does, I think she was trying to get them to join her plot to steal the superpowers of everyone in this Tower. If I’m right, her plan will succeed at first, and she’ll manage to strip away everyone’s superpowers. It will then be up to the non superpowered people in the Tower (and maybe Zodon) to foil her plan and get the superpowers restored to their proper owners. Why do I think Zodon will be the one person who normally has superpowers who won’t be completely ineffectual when they are removed? Because we saw how effective Zodon’s non superpowered counterpart was in a previous arc. Even without his super enhanced intellect, Zodon would still be very intelligent.
Part of me wishes that Lester, however villainous in the past and bitter now without power, isn’t actually working to get power or, at least, not doing anything nefarious in this story.
He comes across to me as being reluctantly “resigned to his fate” rather than reformed. He’s probably not working to get/steal power or try anything nefarious right now, but if he found out about Power & Glory that could change in an instant.
Well, Tyler and Cecil already know. Cecil saw her pull out the invitation Tyler threw in the trash and then consulted Tyler about it. As for the others, I’m not sure.
23 thoughts on “2016-10-28”
I think Sarah is getting Tyler mixed up with Toby. That’s the best explanation I can come up with, anyway.
I wonder what Lester’s wristband is beeping for?
I think he’s on her list of payment items and she’s misunderstood that to mean he’s in the know.
I think it’s more that Ron has made it clear that he thinks he’s getting new powers (correctly, it would seem) and she’s assumed that that means he must be using Power and Glory. Since Ron hangs out with Tyler all the time, and Tyler is an unpowered member of a famous super-powered family, she assumes that Ron has also let him know (or that Tyler found P&G first and let Ron in on their existence).
Sarah’s real quick to assume, rather than just ask. I mean, they’re right there!
Sarah herself wasn’t sure that Ron actually knew — she asked P&G whether a kid had been asking after what she wanted, and got an evasive answer.
If she was so certain that Ron knew, shouldn’t she have demanded: “Ron, didn’t you tell him?”
Yea she’s already convinced they know because. P & G convinced her she has competition who will try to buy her powers first. Tyler has been trying to get Ron to keep quiet about his pending powers. Heck, Tyler is right now playing dumb in order to extract as much information out of her as he can.
But even if they might not know talking would b a waste of time because, if they did know they would likely lie about it. If they did not know they might pretend to know about it just to get information from her. Why would she ask? Better just skip to the chase and explain her plan where they all get what they want.
I’d guess that Lester — under house arrest — is wearing some sort of tracking device on his wrist, and the beeping is perhaps to let him know that he is near a location that he’s not supposed to be. Or maybe just to remind him that his movements are being tracked.
(Which, incidentally, means that Lester almost certainly cannot be the Mysterious Disguised Customer at P&Gs.)
Her task would be something odd like beat Him at rock em sock em robots. She doesn’t know that he is unaware and he hasn’t been offered a deal based on the result.
Butterfly effect, change the future with many slight alterations.
I wonder what angle Lester is working….
“She said we can get our powers back! I’m in, whatever it takes!”
He’s actually being really smart. Fighting among the three (?) non-super powered kids here would probably strike a chord with Tyler’s parents, and deepen their disrespect. He also wants powers, and he knows by staying out of the limelight, they can complete their “quest”, and get the glowy-jar thingy for Sarah, and something else for him, Tyler and Ron. I sense he and Sarah are going to become very important characters.
Probably “hey, I am at a base for all the most powerful superheroes, along with all their kids. I REALLY don’t want to get beat up by every super at this place. I’m going to be on my BEST behavior. If they say no fights, I break up every fight I see, because I REALLY don’t want Sovereign Powers coming down on me like a ton of defendium.”
Mr. Casual
Apologize for how you were acting, and then immediately go back to acting that way.
I’m wondering if this is not only about who wants superpowers, but who deserves superpowers. Or maybe even, who has earned superpowers. I wonder if Lester can grow enough, separated from his powers, to maybe earn them back. I don’t think Sarah is showing she deserved the powers she had, but then, she’s very young and what was done to her was much, much worse than Neuronet did to Phlogiston and 84. So she should be cut a little slack, and maybe there’s hope for her yet. Ron of course had superpowers, even earned superpowers (in my book anyway) but the question is, does he want superpowers?
This is why I love this comic 🙂
You’re forgetting Tyler. Out of all of them, he is the who most deserves them, yet he is the one who least needs or thinks he really wants one. He is fine as is. I would say Ron is like this, but I’m guessing that he wants powers, at least to help his dad or maybe get revenge on Praetorian. I also think that Tyler would be fine with it because he would earn respect from his parents, and other kids at school. I personally want all of them to get powers, Just cause. I want four elements powers, also just cause.
I was pretty sure it was her, she seems to be a running gag of sorts harassing the two of them and constantly insisting on her delusional belief that Tyler knows all about Power And Glory and is her rival for the new powers she’s after. I’m curious how this is going to escalate and if she’ll undergo a Heel Realization, a My God What Have I Done? moment, or full on Face-Heel Turn.
Glenn Brown
Remember the price Sarah has to pay to Power and Glory to get superpowers isn’t monetary. I suspect that the price P&G is asking is that Sarah has to steal the superpowers of individuals who already have superpowers. Since she believes Ron and Tyler want superpowers as much as she does, I think she was trying to get them to join her plot to steal the superpowers of everyone in this Tower. If I’m right, her plan will succeed at first, and she’ll manage to strip away everyone’s superpowers. It will then be up to the non superpowered people in the Tower (and maybe Zodon) to foil her plan and get the superpowers restored to their proper owners. Why do I think Zodon will be the one person who normally has superpowers who won’t be completely ineffectual when they are removed? Because we saw how effective Zodon’s non superpowered counterpart was in a previous arc. Even without his super enhanced intellect, Zodon would still be very intelligent.
Part of me wishes that Lester, however villainous in the past and bitter now without power, isn’t actually working to get power or, at least, not doing anything nefarious in this story.
While I do have a soft spot for reformed villains, my real concern is that it’d be too obvious and even cliché if he was.
He comes across to me as being reluctantly “resigned to his fate” rather than reformed. He’s probably not working to get/steal power or try anything nefarious right now, but if he found out about Power & Glory that could change in an instant.
Can someone help me out please, I do not remember these people at all.
Ok, they’re in the self-help group at the beginning of the chapter
All these questions about Sarah’s motives, and nobody’s wondering how the heck she got into the tower…. 🙂
Well, Tyler and Cecil already know. Cecil saw her pull out the invitation Tyler threw in the trash and then consulted Tyler about it. As for the others, I’m not sure.
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