
102 thoughts on “2016-03-14

  1. Is the book in Patriot Act’s hands in the last panel a Marvel’s “Civil War” reference?

    1. Oh yes I love the idea of Patriot Act reading Civil War. I wonder his opinion on the matter. And hell I wonder what he’d think of Civil War 2.

  2. They have an “In” to the Praetorian Academy now.

  3. Don’t think we didn’t notice Captain-America-In-Training reading “Civil War”. It’s shout-outs like those which make this such a fun read.

    1. Note that USA Patriot Act isn’t so much Capt. America-in-Training but Republican American Superhero Jr.

      1. “Republican American Superhero Jr.” is what his sponsors may be aiming for, but when he isn’t on-camera he’s actually a lot more like Cap than they’d be happy with.

        1. Sucks when your mouthpiece starts thinking for himself, doesn’t it?

        2. Is he? TBH, to me he’s very much a jerk off-camera and even away from American Eagle*. Cap is a more than generally a nice guy.
          * applies also to her.

        3. Not so much, he went all rules lawyer with American Eagle to get Tyler kicked out of office (Class president) by using the school charter, at a time when Cranston was clearly under duress. That’s /not/ something Cap would be okay with.

      2. U.S.Agent -in-Training…

      3. He and Jenny are both competing to eventually replace Freedom Fighter, yes? Who is the PS-238 expy for Captain America. So yeah, Captain America in training. Both of them.

    2. USA IT reading Civil War and seeing his hero CA choosing right over legal might be just the eye opening that he needs not to be the jerk some of you are seeing. This could be his Catcher In The Rye/Ayn Rand/To Kill A Mockingbird that changes his thinking forever.

    3. he’s more like US Agent

  4. And Von Fogg’s ranting, and Ambriel looks like she’s almost praying for a fire drill. 🙂

    1. He’s found something her Guardian Angel can’t protect her against, her one main weakness (outside of needing air, food, water, etc).

      1. Ambriel’s powers do retaliate against things that annoy her, so she probably doesn’t mind Von Fogg’s rantings that much. After all, she does get along pretty well with Zodon.

        1. A good point, she does seem more tolerant of both of them than everyone else. Probably because she’s not much different than them personality-wise. They’re all snarky and more than a little full of themselves, them due to the ego from their genius and her due to the protection of her Guardian Angel leaving her able to get away with a lot without fear of punishment (her alternate was the only one who wasn’t afraid of and had no problems talking back to Evil Tyler after all, and only backed down when he threatened her friends since she knew she couldn’t protect them against him indefinitely).

        2. She was the one who got punished by the teacher for angel throwing the blackboard eraser so I don’t think she don’t fear punishment.

        3. Man in the Mists

          To be fair, the last couple of times she went somewhere with Zodon she went home with a really cool new toy.

        4. Sometimes. But she’s been telling it to behave lately–ever since she almost died.

    2. Ah, but is she following him, as part of her duties with the Trans-Dimensional Defense Division?
      Or is he following her, as she’s one of the few that will put up with listen to his ranting?

      1. They probably have the next class together. NO power can help her now!

  5. He now gets 2 suits! This could be interesting. 🙂

    1. Well in CoH/V you could have something like 5 different costumes.

    2. He already has 2 suits. One of them just needs to be fixed up from the time he wore it to gym class and had Zodon as his activity partner.

  6. Finally finishing the chapter! It’s only been nearly two years!

  7. Nice to see there are drinking fountains at different levels. Herschell thinks on everything!

  8. It’s gonna ake a lot to make an outfit that’s 84-hug-proof

    1. Think “Girl of Steel, Boy of Tissue Paper.” This can be a long-term relationship, but I would caution against making it very physical, especially after puberty. I would recommend her marrying someone else with an 8 at the beginning of their identification, or maybe Bernard.

      1. While an interesting analogy, Ron’s existence shows that FISS can intermarry and reproduce with normal humans without killing or permanently harming their loved one.

      2. Doesn’t Captain Clarinets very existence prove that a long term marriage/physical relationship between them could work in this particular universe? After all Clarinet’s parents split because of personal reasons, not because she got squished in a hug. So Julie and Tyler could totally happen.

        1. Obviously she just hasn’t fully learned to control her strength, but if she was THAT lacking in control she’d have killed him with the first hug (like Lois’s son did in several Elseworld’s when he hugged her as a child) and she’ll certainly get it under control once she’s fully of age. Plus to put things delicately, it’s not like she’d have to do all that much ‘work’ as it were, her partner could do the majority of it while she simply lays back and enjoys things.

        2. Sure, a relationship could work, but that doesn’t mean Woman of Kleenex isn’t an issue.

          Have we been shown that Rob was an accident? If not, it could be a planned insemination. Or, since Argonite seems only to depower (unlike Kryptonite which makes Superman ill), maybe hey have sex only when they have some around–so he could still be an accident.

          The real question is if other FISSes, who wouldn’t know about Argonite, have had sex with weaker metas or humans. Do we even know of another FISS/Non-FISS couple?

        3. Er, yeah. Mo=Ron (Captain Clarinet) was born of the union of Atlas (Argonian F.I.S.S., equivalent of Superman) and his Earth-human wife. Therefore, it is possible for a F.I.S.S. and a non-F.I.S.S. to have intercourse without damage and for the non-F.I.S.S. to carry the child to term. So yeah, Tyler would most likely be fine if he were to become Julie’s husband.

      3. Girl of Steel is generally considered less of a problem, though. Man of Steel has to eject something into the Women of Kleenex. But while the contractions of Girl of Steel’s orgasm might be bad for the Boy’s “kleenex,” she doesn’t have to do that to have a baby.

        1. What about the logistics of penetrating an indestructible hymen? Unless comic book law dictates that that one part of her body isn’t invulnerable, it’s likely that when she grows up, 84 and every other female FISS is biologically incapable of having their first time with a non-FISS unless they utilize some kind of special equipment, which would likely involve Argonite.

          On a more G-rated offshoot, how do FISSes get their vaccinations? The VERY FIRST line ever spoken by Clark Kent in comic history was “Try again, Doc!”, after after his doctor tried to give him a shot and the needle snapped off… again (Later reboots of the franchise had Clark not become invulnerable until after he was old enough to not need shots anymore). Superman likely didn’t really need immunization from Earth diseases because he isn’t human, but the typical FISS in this universe is an enhanced human, not an alien, and as such is vulnerable to human disease.

        2. She’s the one who cured Tyler of the alien virus, and it was stated that she fought off chickenpox in under 6 hours. It’s entirely possible that while she has had shots, she didn’t need them.

          Also, this universe has good fabrication of materials. They likely have someone who makes needles out of nickel alloys or something.

    2. Silly Tyler:
      Your civilian guise IS your crush-proof outfit.

      (For both meanings of crush)

  9. In case you don’t get Tyler’s comment of “I think it’d take a lot for that to happen,” it’s a reply to what the Revenant said last comic:

    “It’s VITALLY important that she NEVER becomes someone who believes that a WAR btween metahuman groups is a VALID course of action.”

    1. Oh.

      Thank you. 🙂

      1. I didn’t get it either until I looked back to see what comments showed up after I posted on the previous comic. It’d just been too long.

  10. Aaaawwwwww <3 I ship it 😀

    Speaking of Shipping things, am I correct in assuming that aside from these page-comments there is no platform for PS238-fans to discuss things (such as ships)?

    1. Man of Steel, Woman of Kleenex or rather Man of Kleenex, Woman of Steel. He’s already gotten injured from casual hugs. Anything more would be worse.

      1. “Comic book physics” says if she actually thought about it, she could control her strength enough not to hurt him.

        1. Like Atlas, I assume… He was in the same situation with Ron’s mom.

        2. Right. I believe she’s only super-hugged him when he was in his Moon Shadow gear. Given what the kids believe about his powers, she probably thought she was hugging someone who’s pretty much invincible. I’m sure she’d be more careful if she knew he was squishy.

          At least, I hope so, because I ship it, too. They’re adorable together.

        3. Hardly ‘comic book physics’, that’s just general biology and physics. I mean it’s just baffling to me that some people think that because someone’s got super-strength that it somehow must mean every muscle in their body is for no other reason than it’s a muscle is now stupidly over-powered. Just look at the RL comparisons, guys who train for massive physical strength, doesn’t do squat to power up any of their other muscles because they’re not the same deal. Which is why you generally require an explicit acknowledgement that a character can’t control their super-strength or has other issues for it to matter, otherwise you’d have ridiculous things like the character peeing holes in walls or constantly creating windstorms when breathing or worse.

  11. There is http://ps236.wikia.com. Not very active, but it would be a place to start.

  12. This is one of the very best pages in the whole comic. 🙂

  13. And now things are set up for Julie to call upon Tyler and Moon Shadow for help at the same time. ;>

  14. Victor would make for a great lecturer.

  15. I like the two different height water fountains

    1. I guess Poly Mer and the flyers use the upper one.

  16. Is the upper drinking fountain in the bottom panel supposed to be adult-height or flighted-student-height?

    1. I think its a flighted-student-height I have never seen an adult that tall

      1. The androids can stretch their necks and legs to that extent, but I don’t see them needing to drink water.

        1. Yeah and I don’t remember many androids except the positrons and that headmaster-helper-guy in this story.
          Not only that but water would most likely damage their systems so it’s a moot point.

        2. The headmaster-helper guy IS a positron, if I remember right. Just one that is perhaps cut off from the group? I’m not sure but there seemed to be some language suggesting a connection.

        3. You do remember right, Matthew. That was the July 9, 2014 panel, where Prefect (the “Headmaster-helper-guy”) says “My favorite “relative” is working with 84 at this very moment. Should I make the data feed available for your review?”. The next panel shows that Dr. Positron of PS238 is indeed that “favorite relative”, working with 84 and Whiz.

        4. I imagine given the Headmaster stole everything else he’s got at the school that the Positron he has is an earlier model that had defects (like lacking the kind of moral programming the two at the school and the one running the convenience store have) and willingly serves him for ‘liberating’ it. We also don’t know enough about the series they’re part of, they might require water for cooling or other purposes so might actually make use of water fountains or at least be built to emulate humans enough to engage in such things as eating and drinking even if they can’t gain nourishment from it in order to fit in.

        5. Hey! I forgot what he was called, and I would like to know where you discovered that the prefect was a positron.

      2. “Relative” was in quotation marks because he was reffering to the fact that they were both AIs

  17. Hah! I knew it.

  18. woops I mean I knew it was for tyler (it meaning that paper)

  19. USA Patriot Act looks odd in color. I guess I was always thinking of his suit as being blue, not red. Is that an older kid behind Tyler? He looks a good head and a half taller.

    1. He SAID that red is his favorite color, right?

    2. Red for the Republican party, though that last part is implied and not stated. American Eagle is the Democratic (also implied) superkid, but she’s mostly colored white.

      1. Implied in comic, confirmed in the RPG book.

    3. Well, I have never seen a blue eagle, and by the way Sean, it shows his color on the cover of issue six “Real American Heroes”.

      1. You are right. Obviously, I just wasn’t paying attention.

      2. You’ve never seen a blue eagle? Get thee to the Muppet Show! You’re making Sam the Eagle sad.

        1. Oh, Shut up! *snicker*.

        2. Hole on! what’s wit da messed up sweap schedule.

    4. Yeh, the color can be seen on issue 6, but I think it looks better there because th white in his pants helps to balance out the red, and you can’t see the white in this panel.

      1. I didn’t think we were talking about aesthetics.

  20. I’m trying to think of the times when Tyler (as not-Moon Shadow) was able to really help or do stuff. The one that comes to mind is when he was in orbit with Angie and Prospero doing their project for Mr. Herschel’s class. Anything else?

    1. He did the time-travel fight with Zodon. But 84 wouldn’t know about that one.

    2. Issue 4, with the field trip to the moon.

      1. LIKE. 😀

        I wonder if Tyler’s classmates, while feeling sorry for his not having powers, do have some conscious respect for his common sense and down-to-earth cleverness?

        1. You mean like when they busted Charles for shoplifting at the K Square?

  21. Now as a member twice, I expect him to be wanted by them in two places at once 🙂 his twin will be useful.

    1. Acualy I was thinking of Cecil because he already knows that Tyler is moon shadow

  22. Woops!!! typo 😮

  23. I mean Whoops! typo 😮

  24. So in order for Tyler to show up is Moon Shadow going to have to snub the invitation or will sitcom-esque hijinks ensue?

    1. Moon Shadow can just claim prior superheroic engagements, and everyone will believe him. 😉

    2. Tyler will turn up. Later, Moon Shadow will mention that he was at the meeting and/or demonstrate knowledge of what happene during it, and everyone will be VERY impressed at his stealth skills.

      1. This. When Moon shadow demonstrates he knows all that happened at the meetings, his legend will grow.

      2. So Sitcom-esque shenanigans it is then. 😛

  25. I think Tyler will show up and Cecil will be Moon Shadow. You know, the whole Alfred is Batman bit.

  26. Does the kid in the middle panel remind anyone else of a young version of Mister Terrific (obviously with a more generic facemask) or is it just me?

    1. Her name is Poly Mer and she’s a regular in this series.

      1. Wait…middle panel? Scratch what I said.

    2. New kid (at least to my knowledge) and kiddof, but not really. Remines me more of an electric powers teenager that I found in some obsqure comic whose name I can’t remember. That kid also wore a leather jacket similar to that, his name might have been Static Shock, but I really can’t remember at this point. I can also see the resemblance to Mr. Terrific now that you mention it, so what do I know.

      1. Given the electric-shock warning sign on his shirt, my first guess would be “Black Lightning* expy”.

        *For those old enough to remember Challenge of the Super Friends.

        1. Not old enough to remember, but that didn’t stop my little brothers from playing dvd’s of the thing on endless loops in the car when we were yonger. I think I have that entire season memorized.

    3. Actually, if you took away the mask and modified the warning symbol to the standard exclamation point, it would look a lot like the outfit I saw a few years ago being worn by some guys in a jeep that had a “Zombie Response Team #18” logo on the doors. Even the hairdo is similar.

  27. Love the two different heights on the drinking fountains

  28. So far the identity and actions of Zero is secure. I’m waiting on the headmaster of the praetorian school finding out and getting his fingers in him.

  29. Heh heh, “crush-proof” has an unintended double meaning.

  30. Cuz no one else seems to be saying it — d’awwwwwwwww.

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