All things considered, I normally cringe at these moments. In this instance, however, if everything should go kablooey, I take comfort in the fact that 84 is extremely durable and that these other four folks will get an object lesson in team building. Lesson 1: Don’t tick off the one person least likely to be injured by what will happen next.
So now 84 sets off the supposed trap, doesn’t have to worry about the damage unlike the rest of them. Might actually get tthem to tone down the condescension for a bit.
I think that’s her “I don’t /care/ what stepping on this trap will do to me, it can’t possibly be worse than listening to those assholes for one more second.” face.
At least it will be faster than waiting for the primadonnas to stop their ranting.
And now she understands why some super powered villains hate super heroes. Honestly their worse then a villain monolog. At least that one acknowledges your existence.
That may be a part of what Phlogiston’s “narcissistic sociopath” remark is referring to, too. Those two are behaving in just as maladjusted a manner as all too many supervillains, and it wouldn’t be all that surprising to see them slip over the edge at some point, with how they’re carrying on.
Especially if 84 winds up winning this one as seems likely, and that gets made public. Prima donnas like that can carry a grudge beyond all reason, and it’s a sure bet they’d feel slighted if she pulls attention from them.
I’m liking Firedrake more and more. The guy’s a bit … slow on the uptake, but he doesn’t seem to be actively rude to her. He’s going with the very common mentality of “she’s a kid, so she’s not as smart as we are”. Yeah, its still rude to treat kids like that, but there is some truth to it. Though it’d be more accurate to say they’re not as educated as adults are, as I know some kids who make adults seem like a rather dim bulb in comparison.
Phlogiston of course is coming across as a more down to earth type. She knows what she can do, but has probably never been encouraged to really see what tricks she can pull off with it. Could be that her team sees her for the obvious application of her powers and she’s never really had a chance to try any fancy schtuff with it.
After all, the best one trick ponies are the ones who take a single clear cut well defined ability and find scads of different ways to use it.
Actually, Firedrake seems like one of those kids that learned longer words but never really grew up. Not really mean, exactly, just doesn’t quite know when a joke he was proud of isn’t funny anymore and how not to come off as obnoxious. He even says he isn’t trying to offend Grigor when he’s boasting about his firepower. He’s just… A manchild. And that comes off as obnoxious to anyone who doesn’t realize how earnest he is.
On that last count, have you heard of Worm? It’s a superhero universe based on that sort of thing.
Horatio, I never said his comments weren’t insulting. If it came across that way, poor wording on my part. It’s why I said “actively rude”. I do see your point however, not dismissing it, so don’t take it that way. Characters like him are often more difficult to pin down as there are many reasons for how they behave. It could even be a mixture of both of our views about him.
I think I’m a bit confused. We seem to be giving Firedrake different benefits of the doubt. I think he’s too immature to both realize and solve how obnoxious he’s being, and you think he’s not that dumb, just working with some common predispositions that don’t apply as well to the current situation?
Horatio, all I’m saying is that Both of our views have “Potential” Merit as to the Reason he interacts with everything the way he does. We just don’t have enough facts (yet) due to lack of screen time to confirm it one way or the other. So, I’m waiting to see more development from him to get a better feel for what he’s like.
A person however Can be mature but seriously socially inept and do stupid things like what he’s done. Trust me, I’ve dealt with people like that on a regular basis. No joke.
Conjurer however has had more screen time, so his behavior patterns are more clear cut by now. Of course he can still throw us for a loop.
As to Worm, never heard of it, but I’ll have to look it up.
Fair enough, I can accept that as the best course of action at the time. And Worm is apparently by far the most popular thing on Spacebattles at the moment, dwarfing Zero no Tsukaima.
If the weaklings are going to cringe from potential splash damage then they shouldn’t be near combat.
Leading from the front and by example. Time is relevant people.
Ah yes. Those are always fun, the “obvious” trap that is actually nothing more than a “we have visitors” doorbell sort of thing. Of course the irony is when you have a similar setup later and it actually IS a trap!
Until and unless 84 has some very well-thought-out reasoning she can then exposit to the rest of them. Of course Conjuror will ignore it, though it may well give the other three some food for thought. Neuronet will likely pay attention, regardless of anyone else does. He’s already been blindsided by her once, and the pattern will likely continue until this is done.
It’s hard to be sure, having really read his comments again on where Neuronet stands on the issue. He mentioned the website, but didn’t say anything about the movement itself. He may be against it, he may be waiting for logical commentary. It’s impossible to tell right now. Julie however has proven she can think logically, so any logical comment here will be at the very least considered. So I take back my view about him being a prick. For now.
Firedrake is a hard one. One could call him a snarker, but looking at his earlier comments, he doesn’t seem to be a sharp enough tack to have the wit for that. He also comes across as a bit on the simple side, so he’ll probably follow the team unless there is a reason not to. As to his last commentary to Julie … that felt more like an adult trying to explain something to a kid. Not in the nicest of ways, but that’s the vibe I got off of it.
Conjurer wants to be in complete charge here, Because its His specialty. I have a feeling he probably has issues with his own group about leadership as well. He’ll balk at the idea of having to be in a support role. That’s the attitude I’ve picked up on him since his arrival.
Phlogiston seems to be the quiet sort, and as noted, is a bit dismissive of her own abilities. To me, its almost like she’s unsure and not comfortable with herself. Push comes to shove, I have a feeling she could really be a powerhouse. If they others go Too far, she’d defend Julie, if only because Julie is a “child” and she’s an “adult”.
As to saying that they’re a team … they’re not. They are five individuals, none of whom really understand each other, thrust into a bad situation. They were never told they had to team up, in fact Veles’ comment says there can only be one winner. So the issue of them staying together for now is more than none of them seems capable of stepping up to the proverbial plate.
In time, if they worked together regularly, they might be a team, and there might be team-like aspects by the time they get the eye, but for now … definitely not a Team.
The website is misleading them because its writtrn by groupies and not a functioning team, would you trust Forak with any serious website or term paper?
Neuronet already was thinking after his side moment and he’s sharing what he learned about the FISS group. And yeah Firefrake is a man-child, egging her on with the pay comment, the group’s snark. Phlogiston isn’t asking or listening to 84, so Nanny is no better than Condescending-Helmet. Teams, and especially team leaders, need to listen to each other with some level of respect.
i would love if this little show was like the old episode of Arena on STOS and all the other teams see the action.
In terms of basic goodness, I’d say Phlogiston (teal lady) is easily the most decent adult present, followed by Firedrake, who seems to not have his head completely wedged up his own rear end.
Of the final two left, duking it out for ‘biggest narccisistic sociopath’, I’m going to mark the Conjurer in the lead (or rear) here, followed fairly closely by Neuronet. Of these last two, the Conjurer seems most likely to win the ‘Horrible Warning for why maxing Int and using Wisdom as a dump stat is a bad idea’ award.
That depends ENTIRELY on how lethal Koschei wants his opening trap to be. If it’s more of a “go away and don’t bother me”, she may shrug it off, but it was designed to deter people that would look at the dragons flying overhead and not be deterred so even then I’d bet it has some kick.
If he wants to kill anyone who would even start his puzzle, well then the trap may be enough to even drop a FISS.
Well she does know the most about the extent of her abilities:
If she’s right, they get through. If she’s wrong, something will probably eat her!
Nah, she’s got Speed. She’s faster than the other three. Also more durable.
And you know what they say, you don’t have to outrun the , you just have to outrun the guy(s) you’re with.
*the {large predator},
Used the wrong brackets. 🙁
Not only does she have all the FISS powers, she also seems to be the smartest and most mature person present…
I think that’s the reason for the expression on Bubblehead’s face… phrases like “blast radius” and “minimum safe distance” are suddenly coming to mind.
So our pyromaniac doesn’t seen to have too much trouble with 84 being a FISS, our mentalist thinks he’s a rock star and FISS are just whiny back-up singers, the mage thinks he’s a master craftsman and the only other female in the group is apparently (perhaps a bit too predictably) the only one who isn’t confused and thinking she’s living in a lofty tower to look down upon the FISS (or people in general) but instead actually recognizes and points out what trolls the others are.
Got to say that it does at least make one smile to see 84 go ‘Screw it!’ and go stand on the trigger spot to see what happens after that kind of verbal abuse. Really hoping those who deserve it get a good smack-down or put in their place by what comes next.
Well incoming plot of Asian/White male privilege being explained as super affirmative action as 3 guys need a strong independent woman to do all the work and fix their “mistakes”. Its a wonder how Europe and Asia managed to be the only places civilization advanced with patriarchies
Secret identities are secret, Firedrake doesn’t know Julie’s real name.
Given the trend of FISS going by their numbers, he also doesn’t know whether she chose 84 as her superhero name or if she was assigned it by her “peers” (he definitely doesn’t know that she’s the one who started the trend).
In short, I think he can be excused for calling her “little girl” until she indicates her preference.
Secret identities are secret, but she does have a name that they know. 84. But they’re not calling her 84, they’re calling her things like ‘little girl’ and ‘flying brick.’
Firedrake is being a jerk, but it seems to be in a more naive manner, like he doesn’t know how abusive he’s being. A product of his culture, he knows that FISS are called things like ‘flying brick’ and goes along with it without thought, but doesn’t really mean anything by it. A good smack and a wake up call would cure him. Neuronet and Conjurer, though, they are genuinely unlikable.
I’ll give Firedrake a pass … for now. The guy can be a bit of a dim bulb after all. He’s not actively trying to be rude, just he’s slow on the uptake. I’m sure after some prodding he’ll call her by her handle or name.
Now if they’d listened to her or treated her as a person, she probably would have suggested something like, “OK, you guys shelter under a magic dome of protection while I step on the rock, and we’ll see what happens.” As it is, SCREWIT!
The funny thing is, if they get HURT she’ll be really, really sorry that she lost her temper, too.
Again, Phlogiston seems to be the only one who has, from the beginning, not been a condescending jerk at all to 84 (and actually was supportive of what she was asking or saying a few times, or at least defensive of how jerk-ishly the others were acting towards her (with the Doorman thing, and now with the narcissistic sociopath thing).
Firedrake doesnt seem that jerkish either (he seemed to like the idea of having a flying brick with them) – his thing seems to be more being condescending to her because she’s a little kid that needs protecting.
Why do I have a feeling that Julie will warm up to Phlogiston and “pass” the Eye to her for delivery? Because she’s actually civil, intelligent, and appears to be a nice person. Of course Veles will know the truth, as I’m sure any time they scratch their head he’s aware of exactly what part of their head they scratch.
You do realize how condescending nannies are to competent people? That is worse to me than the mage. She has not asked 84 anything or treated 84 as worthy or being sa teammate and not JUST a child.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t get the mentality of her being a nanny type. They haven’t even treated each OTHER as a team mate, let alone her!
That’s specifically why I said warm up to her. In short, of them all, she seems the one Most likely to come across at the end as being the most decent of the four of them.
In the next comic the two stone dwarf will swing their swords over her head ,she will evade the trap because she is small not because she is invulnerable
I like that idea, I think I’ve seen that in a module, comic, or similar regarding traps that being designed by say dwarves were targeted at areas above the normal height of a dwarf to hit say an invading dark elf or thieving human but not hit a dwarf (so a dwarf to lead intruders into such a trap).
Dwarves are just as sensible as anyone else when it comes to making use of traps, they’re Lawful Good not Lawful Stupid after all. No point to having traps and not using them when they should be used. Just instead of luring an enemy into an ambush he’s just luring them into a stationary trap point.
I’m thinking the dwarves come to life & 84 asks politely if she can pass, they nod & allow her to and when the One Trick Ponies try to barge through, they get stuck in a fight
The best traps are the ones that have a logical clear cut solution, if those involved don’t over analyze things.
A passage that only lets those who ‘tread upon air’ to pass. Solution, a set of rings they had picked up not too long before. Any inspection of the rings had implications of passage and wings. They were magical, but nobody could figure out what they did, and nobody was willing to put them on either. The rings were designed to allow them to circumvent (or land in) certain traps by floating over them.
The dimwit figured that a person flying through the air qualified as “treading upon air”. Yup, he threw a member of the party through the passage. The GM considered it acceptable, for that character anyway. The rest balked at being thrown through for obvious reasons. They found another way through, but it wasn’t pretty.
Often thinking that complex solutions or tools are needed to solve a problem only makes things more complex than they actually are.
I’m remembering a certain story about the Soviet space program, the U.S. space program, and the utility of a pencil right now.
Pencils aren’t used in space, not by anybody. They create dust and shavings which can be breathed in or get into electronics. The only pencils used are wax pencils (which don’t produce those problems), and they don’t create permanent copy. Incidentally, space pens were developed by private industry, and not by any government. NASA scored the first 200 of them for cheap.
I remember hearing of the story to which Prairie Son alludes. NASA spent a small fortune trying (unsuccessfully) to create a pen that would work in space (pens, after all, are gravity-fed, and don’t work well in space as is). The Russians, however, just went with a pencil (graphite or wax, it matters not – they are a proven technology that work well under multiple situations already, so why would they try to recreate the wheel?)
I heard the story Psiberkiwi is alluding to, only the solution was el-cheapo BIC pens. They have no problems writing in space. Though IIRC, NASA ended up using the BIC pens, not the Soviet Union.
It would be better if that ‘trap’ endows the user with a special form of vision which is crucial in completing their quest. Perhaps it might even persist afterwards and be useful at times.
Phlogiston seems pretty dismissive of her own powers, so it’s not unbelievable that she appreciates a FISS-type. Firedrake is a pretty straight-shooter, even if he doesn’t think much before he talks. Summoner isn’t wrong, but he certainly isn’t helping. Fishbowl-head is going to get his attitude adjusted.
Has no one ever pointed out to these putzes that flashy powers means everyone knows what you can do and how to counter them? Not to mention pointed out to them that flashy powers does not always equate to surviving to retirement age?
Better yet, point out that the *last* person declared the champion by this trickster was *also* a FISS with no spectacularly flashy powers. Should shut them up for a couple of minutes or two.
Well they seem less concerned about this job in particular, and more about the FISS respect movement in general.
This Job is short term (although it might be terminal, but I don’t think Veles would play it that way. I suspect the failures will be more like the bad kids in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) whereas the FISS movement might have an effect on their income (appearance fees, endorsements etc.)
I’m sure they are worried more about their wallets, than their lives.
How much you want to bet Velles is videorecording their actions and uploads it to youtube?
Considering Veles is “an ancient god of mischief and magic”, I can quite well see him live-streaming the event, rather than just recording it. Doesn’t mean it won’t wind up on YouTube later, it just means everyone can see what’s happening as it happens.
Firedrake is treating 84 like I’ve seen many people act towards kids, not a way that kids LIKE to be treated, but he basically doesn’t know any better. That’s basically unrelated to her being a FISS, other than the flying brick comments and stuff… but the way he says that makes me think that he thinks that’s actually cool. Plus he IS concerned for Julie’s safety, since he sees her as a kid and therefore he seems to feel a bit responsible for her. Which is respectable enough.
Bubblehead and Conjurer.. dear god. Those two are such hilariously insecure assholes it’s funny. Every opportunity they’ve got, they either tried to show off their own powers, or disparage other people. Yeah, you’re not overcompensating at ALL. Every word out of their mouths about FISS sounds like they’re trying to convince themselves of what they’re saying as well.
I actually like Phlogiston, she’s willing to call out the other people when they’re being assholes. She seems very level-headed and possessing actual empathy, which seems to be minority qualities among the supers from what I’ve seen.
Kolth, I’ll agree about Conjurer. He’s good target practice, especially that bathrobe. It seriously Has to Go. I mean, I’d tolerate a skinny man in trunks in comparison. Now if he’d arrived with signs he’d Just stepped out of the shower, but then changed to a more appropriate garb, he could be forgiven. But it seems to be how he dresses. I also have a feeling that he himself has no magical power. Knowledge, yes, power no. IE the power comes from the helm itself.
Neuronet … its hard to pin him down. He listened to Julie earlier, and the way he phrased the bit about the website left it open to interpretation on how he views the movement itself. That’s why I’m saying he gets a pass. For now. He may of course prove himself to be a second grade version of a jerk compared to Conjurer.
Firedrake … I’ve said elsewhere here some of my views. It’s interesting how diverse the image of him actually is.
Phlogiston, yeah, seems the most level headed, if a bit insecure and unsure in ways.
Phlogiston .. makes far too much sense for the average superhero.. except for the part where she calls three superpowered beings narcissistic sociopaths to their faces.
I guess it’s like the joke about why superheroes form teams.
You know, so when they walk down the street and hear people laughing, they can pretend it’s at the other guy.
She makes as much sense as any decent human being and any decent superhero. And I applaud her calling out the other three for being jerks, superpowered or not. I think she- and 84- may turn out to be the truer heroes here.
114 thoughts on “2014-12-05”
All things considered, I normally cringe at these moments. In this instance, however, if everything should go kablooey, I take comfort in the fact that 84 is extremely durable and that these other four folks will get an object lesson in team building. Lesson 1: Don’t tick off the one person least likely to be injured by what will happen next.
So now 84 sets off the supposed trap, doesn’t have to worry about the damage unlike the rest of them. Might actually get tthem to tone down the condescension for a bit.
I think that’s her “I don’t /care/ what stepping on this trap will do to me, it can’t possibly be worse than listening to those assholes for one more second.” face.
At least it will be faster than waiting for the primadonnas to stop their ranting.
And now she understands why some super powered villains hate super heroes. Honestly their worse then a villain monolog. At least that one acknowledges your existence.
That may be a part of what Phlogiston’s “narcissistic sociopath” remark is referring to, too. Those two are behaving in just as maladjusted a manner as all too many supervillains, and it wouldn’t be all that surprising to see them slip over the edge at some point, with how they’re carrying on.
Especially if 84 winds up winning this one as seems likely, and that gets made public. Prima donnas like that can carry a grudge beyond all reason, and it’s a sure bet they’d feel slighted if she pulls attention from them.
I’m liking Firedrake more and more. The guy’s a bit … slow on the uptake, but he doesn’t seem to be actively rude to her. He’s going with the very common mentality of “she’s a kid, so she’s not as smart as we are”. Yeah, its still rude to treat kids like that, but there is some truth to it. Though it’d be more accurate to say they’re not as educated as adults are, as I know some kids who make adults seem like a rather dim bulb in comparison.
Phlogiston of course is coming across as a more down to earth type. She knows what she can do, but has probably never been encouraged to really see what tricks she can pull off with it. Could be that her team sees her for the obvious application of her powers and she’s never really had a chance to try any fancy schtuff with it.
After all, the best one trick ponies are the ones who take a single clear cut well defined ability and find scads of different ways to use it.
Horatio Von Becker
Actually, Firedrake seems like one of those kids that learned longer words but never really grew up. Not really mean, exactly, just doesn’t quite know when a joke he was proud of isn’t funny anymore and how not to come off as obnoxious. He even says he isn’t trying to offend Grigor when he’s boasting about his firepower. He’s just… A manchild. And that comes off as obnoxious to anyone who doesn’t realize how earnest he is.
On that last count, have you heard of Worm? It’s a superhero universe based on that sort of thing.
Horatio, I never said his comments weren’t insulting. If it came across that way, poor wording on my part. It’s why I said “actively rude”. I do see your point however, not dismissing it, so don’t take it that way. Characters like him are often more difficult to pin down as there are many reasons for how they behave. It could even be a mixture of both of our views about him.
Horatio Von Becker
I think I’m a bit confused. We seem to be giving Firedrake different benefits of the doubt. I think he’s too immature to both realize and solve how obnoxious he’s being, and you think he’s not that dumb, just working with some common predispositions that don’t apply as well to the current situation?
Horatio, all I’m saying is that Both of our views have “Potential” Merit as to the Reason he interacts with everything the way he does. We just don’t have enough facts (yet) due to lack of screen time to confirm it one way or the other. So, I’m waiting to see more development from him to get a better feel for what he’s like.
A person however Can be mature but seriously socially inept and do stupid things like what he’s done. Trust me, I’ve dealt with people like that on a regular basis. No joke.
Conjurer however has had more screen time, so his behavior patterns are more clear cut by now. Of course he can still throw us for a loop.
As to Worm, never heard of it, but I’ll have to look it up.
Horatio Von Becker
Fair enough, I can accept that as the best course of action at the time. And Worm is apparently by far the most popular thing on Spacebattles at the moment, dwarfing Zero no Tsukaima.
If the weaklings are going to cringe from potential splash damage then they shouldn’t be near combat.
Leading from the front and by example. Time is relevant people.
Could also be as simple as the freakin’ doorbell. I’d laugh my arse off, if the stone door wardens ask “Who’s there” next panel.
Ah yes. Those are always fun, the “obvious” trap that is actually nothing more than a “we have visitors” doorbell sort of thing. Of course the irony is when you have a similar setup later and it actually IS a trap!
Sadly I see the two pricks(neuronet & conjurer) blaming her for not thinking things through, doing the sledgehammer approach, ad nauseum.
Until and unless 84 has some very well-thought-out reasoning she can then exposit to the rest of them. Of course Conjuror will ignore it, though it may well give the other three some food for thought. Neuronet will likely pay attention, regardless of anyone else does. He’s already been blindsided by her once, and the pattern will likely continue until this is done.
It’s hard to be sure, having really read his comments again on where Neuronet stands on the issue. He mentioned the website, but didn’t say anything about the movement itself. He may be against it, he may be waiting for logical commentary. It’s impossible to tell right now. Julie however has proven she can think logically, so any logical comment here will be at the very least considered. So I take back my view about him being a prick. For now.
Firedrake is a hard one. One could call him a snarker, but looking at his earlier comments, he doesn’t seem to be a sharp enough tack to have the wit for that. He also comes across as a bit on the simple side, so he’ll probably follow the team unless there is a reason not to. As to his last commentary to Julie … that felt more like an adult trying to explain something to a kid. Not in the nicest of ways, but that’s the vibe I got off of it.
Conjurer wants to be in complete charge here, Because its His specialty. I have a feeling he probably has issues with his own group about leadership as well. He’ll balk at the idea of having to be in a support role. That’s the attitude I’ve picked up on him since his arrival.
Phlogiston seems to be the quiet sort, and as noted, is a bit dismissive of her own abilities. To me, its almost like she’s unsure and not comfortable with herself. Push comes to shove, I have a feeling she could really be a powerhouse. If they others go Too far, she’d defend Julie, if only because Julie is a “child” and she’s an “adult”.
As to saying that they’re a team … they’re not. They are five individuals, none of whom really understand each other, thrust into a bad situation. They were never told they had to team up, in fact Veles’ comment says there can only be one winner. So the issue of them staying together for now is more than none of them seems capable of stepping up to the proverbial plate.
In time, if they worked together regularly, they might be a team, and there might be team-like aspects by the time they get the eye, but for now … definitely not a Team.
By the Farmstead
The website is misleading them because its writtrn by groupies and not a functioning team, would you trust Forak with any serious website or term paper?
Neuronet already was thinking after his side moment and he’s sharing what he learned about the FISS group. And yeah Firefrake is a man-child, egging her on with the pay comment, the group’s snark. Phlogiston isn’t asking or listening to 84, so Nanny is no better than Condescending-Helmet. Teams, and especially team leaders, need to listen to each other with some level of respect.
i would love if this little show was like the old episode of Arena on STOS and all the other teams see the action.
I really, really, really hope she gets to tell mister metalface how much of a jerk he’s being. Seriously, such a jerk.
In terms of basic goodness, I’d say Phlogiston (teal lady) is easily the most decent adult present, followed by Firedrake, who seems to not have his head completely wedged up his own rear end.
Of the final two left, duking it out for ‘biggest narccisistic sociopath’, I’m going to mark the Conjurer in the lead (or rear) here, followed fairly closely by Neuronet. Of these last two, the Conjurer seems most likely to win the ‘Horrible Warning for why maxing Int and using Wisdom as a dump stat is a bad idea’ award.
Random Wanderer
Chill guys, she’ll probably be fine. The rest of you may want to stand back, though.
That depends ENTIRELY on how lethal Koschei wants his opening trap to be. If it’s more of a “go away and don’t bother me”, she may shrug it off, but it was designed to deter people that would look at the dragons flying overhead and not be deterred so even then I’d bet it has some kick.
If he wants to kill anyone who would even start his puzzle, well then the trap may be enough to even drop a FISS.
Well she does know the most about the extent of her abilities:
If she’s right, they get through. If she’s wrong, something will probably eat her!
Nah, she’s got Speed. She’s faster than the other three. Also more durable.
And you know what they say, you don’t have to outrun the , you just have to outrun the guy(s) you’re with.
*the {large predator},
Used the wrong brackets. 🙁
Not only does she have all the FISS powers, she also seems to be the smartest and most mature person present…
I think that’s the reason for the expression on Bubblehead’s face… phrases like “blast radius” and “minimum safe distance” are suddenly coming to mind.
So our pyromaniac doesn’t seen to have too much trouble with 84 being a FISS, our mentalist thinks he’s a rock star and FISS are just whiny back-up singers, the mage thinks he’s a master craftsman and the only other female in the group is apparently (perhaps a bit too predictably) the only one who isn’t confused and thinking she’s living in a lofty tower to look down upon the FISS (or people in general) but instead actually recognizes and points out what trolls the others are.
Got to say that it does at least make one smile to see 84 go ‘Screw it!’ and go stand on the trigger spot to see what happens after that kind of verbal abuse. Really hoping those who deserve it get a good smack-down or put in their place by what comes next.
Well incoming plot of Asian/White male privilege being explained as super affirmative action as 3 guys need a strong independent woman to do all the work and fix their “mistakes”. Its a wonder how Europe and Asia managed to be the only places civilization advanced with patriarchies
… do we KNOW Neuronet is a man, and not just a bald woman? That armor is vaguely breastplate-shaped…
We don’t know but the face looks more male than female.
I like Phlogiston more and more – guess what, guys? That “little girl” has a name. Use it.
Secret identities are secret, Firedrake doesn’t know Julie’s real name.
Given the trend of FISS going by their numbers, he also doesn’t know whether she chose 84 as her superhero name or if she was assigned it by her “peers” (he definitely doesn’t know that she’s the one who started the trend).
In short, I think he can be excused for calling her “little girl” until she indicates her preference.
Vinny Havoc
Secret identities are secret, but she does have a name that they know. 84. But they’re not calling her 84, they’re calling her things like ‘little girl’ and ‘flying brick.’
Firedrake is being a jerk, but it seems to be in a more naive manner, like he doesn’t know how abusive he’s being. A product of his culture, he knows that FISS are called things like ‘flying brick’ and goes along with it without thought, but doesn’t really mean anything by it. A good smack and a wake up call would cure him. Neuronet and Conjurer, though, they are genuinely unlikable.
I’ll give Firedrake a pass … for now. The guy can be a bit of a dim bulb after all. He’s not actively trying to be rude, just he’s slow on the uptake. I’m sure after some prodding he’ll call her by her handle or name.
Leo Orionis
Now if they’d listened to her or treated her as a person, she probably would have suggested something like, “OK, you guys shelter under a magic dome of protection while I step on the rock, and we’ll see what happens.” As it is, SCREWIT!
The funny thing is, if they get HURT she’ll be really, really sorry that she lost her temper, too.
Again, Phlogiston seems to be the only one who has, from the beginning, not been a condescending jerk at all to 84 (and actually was supportive of what she was asking or saying a few times, or at least defensive of how jerk-ishly the others were acting towards her (with the Doorman thing, and now with the narcissistic sociopath thing).
Firedrake doesnt seem that jerkish either (he seemed to like the idea of having a flying brick with them) – his thing seems to be more being condescending to her because she’s a little kid that needs protecting.
Why do I have a feeling that Julie will warm up to Phlogiston and “pass” the Eye to her for delivery? Because she’s actually civil, intelligent, and appears to be a nice person. Of course Veles will know the truth, as I’m sure any time they scratch their head he’s aware of exactly what part of their head they scratch.
By the Farmstead
You do realize how condescending nannies are to competent people? That is worse to me than the mage. She has not asked 84 anything or treated 84 as worthy or being sa teammate and not JUST a child.
I don’t know about you, but I don’t get the mentality of her being a nanny type. They haven’t even treated each OTHER as a team mate, let alone her!
That’s specifically why I said warm up to her. In short, of them all, she seems the one Most likely to come across at the end as being the most decent of the four of them.
In the next comic the two stone dwarf will swing their swords over her head ,she will evade the trap because she is small not because she is invulnerable
I like that idea, I think I’ve seen that in a module, comic, or similar regarding traps that being designed by say dwarves were targeted at areas above the normal height of a dwarf to hit say an invading dark elf or thieving human but not hit a dwarf (so a dwarf to lead intruders into such a trap).
Leading folks into traps is a Kobold thing to do. And yet, they’re on the small side.
Dwarves are just as sensible as anyone else when it comes to making use of traps, they’re Lawful Good not Lawful Stupid after all. No point to having traps and not using them when they should be used. Just instead of luring an enemy into an ambush he’s just luring them into a stationary trap point.
I’m thinking the dwarves come to life & 84 asks politely if she can pass, they nod & allow her to and when the One Trick Ponies try to barge through, they get stuck in a fight
The best traps are the ones that have a logical clear cut solution, if those involved don’t over analyze things.
A passage that only lets those who ‘tread upon air’ to pass. Solution, a set of rings they had picked up not too long before. Any inspection of the rings had implications of passage and wings. They were magical, but nobody could figure out what they did, and nobody was willing to put them on either. The rings were designed to allow them to circumvent (or land in) certain traps by floating over them.
The dimwit figured that a person flying through the air qualified as “treading upon air”. Yup, he threw a member of the party through the passage. The GM considered it acceptable, for that character anyway. The rest balked at being thrown through for obvious reasons. They found another way through, but it wasn’t pretty.
Often thinking that complex solutions or tools are needed to solve a problem only makes things more complex than they actually are.
Prairie Son
I’m remembering a certain story about the Soviet space program, the U.S. space program, and the utility of a pencil right now.
Pencils aren’t used in space, not by anybody. They create dust and shavings which can be breathed in or get into electronics. The only pencils used are wax pencils (which don’t produce those problems), and they don’t create permanent copy. Incidentally, space pens were developed by private industry, and not by any government. NASA scored the first 200 of them for cheap.
I remember hearing of the story to which Prairie Son alludes. NASA spent a small fortune trying (unsuccessfully) to create a pen that would work in space (pens, after all, are gravity-fed, and don’t work well in space as is). The Russians, however, just went with a pencil (graphite or wax, it matters not – they are a proven technology that work well under multiple situations already, so why would they try to recreate the wheel?)
I heard the story Psiberkiwi is alluding to, only the solution was el-cheapo BIC pens. They have no problems writing in space. Though IIRC, NASA ended up using the BIC pens, not the Soviet Union.
It would be better if that ‘trap’ endows the user with a special form of vision which is crucial in completing their quest. Perhaps it might even persist afterwards and be useful at times.
Phlogiston seems pretty dismissive of her own powers, so it’s not unbelievable that she appreciates a FISS-type. Firedrake is a pretty straight-shooter, even if he doesn’t think much before he talks. Summoner isn’t wrong, but he certainly isn’t helping. Fishbowl-head is going to get his attitude adjusted.
Heh… Who else is hearing Sheldon Cooper every time bathrobe boy open his mouth? 🙂
I didn’t before … but now I can’t think of a better voice …
Opus the Poet
how about the actor that portrays Sheldon Cooper instead?
By the Farmstead
very nice casting.
Not so much the actor, but how he plays Sheldon with that attitude of, “I’m smarter than you, so I’m always right!”.
Heh… I just had a hilarious thought; since Will Wheaton is an established part of PS328’s continuity, would bathrobe boy consider him “Evil”? 🙂
Could it be that Conjurer IS Will Weaton? Maybe that’s why he wears a helmet . . .
Has no one ever pointed out to these putzes that flashy powers means everyone knows what you can do and how to counter them? Not to mention pointed out to them that flashy powers does not always equate to surviving to retirement age?
Better yet, point out that the *last* person declared the champion by this trickster was *also* a FISS with no spectacularly flashy powers. Should shut them up for a couple of minutes or two.
Well they seem less concerned about this job in particular, and more about the FISS respect movement in general.
This Job is short term (although it might be terminal, but I don’t think Veles would play it that way. I suspect the failures will be more like the bad kids in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory) whereas the FISS movement might have an effect on their income (appearance fees, endorsements etc.)
I’m sure they are worried more about their wallets, than their lives.
How much you want to bet Velles is videorecording their actions and uploads it to youtube?
Considering Veles is “an ancient god of mischief and magic”, I can quite well see him live-streaming the event, rather than just recording it. Doesn’t mean it won’t wind up on YouTube later, it just means everyone can see what’s happening as it happens.
Firedrake is treating 84 like I’ve seen many people act towards kids, not a way that kids LIKE to be treated, but he basically doesn’t know any better. That’s basically unrelated to her being a FISS, other than the flying brick comments and stuff… but the way he says that makes me think that he thinks that’s actually cool. Plus he IS concerned for Julie’s safety, since he sees her as a kid and therefore he seems to feel a bit responsible for her. Which is respectable enough.
Bubblehead and Conjurer.. dear god. Those two are such hilariously insecure assholes it’s funny. Every opportunity they’ve got, they either tried to show off their own powers, or disparage other people. Yeah, you’re not overcompensating at ALL. Every word out of their mouths about FISS sounds like they’re trying to convince themselves of what they’re saying as well.
I actually like Phlogiston, she’s willing to call out the other people when they’re being assholes. She seems very level-headed and possessing actual empathy, which seems to be minority qualities among the supers from what I’ve seen.
Now, now. I’m sure Pop-O-Matic and Buckethead have *some* redeeming qualities …..
Sure they do, as meatshield and target practice.
Kolth, I’ll agree about Conjurer. He’s good target practice, especially that bathrobe. It seriously Has to Go. I mean, I’d tolerate a skinny man in trunks in comparison. Now if he’d arrived with signs he’d Just stepped out of the shower, but then changed to a more appropriate garb, he could be forgiven. But it seems to be how he dresses. I also have a feeling that he himself has no magical power. Knowledge, yes, power no. IE the power comes from the helm itself.
Neuronet … its hard to pin him down. He listened to Julie earlier, and the way he phrased the bit about the website left it open to interpretation on how he views the movement itself. That’s why I’m saying he gets a pass. For now. He may of course prove himself to be a second grade version of a jerk compared to Conjurer.
Firedrake … I’ve said elsewhere here some of my views. It’s interesting how diverse the image of him actually is.
Phlogiston, yeah, seems the most level headed, if a bit insecure and unsure in ways.
With Respect
Phlogiston .. makes far too much sense for the average superhero.. except for the part where she calls three superpowered beings narcissistic sociopaths to their faces.
I guess it’s like the joke about why superheroes form teams.
You know, so when they walk down the street and hear people laughing, they can pretend it’s at the other guy.
She makes as much sense as any decent human being and any decent superhero. And I applaud her calling out the other three for being jerks, superpowered or not. I think she- and 84- may turn out to be the truer heroes here.