I think Firedrake is actually excited to have a Tank. He sounds like someone who may have been thrown around a time or two. He can appreciate someone with Invulnerability.
Is this attitude why the guys from Atlas’s home planet decided to off all of the folks with superpowers that weren’t in the flight/invulnerability/speed/strength powerset?
And the reason why the US/earth’s government is worried. I mean if I have to place bets on these guys vs their F.I.S.S. that are the full package… I’ll just say “Hail the new alien overlords!”
There is the whole thing about Argon also being a high tech wonderland, capable of casual interplanetary and interdimensional flight, with a fully unified global government.
So they could overrun earth anyway.
Actually, I think so. I think the history of Atlas’s world is starting to repeat itself on Earth. The FISS are organizing because they feel oppressed. The question is, will Earth follow the same path, or will the “precision equipment” become more enlightened?
Amusingly enough (and I do get the joke), no.
The reason was to better oppress the peasants.
Nobility are FISS, peasants are muggles. With the amount of noble blood in your veins determining the amount of FISShood you have. This was done artificially via murder of anyone with non FISS power, enhancement of all reigning nobles to FISS (that is inheritable by children), and adoption of all children born with FISS into noble houses.
Wizards are nothing if not sneaky and they like to play mind games. What better mind game than to put out an obvious trap in front of the door? They wonder, they debate, they doubt, and finally someone has the courage to do something, and everyone else pays the price. Either physically or in terms of their ego.
It’s like the old gag of “Don’t Push this Button.”
The smart ones will avoid it, the dim ones will be kept away from it. But eventually someone, either curious or escaping the smart ones Will Push it.
Then the question is, why was it important Not To Push The Button?
That reminds me:
Ever heard of the classic “Tomb of Horrors” D&D adventure module? It was designed and written by Gary Gygax and designed for expert players with high level characters- specifically to *humble* them.
Its most infamous trap: the Sphere of Annihilation. Anything that touches it disappears, completely destroyed. Total oblivion, in fact, not even an afterlife for its previously living victims. It was situated in the mouth of a statue of a demonic face, large enough for people to enter. Effectively, it looked like a path or corridor to somewhere. And since exploration is necessary in most dungeon crawls…
Cherub Laws
I remember that. I Killed lots of characters with it when it first came out. (god I’m dating myself)
The sphere wasn’t even the insidious part of it there was an identical face right next to it that was actually a portal to later parts to the dungeon. The players had to choose with no way of knowing which was the correct choice.
Isn’t D&D the system that has a 10-foot-pole in the price list?
Also: If you’re expecting a trap, just fling a torch in both and look what happens/ what you can see (or was there light? If the sphere is actually invisible and somehow cloaked from magical detection its just cheating)
I think the insidious thing is that high-level characters think their stats allow them to mess up and still come on top all the time
Unfortunately, in both cases the torch simply disappears. One mouth has a teleporter, the other an annihilator. The both have the same effect to the eyes of anybody watching it work.
Cant reply to Pneumonica directly….
Well, thats just mean then. Of course a trap should be as effective as possible, which includes not being obvious, but in a game it should be somehow avoidable.
What about magic divination? Is it even cloaked for that?
It’s a Gary Gygax adventure. Anybody who claims we should be gaming like Gygax never gamed with Gygax. He’s the guy that made up a whole list of monsters that look like the trappings of a dungeon (including the floor, walls, ceiling, and indeed the *air itself*). Tomb of Horrors was his tour de force on PC frustration. There were ways to solve the traps, but they were phenomenally frustrating.
In fairness, it wasn’t intended for ordinary play. It was actually a tournament round – in other words, you weren’t playing to beat the dungeon, you were playing to beat the other players. A TPK was a virtual certainty.
Prairie Son
Yeah, the winners were the people who died furthest from the door. Really, the S modules are great fun, because they are that far out there. Although what anyone would expect from a place built by a demilich besides the ToH escapes me.
There were two groups that made outstanding scores with complete party survival. One group didn’t delve too deeply. Because the gates, walls, etc., were always described as “mithril” or “adamant,” they worked to excavate and remove those treasures and haul off with them. They scored very high simply from treasure haul. Tomb of Horrors is actually extremely light on treasures, and has relatively few monsters, so XP and treasure awards are assumed to be low. The principle method of scoring points was progress… until these guys started lifting gates and stealing ceiling tiles.
The second group to win big didn’t encounter the dungeon at all. They tunneled, using nonmagical equipment. Their characters spent weeks working on it, digging a whole second dungeon as a bypass around the first. They’d find rooms and peer in. If they found treasure, they’d take an alternate route to get to it. They defeated the final big bad by using some of the cursed/trapped treasure against him for a no-save kill – it was sufficiently major that Gygax had to get called in himself, and he thought it through for a while and decided he couldn’t come up with a reason why it shouldn’t work.
In the 3.5 Tomb of Horrors, they made a point of “fixing” these things.
The way that they won was to grab the cursed Crown and Rod of Disintegration, then stick the Crown on the demi-lich’s head and touch the Rod to it, which automatically disintegrated the demi-lich with no saving throw. GG allowed the win, but changed the wording of the items so that they under no circumstance could be used outside of the room that they were found in anymore, since they were supposed to be yet another means of killing a party member, not a means of possibly beating the boss.
gm is a cheating bastard
Either works; GM (Game Master) is just slightly more generic than DM (Dungeon Master).
As for the other Wanderer’s question, above: ToH was designed for “world-beater” characters and arrogant players. That said, while Scrying is specifically blocked (“You see an empty room with a door on each of the four walls”), Augury isn’t… but given the sheer lethality, it can be hard to get an answer that isn’t “woe”. Divination is much more helpful, and is also not blocked.
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”
You can thank Sir Terry Prachett for that nugget of wisdom. Made all the worse by how accurate it is.
Until, of course you find yourself with some nails that need pounding. Then you might wish you had that hammer, instead of having to hit it with your precision equipment.
Or you need to punch a hole in a wall. Or pull some nails out of a board. Or pull two boards apart. Or any of a thousand other jobs that need to be done on a construction site on a regular basis. Jobs that would require thousands of pieces of equipment to match a single hammer, though much of that equipment is better at one or two of those jobs than the hammer.
Heck, a good claw hammer can be used to drive nails, pull nails, break glass, flatten sheet metal, and even break someone’s skull. That’s the thing about precision equipment: It’s specialized.
Firedrake is “hot stuff” if it involves burning, melting or heating stuff (or flying, as seen), but that’s his range.
NeuroNet is good for communication and basic lift/push/pull stuff at range.
Phlogiston is good for ranged damage and flight, but not much else.
Conjuror is potentially even more versatile than 84… given enough time to prepare. He’s the magical Batman of the group, needing time to prepare specialized offenses and defenses. Give him time and data, he’s a world-beater. Lose either one, he’s weak — and if he has neither, he’ll be flattened.
Julie/84, by comparison, has a flexible powerset. Sure, her ranged effects are pretty limited — aside from throwing things/people — but she has plenty of close-in power and the defenses to take punishment.
Pop quiz:
Question 1: You are on an airplane that has had a major engine failure. If not recued, you will DIE. You can pick one of these heroes to save you. Do you pick:
A) The hero who could magically float your plane down… with twelve hours of advanced warning, a perfectly formed geode, and thirty gold pieces worth of Myra Root
B) The hero who can explode all the remaining fuel in your tank so you die immediately in a fireball instead of dying painfully in the crash, and then proceed to melt the remains on your plane into a modern art sculpture
C) The hero who can sense your mental panic and levitate a few of the passengers down… assuming he’s wearing his armor at the time and gets to you in time. (Levitators are usually slower then other types of fliers)
D) The hero who can make the lights on the plane blink on and off and explode parts of the plane
E) The hero with enhanced Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, and Speed
Question two: There is a bank robbery. The robber is threatening to start shooting hostages. You need a hero who can get to the bank, immobilize the robber, and return within a minute. You have the above list of heroes. Which do you pick?
Question three: A giant robot is threatening an orphanage. Even if the robot is shut down, it might fall and crush the orphanage. Of the above heroes, which do you pick?
Additional questions can be provided.
FISSes are NOT hammers. They are Swiss Army Knives; the tool you rely on when you can’t or don’t want to get the $5 million dollar ‘precision piece of equipment’ that could perfectly do the job and ONLY that one job.
For question 2, I’d actually go with Hero A, assuming he was smart enough to prep a few Hold Person spells ahead of time. A FISS is only useful there if you can make sure the robber’s going to shoot at the hero, not the hostages.
On the other paw, I’d definitely want a FISS for Question 1.
To be fair that depends heavily on the FISS in question. . . some are likely to think of themselves as hammers and treat everything else as nails. Good thing Julie is not of that sort.
Question one a good F.I.S.S. Question 2 any of the above can stop a bank robber with judicious application of powers. Question 3 depends again on power level of each. A strong telekinetic could keep said robot from falling, the two energy wielders could possibly melt it down faster than it falls if strong enough. So not fair comparisons.
Also the precision implements are far from precise.
Second Panel left to right:
Over sold cheap knockoff swiss army knife.
A blowtorch
An electro magnet
An arc welder cutter.
Each fine for their given tasks, not so much for those much for those out of them.
Unless the energy projectors could actually disintegrate it, all melting it would accomplish would be to shower the people beneath it in molten metal rather than cold metal. Which would just make it *more* lethal
Don’t be so quick to dismiss the powers of the other team members in the plane scenario. (The numbered solutions show a bit of a lack of creative thinking.)
To rephrase:
B) A hero who can re-smelt the engines – possibly repairing the fault, or forming a rocket engine, then exploding fuel in the rocket chamber to power the plane. (May be able to use other things as fuel, or may not need fuel at all and may be able to heat air/other material to form a ramjet engine).
“Given sufficient power, anything can be made to fly”
C) Telekinesis – spin those propellers/jet rotors. (No information given so far on his lifting capacity. Levitating may not be the most efficient way to move mater in order to soften the landing for the most passengers.)
D) A hero who can make the engines work temporarily – manipulating energy and making things explode is what engines do normally. i.e. she may be able to make the plane go.
As far as the current situation – they all have options for remotely trying to trigger whatever will happen with the stone circle. (Be it tossing a rock/small explosion in there, putting in a heat signature, giving the visual appearance of a person, or telepathically announcing I am standing in the circle, now what.)
Could try one, or do a combination (give it appearance, weight, heat, electrical activity) – they should be able to manage a pretty good simulation.
Sadly, I do see that. But if its going to work, we need someone playing the roll of Piffany!
As of right now, the one making the least scathing commentary is the green girl. While Firedrake … a bit immature in ways, has listed her ‘obvious’ abilities. Of course he’s going to be ignored because he comes across as an immature idiot.
I said it a couple days ago, the “she’s a young girl who shouldnt be here, she’s vulnerable” would vanish the second they faced a situation. Then she’s “just” a FISS again.
Conjurer also clearly stated his own weakness. Time is his enemy. And they are on a clock right now. Not just that but he’s refusing to accept the idea that sometimes the best tool IS a hammer.
Firedrake doesn’t beat around the bush on what he can do, and if asked to do precision work … I dunno. I get the feeling that he’d probably admit he’s not good at it. I don’t know why. It’s usually the “obvious” idiots who have the most hidden depth.
Neuronet has just realized her “reputation” so it seems he’s looking at her as if she’s trying to build the ‘value’ of her “group”.
While Phlogiston(green girl) hasn’t made any comment about what Julie said.
Phlogiston is also the only one who so far hasnt acted like a jerk around 84. And when the mage guy made that babysitter comment, she was the only one who said that she didnt know what he meant by ‘doorman’ either. So hopefully there’s at least one non-FISS who isnt condescendingly full of themselves.
I don’t care if she has powers or not, no kid with ANY maturity and competence likes being pat on the head like that. Let ’em hang themselves. Her input isn’t desired. Channel some more Zodon.
For future reference, “pat” is not past tense. “Patted” goes there.
Same with “pet” and “petted.”
And “grit” and “gritted.”
I have no idea why so many people don’t seem to get that.
Evil Lord Zog
nd while we’re on the topic, the past term of spit (as in to expectorate) is spat.
By the Farmstead
You really did not need to write such a long grammar correction for something that might have just been a typo. Until grammar correction is part of every spellcheck and posting tool, you will have to live with flubs.
My apologies if it was just a typo. It’s just that I see it *all the time,* and nobody seems to know better. It annoys me when I do see it, so I try to comment constructively on it when possible.
You know, having the first obstacle be a big, heavy, stuck-but-untrapped door would be rather interesting. It would sure slow down all those “Oh I’m so clever” types something fierce.
So the One Trick Ponies are dissing the Complete Package.
Please, please, please, please, please let the trials in the Egg be broadcasted all over the world as 84 passes every one because she IS who she is & the One Trick Ponies fail at everything because they are over-reliant on their powers.
Nothing wrong with One Trick Ponies. If they know how to make that one trick work in two hundred and seventy five ways, correction, he just made it two seventy seven today.
They are specialists, and outside their field, are far more limited. Sure, a TK witnessing a bank robbery could create telekinetic walls, rip weapons out of enemies hands and all that. That said, sometimes there is something unnerving about seeing a 98 pound weakling do a german suplex on the big boss, grab his gun and then turn it into a crane, ala steel origami, all in the matter of a few seconds.
I imagine that Julie will be the one to organize the use of their powers in such a way as to solve most of the trials that she can’t directly overcome. The others are the ones whose powers are utilized, but Julie is the one who solves all the problems using them. The adults, if they don’t learn to respect her and her ability to organize and solve problems, will strut and crow about how THEY were the ones to solve all the problems, and Julie’s just a useless “flying brick.” In which case, Veles (and everyone else witnessing this) will give them a logical smack-down by telling them that JULIE solved all the problems; they were just her tools in doing so.
If your assessment is correct, I predict the “finely-worked precision equipment” line will turn back on him at the end of it.
“You weren’t the hero. You were a finely-worked item of precision equipment in the toolbox of a superior intelligence.”
It’s also weird how none of them think about the fact that Veles’s last champion who he deemed worthy as an opponent was Atlas, who himself was an FISS and rather well respected among all heroes.
Aaron K
84 is also the first hero to actually get close to Veles with the “can he swim” thing.
Changing the environment, changed the rules. It made it a different ‘game’ which re-engaged Veles and instead of fighting, he was playing again.
Yeah that is going to work out so well for the rest of you. Perhaps you all should let the invulnerable little girl step into the circle that screams trap.
138 thoughts on “2014-12-01”
Oh so they were being extra dismissive of 84 earlier because they didn’t know she could tank whatever was in here. OK.
Aaron K
I think Firedrake is actually excited to have a Tank. He sounds like someone who may have been thrown around a time or two. He can appreciate someone with Invulnerability.
Is this attitude why the guys from Atlas’s home planet decided to off all of the folks with superpowers that weren’t in the flight/invulnerability/speed/strength powerset?
I doubt that,its probable the i can hit you really hard,while you can’t harm me that allowed them to establish their fissocraty.
And the reason why the US/earth’s government is worried. I mean if I have to place bets on these guys vs their F.I.S.S. that are the full package… I’ll just say “Hail the new alien overlords!”
There is the whole thing about Argon also being a high tech wonderland, capable of casual interplanetary and interdimensional flight, with a fully unified global government.
So they could overrun earth anyway.
Actually, I think so. I think the history of Atlas’s world is starting to repeat itself on Earth. The FISS are organizing because they feel oppressed. The question is, will Earth follow the same path, or will the “precision equipment” become more enlightened?
Moe Lane
One wonders.
Amusingly enough (and I do get the joke), no.
The reason was to better oppress the peasants.
Nobility are FISS, peasants are muggles. With the amount of noble blood in your veins determining the amount of FISShood you have. This was done artificially via murder of anyone with non FISS power, enhancement of all reigning nobles to FISS (that is inheritable by children), and adoption of all children born with FISS into noble houses.
Yeah, but we’re speculating on the reasons for that. Most people don’t wake up one morning and just think “You know what? Genocide.”
Now I’m going to have to make a character like that somewhere.
It would be funny if the circle is the only safe place once a trap is triggered.
You’ve been reading “Grimtooth’s Traps”, haven’t you? 🙂
Wizards are nothing if not sneaky and they like to play mind games. What better mind game than to put out an obvious trap in front of the door? They wonder, they debate, they doubt, and finally someone has the courage to do something, and everyone else pays the price. Either physically or in terms of their ego.
It’s like the old gag of “Don’t Push this Button.”
The smart ones will avoid it, the dim ones will be kept away from it. But eventually someone, either curious or escaping the smart ones Will Push it.
Then the question is, why was it important Not To Push The Button?
That reminds me:
Ever heard of the classic “Tomb of Horrors” D&D adventure module? It was designed and written by Gary Gygax and designed for expert players with high level characters- specifically to *humble* them.
Its most infamous trap: the Sphere of Annihilation. Anything that touches it disappears, completely destroyed. Total oblivion, in fact, not even an afterlife for its previously living victims. It was situated in the mouth of a statue of a demonic face, large enough for people to enter. Effectively, it looked like a path or corridor to somewhere. And since exploration is necessary in most dungeon crawls…
Cherub Laws
I remember that. I Killed lots of characters with it when it first came out. (god I’m dating myself)
The sphere wasn’t even the insidious part of it there was an identical face right next to it that was actually a portal to later parts to the dungeon. The players had to choose with no way of knowing which was the correct choice.
Isn’t D&D the system that has a 10-foot-pole in the price list?
Also: If you’re expecting a trap, just fling a torch in both and look what happens/ what you can see (or was there light? If the sphere is actually invisible and somehow cloaked from magical detection its just cheating)
I think the insidious thing is that high-level characters think their stats allow them to mess up and still come on top all the time
Unfortunately, in both cases the torch simply disappears. One mouth has a teleporter, the other an annihilator. The both have the same effect to the eyes of anybody watching it work.
Cant reply to Pneumonica directly….
Well, thats just mean then. Of course a trap should be as effective as possible, which includes not being obvious, but in a game it should be somehow avoidable.
What about magic divination? Is it even cloaked for that?
It’s a Gary Gygax adventure. Anybody who claims we should be gaming like Gygax never gamed with Gygax. He’s the guy that made up a whole list of monsters that look like the trappings of a dungeon (including the floor, walls, ceiling, and indeed the *air itself*). Tomb of Horrors was his tour de force on PC frustration. There were ways to solve the traps, but they were phenomenally frustrating.
In fairness, it wasn’t intended for ordinary play. It was actually a tournament round – in other words, you weren’t playing to beat the dungeon, you were playing to beat the other players. A TPK was a virtual certainty.
Prairie Son
Yeah, the winners were the people who died furthest from the door. Really, the S modules are great fun, because they are that far out there. Although what anyone would expect from a place built by a demilich besides the ToH escapes me.
There were two groups that made outstanding scores with complete party survival. One group didn’t delve too deeply. Because the gates, walls, etc., were always described as “mithril” or “adamant,” they worked to excavate and remove those treasures and haul off with them. They scored very high simply from treasure haul. Tomb of Horrors is actually extremely light on treasures, and has relatively few monsters, so XP and treasure awards are assumed to be low. The principle method of scoring points was progress… until these guys started lifting gates and stealing ceiling tiles.
The second group to win big didn’t encounter the dungeon at all. They tunneled, using nonmagical equipment. Their characters spent weeks working on it, digging a whole second dungeon as a bypass around the first. They’d find rooms and peer in. If they found treasure, they’d take an alternate route to get to it. They defeated the final big bad by using some of the cursed/trapped treasure against him for a no-save kill – it was sufficiently major that Gygax had to get called in himself, and he thought it through for a while and decided he couldn’t come up with a reason why it shouldn’t work.
In the 3.5 Tomb of Horrors, they made a point of “fixing” these things.
The way that they won was to grab the cursed Crown and Rod of Disintegration, then stick the Crown on the demi-lich’s head and touch the Rod to it, which automatically disintegrated the demi-lich with no saving throw. GG allowed the win, but changed the wording of the items so that they under no circumstance could be used outside of the room that they were found in anymore, since they were supposed to be yet another means of killing a party member, not a means of possibly beating the boss.
gm is a cheating bastard
Either works; GM (Game Master) is just slightly more generic than DM (Dungeon Master).
As for the other Wanderer’s question, above: ToH was designed for “world-beater” characters and arrogant players. That said, while Scrying is specifically blocked (“You see an empty room with a door on each of the four walls”), Augury isn’t… but given the sheer lethality, it can be hard to get an answer that isn’t “woe”. Divination is much more helpful, and is also not blocked.
Warning: the vast majority of that comic is *extremely* NSFW.
Opus the Poet
Well it was originally intended to be funny porn, but later just devolved to sometimes naked jokes.
Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes: “Some humans would do anything to see if it was possible to do it. If you put a large switch in some cave somewhere, with a sign on it saying ‘End-of-the-World Switch. PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH’, the paint wouldn’t even have time to dry.”
You can thank Sir Terry Prachett for that nugget of wisdom. Made all the worse by how accurate it is.
Until, of course you find yourself with some nails that need pounding. Then you might wish you had that hammer, instead of having to hit it with your precision equipment.
*PERFECTLY* said! 🙂
I’m suddenly reminded of that line in Wreck-It Ralph: you wouldn’t hit a guy with glasses, would you?
Or you need to punch a hole in a wall. Or pull some nails out of a board. Or pull two boards apart. Or any of a thousand other jobs that need to be done on a construction site on a regular basis. Jobs that would require thousands of pieces of equipment to match a single hammer, though much of that equipment is better at one or two of those jobs than the hammer.
If you’re headed for a fight, you’d take the hammer over the miniature screwdriver set any day of the week.
Unless you’re the Doctor.
Heck, a good claw hammer can be used to drive nails, pull nails, break glass, flatten sheet metal, and even break someone’s skull. That’s the thing about precision equipment: It’s specialized.
Firedrake is “hot stuff” if it involves burning, melting or heating stuff (or flying, as seen), but that’s his range.
NeuroNet is good for communication and basic lift/push/pull stuff at range.
Phlogiston is good for ranged damage and flight, but not much else.
Conjuror is potentially even more versatile than 84… given enough time to prepare. He’s the magical Batman of the group, needing time to prepare specialized offenses and defenses. Give him time and data, he’s a world-beater. Lose either one, he’s weak — and if he has neither, he’ll be flattened.
Julie/84, by comparison, has a flexible powerset. Sure, her ranged effects are pretty limited — aside from throwing things/people — but she has plenty of close-in power and the defenses to take punishment.
This should totally be the first thing that 84 says in the first panel of the next comic
they just wanted to see who can take the most abuse….
a brick is what they need
These guys need to play some MMOs, then maybe they’ll appreciate the value of a good tank a little more.
Pop quiz:
Question 1: You are on an airplane that has had a major engine failure. If not recued, you will DIE. You can pick one of these heroes to save you. Do you pick:
A) The hero who could magically float your plane down… with twelve hours of advanced warning, a perfectly formed geode, and thirty gold pieces worth of Myra Root
B) The hero who can explode all the remaining fuel in your tank so you die immediately in a fireball instead of dying painfully in the crash, and then proceed to melt the remains on your plane into a modern art sculpture
C) The hero who can sense your mental panic and levitate a few of the passengers down… assuming he’s wearing his armor at the time and gets to you in time. (Levitators are usually slower then other types of fliers)
D) The hero who can make the lights on the plane blink on and off and explode parts of the plane
E) The hero with enhanced Flight, Invulnerability, Strength, and Speed
Question two: There is a bank robbery. The robber is threatening to start shooting hostages. You need a hero who can get to the bank, immobilize the robber, and return within a minute. You have the above list of heroes. Which do you pick?
Question three: A giant robot is threatening an orphanage. Even if the robot is shut down, it might fall and crush the orphanage. Of the above heroes, which do you pick?
Additional questions can be provided.
FISSes are NOT hammers. They are Swiss Army Knives; the tool you rely on when you can’t or don’t want to get the $5 million dollar ‘precision piece of equipment’ that could perfectly do the job and ONLY that one job.
For question 2, I’d actually go with Hero A, assuming he was smart enough to prep a few Hold Person spells ahead of time. A FISS is only useful there if you can make sure the robber’s going to shoot at the hero, not the hostages.
On the other paw, I’d definitely want a FISS for Question 1.
To be fair that depends heavily on the FISS in question. . . some are likely to think of themselves as hammers and treat everything else as nails. Good thing Julie is not of that sort.
Question one a good F.I.S.S. Question 2 any of the above can stop a bank robber with judicious application of powers. Question 3 depends again on power level of each. A strong telekinetic could keep said robot from falling, the two energy wielders could possibly melt it down faster than it falls if strong enough. So not fair comparisons.
Also the precision implements are far from precise.
Second Panel left to right:
Over sold cheap knockoff swiss army knife.
A blowtorch
An electro magnet
An arc welder cutter.
Each fine for their given tasks, not so much for those much for those out of them.
Unless the energy projectors could actually disintegrate it, all melting it would accomplish would be to shower the people beneath it in molten metal rather than cold metal. Which would just make it *more* lethal
That was the objective, right?
Yes, because the orphanage was attacking him.
Don’t be so quick to dismiss the powers of the other team members in the plane scenario. (The numbered solutions show a bit of a lack of creative thinking.)
To rephrase:
B) A hero who can re-smelt the engines – possibly repairing the fault, or forming a rocket engine, then exploding fuel in the rocket chamber to power the plane. (May be able to use other things as fuel, or may not need fuel at all and may be able to heat air/other material to form a ramjet engine).
“Given sufficient power, anything can be made to fly”
C) Telekinesis – spin those propellers/jet rotors. (No information given so far on his lifting capacity. Levitating may not be the most efficient way to move mater in order to soften the landing for the most passengers.)
D) A hero who can make the engines work temporarily – manipulating energy and making things explode is what engines do normally. i.e. she may be able to make the plane go.
As far as the current situation – they all have options for remotely trying to trigger whatever will happen with the stone circle. (Be it tossing a rock/small explosion in there, putting in a heat signature, giving the visual appearance of a person, or telepathically announcing I am standing in the circle, now what.)
Could try one, or do a combination (give it appearance, weight, heat, electrical activity) – they should be able to manage a pretty good simulation.
I feel like the team will start acting as if she was Nodwick.
Sadly, I do see that. But if its going to work, we need someone playing the roll of Piffany!
As of right now, the one making the least scathing commentary is the green girl. While Firedrake … a bit immature in ways, has listed her ‘obvious’ abilities. Of course he’s going to be ignored because he comes across as an immature idiot.
I said it a couple days ago, the “she’s a young girl who shouldnt be here, she’s vulnerable” would vanish the second they faced a situation. Then she’s “just” a FISS again.
Conjurer also clearly stated his own weakness. Time is his enemy. And they are on a clock right now. Not just that but he’s refusing to accept the idea that sometimes the best tool IS a hammer.
Firedrake doesn’t beat around the bush on what he can do, and if asked to do precision work … I dunno. I get the feeling that he’d probably admit he’s not good at it. I don’t know why. It’s usually the “obvious” idiots who have the most hidden depth.
Neuronet has just realized her “reputation” so it seems he’s looking at her as if she’s trying to build the ‘value’ of her “group”.
While Phlogiston(green girl) hasn’t made any comment about what Julie said.
Phlogiston is also the only one who so far hasnt acted like a jerk around 84. And when the mage guy made that babysitter comment, she was the only one who said that she didnt know what he meant by ‘doorman’ either. So hopefully there’s at least one non-FISS who isnt condescendingly full of themselves.
Love love love 84’s expression in the last panel!
Prairie Son
Yeah, you can tell she’s almost considering suplexing one or more of these schmoes into that circle.
By the Farmstead
I don’t care if she has powers or not, no kid with ANY maturity and competence likes being pat on the head like that. Let ’em hang themselves. Her input isn’t desired. Channel some more Zodon.
For future reference, “pat” is not past tense. “Patted” goes there.
Same with “pet” and “petted.”
And “grit” and “gritted.”
I have no idea why so many people don’t seem to get that.
Evil Lord Zog
nd while we’re on the topic, the past term of spit (as in to expectorate) is spat.
By the Farmstead
You really did not need to write such a long grammar correction for something that might have just been a typo. Until grammar correction is part of every spellcheck and posting tool, you will have to live with flubs.
My apologies if it was just a typo. It’s just that I see it *all the time,* and nobody seems to know better. It annoys me when I do see it, so I try to comment constructively on it when possible.
You know, having the first obstacle be a big, heavy, stuck-but-untrapped door would be rather interesting. It would sure slow down all those “Oh I’m so clever” types something fierce.
Or a fake door that’s a reinforced wall.
“Flying Brick”
For those of you who have not had your lives and vocabulary properly ruined, follow this link:
Beware the terrible, horrible, awfully effective timesink known as tvtropes.
See you in there.
I see more Zodon channeling coming up.
So the One Trick Ponies are dissing the Complete Package.
Please, please, please, please, please let the trials in the Egg be broadcasted all over the world as 84 passes every one because she IS who she is & the One Trick Ponies fail at everything because they are over-reliant on their powers.
Nothing wrong with One Trick Ponies. If they know how to make that one trick work in two hundred and seventy five ways, correction, he just made it two seventy seven today.
They are specialists, and outside their field, are far more limited. Sure, a TK witnessing a bank robbery could create telekinetic walls, rip weapons out of enemies hands and all that. That said, sometimes there is something unnerving about seeing a 98 pound weakling do a german suplex on the big boss, grab his gun and then turn it into a crane, ala steel origami, all in the matter of a few seconds.
I imagine that Julie will be the one to organize the use of their powers in such a way as to solve most of the trials that she can’t directly overcome. The others are the ones whose powers are utilized, but Julie is the one who solves all the problems using them. The adults, if they don’t learn to respect her and her ability to organize and solve problems, will strut and crow about how THEY were the ones to solve all the problems, and Julie’s just a useless “flying brick.” In which case, Veles (and everyone else witnessing this) will give them a logical smack-down by telling them that JULIE solved all the problems; they were just her tools in doing so.
If your assessment is correct, I predict the “finely-worked precision equipment” line will turn back on him at the end of it.
“You weren’t the hero. You were a finely-worked item of precision equipment in the toolbox of a superior intelligence.”
It’s also weird how none of them think about the fact that Veles’s last champion who he deemed worthy as an opponent was Atlas, who himself was an FISS and rather well respected among all heroes.
Aaron K
84 is also the first hero to actually get close to Veles with the “can he swim” thing.
Changing the environment, changed the rules. It made it a different ‘game’ which re-engaged Veles and instead of fighting, he was playing again.
Yeah that is going to work out so well for the rest of you. Perhaps you all should let the invulnerable little girl step into the circle that screams trap.