I do like the contrast. Zodon knows exactly what he is doing, but is making do with cobbled-together tech and an AI he resents. Cecil, by contrast, is blundering about with very sophisticated tech that he adores, but does not understand.
All in all, those two need to be paired against each other more, they make surprisingly good foils.
One could consider Vance to be the child of Zodon’s satellite since it was its influence that caused Vance to become a sentient, sapient being. It may not say that Vance is the other hacker unless really pressed to do so, just because it doesn’t see any reason to put its ‘child’ at risk.
I wonder what it says about the security of the Moon Base that not one but TWO different AI demonstrate having zero problems successfully hacking the security system, clearly they should look into adding some child geniuses to the line-up because their adult geniuses certainly can’t pull off a secure system.
To be fair, Zodon’s efforts are more based in social engineering. I know, I know, he didn’t get Tyler to help him on purpose, but he’s manipulating the human elements of security with the “multiple Tylers” ploy to create the space to put a physical-access vulnerability in the system. I think Vance is doing as well as he is because Vance is an AI made from two highly advanced civilizations’ tech combined with Zodon’s own accidental creation. In other words, it’s a super-AI in its own right, and a general-purpose super-genius’s security system going against that is like Superman going against Cyclops in a staring contest. Sure, Superman is powerful, but in that one area, Cyclops probably has him beat.
You disagree with me? On the internet!? You know this can only be resolved in one manner: a DUEL TO THE DEATH.
Since our only weapons are more words on the internet, this could take a while.
On the right, we have Simreeve, defending the position that Superman would beat Cyclops in a staring contest, and that Zodon can get past the server’s protection with his super powerful AI. And on the left, we have Segev, making his statement that Superman could not beat Cyclops in said staring contest, and that Zodon cannot beat the server because his AI is just not powerful enough! The match will begin in three days, on the 16th. You have that time to gather information on both ideas from PS238 comic pages and internet sources. You will then present your information to me, with arguments and sources. I will decide the winner. On your mark! Get set! Go!!!!
*cough* Technically, I’m asserting that Vance can bypass it because Vance is Cyclops in this example, to whoever built the EDL’s tower’s generic “super-genius” being Superman in this example.
to [b]MrBookBoy[/b] _
You know the trope, don’t you? “First they fight each other, then they team up against the real opponent”…
… and apparently you’ve just volunteered for the latter role.
True, but the story has been getting a little boring in terms of discussion, and I thought that a little spice would make it fun. in story news, we know that Floyd has been watching daytime talk shows. I mean think about what might happen next? A Floyd running on Judge Judyware v 1.4?
Flash has super-speed, Doomsday has super-strength, Cyclops has zappy-eyes. Supes has super-speed, super-strength, and zappy-eyes. It would seem at least reasonable to take as a premise the assumption that the specialists have an edge over the generalist *in their specialties*. Otherwise we must default to the premise that Superman always gets to be superior to everyone in all matters. Yet we know he is vulnerable to magic, so there is at least one matter in which he is merely ordinary, in comparison to specialists in magic. So that supposed default premise doesn’t work as an absolute.
That argument works if the heroes are being designed on a ‘points build’ system (e.g. ‘Hero’, or GURPS) and on roughly the same number of points each, but not necessarily if what ‘tv tropes’ calls “the Superpower Lottery” is in effect.
Post-Crisis, yes, Superman is generally slower than Flash when both are running (but might be faster if he “cheats” by flying instead?): pre-Crisis, when we had a Superman who could get travel through time under his own power without technical assistance whereas Flash [normally] had to employ his ‘cosmic treadmill’ for such journeys, it was more debatable…
You don’t have to hurry. If the timer is elapsed by the time you finish typing your post, just click the black circle to the right of the security question to get a new one to answer. It doesn’t affect the rest of the page.
All that does is give you a couple of annoying 404 error alerts.
27 thoughts on “2012-12-07”
“Maxim 70: Failure is not an option. It is mandatory. The option is whether or not to let failure be the last thing you do.”
They may be “The Seventy Maxims of Maximally Effective Mercenaries”, but some of them have more general application. ^_^
I do like the contrast. Zodon knows exactly what he is doing, but is making do with cobbled-together tech and an AI he resents. Cecil, by contrast, is blundering about with very sophisticated tech that he adores, but does not understand.
All in all, those two need to be paired against each other more, they make surprisingly good foils.
I think Floyd and Vance might benefit hugely from meeting one another….
They have met. In fact, Vance owes his current independence to Floyd…
Mike is not a madman
They do seem to work well against each other, and Cecil ends up gaining more intelligence on things based on what he goes against…
Ed Rhodes
Why does the date say, 2012 12 07?
Prairie Son
Aaron failed a typing check (again).
Or it’s a clue that we’re dealing with another time travel arc…
Gordon Horne
Cecil and Zodon are messing with the servers.
David Tierce
I like the design of that spaceship in the last panel.
Their respective AI’s know and like each other … will they recognize each other’s work?
One could consider Vance to be the child of Zodon’s satellite since it was its influence that caused Vance to become a sentient, sapient being. It may not say that Vance is the other hacker unless really pressed to do so, just because it doesn’t see any reason to put its ‘child’ at risk.
I wonder what it says about the security of the Moon Base that not one but TWO different AI demonstrate having zero problems successfully hacking the security system, clearly they should look into adding some child geniuses to the line-up because their adult geniuses certainly can’t pull off a secure system.
To be fair, Zodon’s efforts are more based in social engineering. I know, I know, he didn’t get Tyler to help him on purpose, but he’s manipulating the human elements of security with the “multiple Tylers” ploy to create the space to put a physical-access vulnerability in the system. I think Vance is doing as well as he is because Vance is an AI made from two highly advanced civilizations’ tech combined with Zodon’s own accidental creation. In other words, it’s a super-AI in its own right, and a general-purpose super-genius’s security system going against that is like Superman going against Cyclops in a staring contest. Sure, Superman is powerful, but in that one area, Cyclops probably has him beat.
I disagree.
You disagree with me? On the internet!? You know this can only be resolved in one manner: a DUEL TO THE DEATH.
Since our only weapons are more words on the internet, this could take a while.
On the right, we have Simreeve, defending the position that Superman would beat Cyclops in a staring contest, and that Zodon can get past the server’s protection with his super powerful AI. And on the left, we have Segev, making his statement that Superman could not beat Cyclops in said staring contest, and that Zodon cannot beat the server because his AI is just not powerful enough! The match will begin in three days, on the 16th. You have that time to gather information on both ideas from PS238 comic pages and internet sources. You will then present your information to me, with arguments and sources. I will decide the winner. On your mark! Get set! Go!!!!
*cough* Technically, I’m asserting that Vance can bypass it because Vance is Cyclops in this example, to whoever built the EDL’s tower’s generic “super-genius” being Superman in this example.
to [b]MrBookBoy[/b] _
You know the trope, don’t you? “First they fight each other, then they team up against the real opponent”…
… and apparently you’ve just volunteered for the latter role.
True, but the story has been getting a little boring in terms of discussion, and I thought that a little spice would make it fun. in story news, we know that Floyd has been watching daytime talk shows. I mean think about what might happen next? A Floyd running on Judge Judyware v 1.4?
Flash has super-speed, Doomsday has super-strength, Cyclops has zappy-eyes. Supes has super-speed, super-strength, and zappy-eyes. It would seem at least reasonable to take as a premise the assumption that the specialists have an edge over the generalist *in their specialties*. Otherwise we must default to the premise that Superman always gets to be superior to everyone in all matters. Yet we know he is vulnerable to magic, so there is at least one matter in which he is merely ordinary, in comparison to specialists in magic. So that supposed default premise doesn’t work as an absolute.
That argument works if the heroes are being designed on a ‘points build’ system (e.g. ‘Hero’, or GURPS) and on roughly the same number of points each, but not necessarily if what ‘tv tropes’ calls “the Superpower Lottery” is in effect.
Post-Crisis, yes, Superman is generally slower than Flash when both are running (but might be faster if he “cheats” by flying instead?): pre-Crisis, when we had a Superman who could get travel through time under his own power without technical assistance whereas Flash [normally] had to employ his ‘cosmic treadmill’ for such journeys, it was more debatable…
It’d be kinda if one or both of them get ambushed by some adults next page XD Unlikely, I know, but still 😛
Whoops, I meant ‘Kinda funny’
It’s so annoying that you have to hurry to finish a comment…
Prairie Son
You don’t have to hurry. If the timer is elapsed by the time you finish typing your post, just click the black circle to the right of the security question to get a new one to answer. It doesn’t affect the rest of the page.
All that does is give you a couple of annoying 404 error alerts.
I always copy the comment, refresh and paste.
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