
16 thoughts on “12/07/2012

  1. I’m sorry, but every time that girl opens her mouth, I just wanna reach through the monitor and box her ears. Not very progressive of me, I know.

  2. I am seriously starting to like this girl.

  3. Love it – “Why do you think I counted down you dolt?” Seems reasonable to me!

    1. That just makes me wonder why she couldn’t just have told him to shoot the bridge to begin with. Because structural damage isn’t something he’s opposed to, is it? Did she just want to manipulate him for fun and glory?

      1. She is a young super villianess. I assume that she sees him as a useful minion and nothing more. You don’t explain plans to minions, they couldn’t understand it anyway, right?

        1. Yeah, but performing a Xanatos Gambit for petty things like this wastes time and invites failure. All for what, feeling a bit superior?
          She should be smart enough to be beyond that…

        2. Or if she said the actual plan aloud, the things could possibly counter it? As it was, they stayed in place and Kevin had a clear shot at the bridge. She used her knowledge of how Heroes think to bluff the attackers and prevent a countermove.

          She’s an evil genius, guys, not stupid.

        3. Four years late but I kinda have to agree with using a Xanatos Gambit. I have been a role player and a manager. And oddly unless you have military discipline people tend to ask too many questions when you need them to act.
          From RP: We will be surrounded in a minute. But we can jump into hyperspace in 45seconds. So someone stops your jump till you spend 45 minutes explaining the fast plan. And the DM decrees it was real time, you are boned.
          Manager: I had a man on a forklift accidentally ram a pallet rack. (Two companies one loading area) When I yelled for him to stop he keeps going asking why till he knocked the whole thing over. Had he hit the brakes when I said it would have been a simple back up and all was good.

  4. To continue the discussion between myself and Mrtt about the verbal abuse of Fogg by labeling and or possibly assigning roles, I would like to clarify the definition of a role as it relates to status of an individual.

    A role, by it’s simplest definition, is a character or behavior assumed or played by an individual. I believe Mrtt accused daddy gauntlet of bullying the academy student when he told her “you don’t have to be evil like that.”

    I suspect that english is possibly Mrtt’s second language. Which, is not a bad thing. However, I’ve noticed durring my several past attempts at learning spanish the resources withhold and provide misleading information. In a way that makes it nearly impossible to sound like a native speaker while simultaneously teaching one how to communicate in a way that is so submissive that you are essentially inviting a native speaker to overpower you.

    Now, I believe my argument was that assigning a role might be seen a form of bullying and I suggested that if a solution is to be found then one would need actually provide a list of skills to counteract, mitigate, deflect, or manage a verbal or psychological assault of one’s character.

    1. Trying to learn a second language entirely from language teaching materials is a fool’s errand. But there’s no reason to do that when material aimed at native speakers is so readily available.

      1. Actually, considering the performance of the teachers I’ve had in that particular arena, I think you might be better off teaching yourself a second language entirely from materials. A fools errand it may be, but if the instructors themselves are actively sabotaging their students learning it’s time to move on.

        If you’re concern is the pronunciation of vowels, consonants, and special characteristics unique to that culture. It can be covered in a single class. And, I’m sure there are plenty of anthropological studies that cover the culture if you aren’t from a similar one.

  5. If these were teens, those two would end up in the sack

  6. Give them a few more years, and they might.

  7. Jürgen A. Erhard

    Love the arrows pointing out the button to press 😀

  8. Is it just me, or does the borderless panel make her look like Piffany’s Evil Tech-Using Twin?

  9. Well said Kevin. Even on an alien planet, in an alien demention, he’s not going to risk hurting any one. I guess there is a little hero in him after all.

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