
6 thoughts on “11/08/2013

  1. I’ve always read Captain Murg with the voice of Cornelius from “Planet of the Apes”. It’s always seemed appropriate. 😀

    1. I always hear some gruff, bearded sergeant from an old WWII film.

      Of course, to be fair I must admit that Roddy McDowell played several such characters.

  2. So wait, they notice Zodon crossing over to this particular Earth but they missed Victor breaching dimensional barriers to destroy an entire universe? They’re either really incompetent or are so focused on trivial breaches and busy work as to miss the actual threats.

    1. I suspect that Zodon doesn’t want this particular universe destroyed because he has some pre-existing interests here, whether fiduciary, scientific or other remains to be divulged.

    2. As will be shown eventually, they know Zodon already. He has priors.

      Lots of them, as it turns out.

    3. The second Zodon’s portal opened, the TDDD’s sensors detected it. They know about the uninhabited universes that have been mysteriously disappearing lately, but they’ve had no leads, and they can’t just charge into any dimension they want to. Luckily they’re about to recruit an enthusiastic new member who can go where they can’t…

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