Before Patriot was “improved,” did he have a power other than gadgets? It seems irresponsible of anybody to put a child in that position if he’s not empowered naturally. (Tyler’s parents were the irresponsible party, necessitating Revenant’s training.)
However, now that he’s super-duper strong, I almost feel bad for American Eagle. Between the two of them, they make 3/4 of a FISS at this point. He has the strength and invulnerability; she has the flight. But even with having just one of the four powers of that extremely common set, American Eagle has to use wings which she has to hide.
She kind of got the fuzzy end of this lollipop. Her power is cool, but it comes at a price of inconvenience that others who look normal without aid don’t have to put up with.
I think his powers were initially comparable to captain america stuff. technically within the range of human but where else will you find the maximum strength and maximum speed in the same guy since sprinters tend to be sleek and strongmen tend to have enough muscles to get in the way.
but the station make them ridiculous as an improvement
@adsfasdfasdf: I think Patriot Act was stronger than Captain America; the comic book Cap’s only as strong, fast and tough as a highly trained human athlete, with the super-soldier serum keeping him from tiring, and the vita-rays accelerating the growth of his muscle mass. (I think. They keep retconning the vita-rays in and out of continuity. But that may just be bad writing.)
Patriot’s original strength level is closer to Wonder Man’s, or the Beast’s. (I can’t think of any DCU equivalents, because they keep getting rebooted. >:( ) The Station’s “enhancements” currently make Patriot stronger than Bernard, possibly as strong as 84. Like he said, he accidentally leaves fingerprint marks in solid steel now.
It would appear that a fourth car is about to be destroyed, despite Captain Murg’s best intentions. This one appears to be a station wagon. I do hope patriot checked to make certain that the car was fully empty of non-hostile, true Americans, first.
he did, only villans throw loaded cars…although he is an aspiring politician.
maybe this will be his “accidentally drove pregnant girlfriend into a lake and abandoned her in the locked car”
he had to do something like that sooner or later to be fully accepted in washington
To be a good guy these days require you to accept the mantel of a super villain.
Only in the nu52 DCU. In the PS238-verse, adopting the mantle of a super-villain gets you hard time. Unless you control a nation-state on a Zeppelin, in which case the World Court orders the Emerald Gauntlet to babysit you when you take your son trick-or-treating. π
Actually, given the way this all seems to be coming about, I suspect Zodon has a ‘good side’ but he is so dedicated to taking over the world that he feels he must hide it, sort of like cute underwear. He has also created and used a device similar to what vonFog was using a while back. Remember, it gives you god like powers in THAT universe. What you are watching is Zodonβs trying to save his pet universe, where he is viewed as a benevolent god, from vonFog.
Though he will of course absolutely deny it, of course.
Actually I think this is more about saving his parents.
I figure they hated living in a Superworld so Zodon allowed them to migrate to one without. But now he does not wants others to know about it. His SonStation figured it out. Guardian Angel overheard it (as well as them saving the SonStation).
I think it’s the other way around.
I think Zodon and his fam are from the non-meta Earth, and he built the dimensional gate there, using non-meta-but-highly-advanced science, in order to find a parallel Earth where he would be less of a freak…or one which would present *somewhat* of a challenge to dominate.
Playing on God Mode is no fun.
But there are no metas on non-Meta Earths. That’s why they’re designated non-Meta Earths in the first place by the TDDD! I guess that’s why Captain Murg will probably reject christianalexanderroberts’ application for membership. π
@My2Cents: What are you talking about? When did Zodon build a device to give him “god-like powers”? Zodon has built a time machine, a space station, an orbital laser on the moon and a system for counting cards. He never built a device like the Deus Machina.
What you might be thinking about is “The Ultimate Negatory”, which is what Victor is using to power his Deus Machina. The original Ultimate Negatory was built by Mental Nucleus of the Nuclear Family, not Zodon. The Ultimate Negatory was launched into space by the SIITS and caught by Zodon’s space station. Victor swiped the plans to the Ultimate Negatory, and built his own.
Also Christopher is getting warmer… in fact he’s so hot he might catch fire! But you’re not 100% correct…
Fortunately for our brash heroes being stuck in a pocket time-stop for the past week by the Evil Chronos has saved them from a fate worse than death! Will the lizards with guns shoot them? Will moonshadow survive the space kraken? How about that sniper on the roof? Tune in next year for the thrilling page turn! PS238 – now updated …. Eventually?!?
33 thoughts on “11/06/2013”
Well at least Patriot is easy to identify even when off screen. All he has to do is open his trap.
In this case Zodon asked him to shout something like that. On the previous page that you propably have overlooked π
…Not the point I was making but sure, thanks for reminding us.
Sniper: Target spotted, taking the shot.
Counter Sniper: Sniper spotted, throwing a car.
oh very droll sir …
Thank you.
Before Patriot was “improved,” did he have a power other than gadgets? It seems irresponsible of anybody to put a child in that position if he’s not empowered naturally. (Tyler’s parents were the irresponsible party, necessitating Revenant’s training.)
However, now that he’s super-duper strong, I almost feel bad for American Eagle. Between the two of them, they make 3/4 of a FISS at this point. He has the strength and invulnerability; she has the flight. But even with having just one of the four powers of that extremely common set, American Eagle has to use wings which she has to hide.
She kind of got the fuzzy end of this lollipop. Her power is cool, but it comes at a price of inconvenience that others who look normal without aid don’t have to put up with.
She also has electrical powers, with enough control over them to either zap or paralyse.
So she’s a living taser. Crud.
Prairie Son
Patriot also has heightened strength and reflexes; the former is what the station AI ‘improved’.
Anyway, having wings that are strong enough to somehow lift a human means having two extra limbs to fight with!
I think his powers were initially comparable to captain america stuff. technically within the range of human but where else will you find the maximum strength and maximum speed in the same guy since sprinters tend to be sleek and strongmen tend to have enough muscles to get in the way.
but the station make them ridiculous as an improvement
@adsfasdfasdf: I think Patriot Act was stronger than Captain America; the comic book Cap’s only as strong, fast and tough as a highly trained human athlete, with the super-soldier serum keeping him from tiring, and the vita-rays accelerating the growth of his muscle mass. (I think. They keep retconning the vita-rays in and out of continuity. But that may just be bad writing.)
Patriot’s original strength level is closer to Wonder Man’s, or the Beast’s. (I can’t think of any DCU equivalents, because they keep getting rebooted. >:( ) The Station’s “enhancements” currently make Patriot stronger than Bernard, possibly as strong as 84. Like he said, he accidentally leaves fingerprint marks in solid steel now.
Frith Ra
It would appear that a fourth car is about to be destroyed, despite Captain Murg’s best intentions. This one appears to be a station wagon. I do hope patriot checked to make certain that the car was fully empty of non-hostile, true Americans, first.
he did, only villans throw loaded cars…although he is an aspiring politician.
maybe this will be his “accidentally drove pregnant girlfriend into a lake and abandoned her in the locked car”
he had to do something like that sooner or later to be fully accepted in washington
Shirou Zhiwu
Yeah, always plan for snipers and take them out first.
Aren’t you the one who wanted to make Alexandra VonFog
Your queen a few issues back?
Are you a super villain?
Well, actually is just sensible. I’d check for medics, supporters, and moral pets to blast first, but lacking them snipers are a must.
targeting snipers isn’t a warcrime. medics is
Shirou Zhiwu
To be a good guy these days require you to accept the mantel of a super villain.
Only in the nu52 DCU. In the PS238-verse, adopting the mantle of a super-villain gets you hard time. Unless you control a nation-state on a Zeppelin, in which case the World Court orders the Emerald Gauntlet to babysit you when you take your son trick-or-treating. π
Zodon keeps a pocket dimension to terrorize people without consequences in his real dimension and to practice for his (real) takeover of earth?…
I approve!
Actually, given the way this all seems to be coming about, I suspect Zodon has a ‘good side’ but he is so dedicated to taking over the world that he feels he must hide it, sort of like cute underwear. He has also created and used a device similar to what vonFog was using a while back. Remember, it gives you god like powers in THAT universe. What you are watching is Zodonβs trying to save his pet universe, where he is viewed as a benevolent god, from vonFog.
Though he will of course absolutely deny it, of course.
Actually I think this is more about saving his parents.
I figure they hated living in a Superworld so Zodon allowed them to migrate to one without. But now he does not wants others to know about it. His SonStation figured it out. Guardian Angel overheard it (as well as them saving the SonStation).
I think it’s the other way around.
I think Zodon and his fam are from the non-meta Earth, and he built the dimensional gate there, using non-meta-but-highly-advanced science, in order to find a parallel Earth where he would be less of a freak…or one which would present *somewhat* of a challenge to dominate.
Playing on God Mode is no fun.
But there are no metas on non-Meta Earths. That’s why they’re designated non-Meta Earths in the first place by the TDDD! I guess that’s why Captain Murg will probably reject christianalexanderroberts’ application for membership. π
@My2Cents: What are you talking about? When did Zodon build a device to give him “god-like powers”? Zodon has built a time machine, a space station, an orbital laser on the moon and a system for counting cards. He never built a device like the Deus Machina.
What you might be thinking about is “The Ultimate Negatory”, which is what Victor is using to power his Deus Machina. The original Ultimate Negatory was built by Mental Nucleus of the Nuclear Family, not Zodon. The Ultimate Negatory was launched into space by the SIITS and caught by Zodon’s space station. Victor swiped the plans to the Ultimate Negatory, and built his own.
Also Christopher is getting warmer… in fact he’s so hot he might catch fire! But you’re not 100% correct…
Ouch. That car’s gonna leave some marks on Vulka’s combat suit. π
Pity, she’s got a nice butt
*force chokes through computer*
Get your mind out of the gutter! I was referring to her dry cleaning bill!
even so
The other Josh
Fortunately for our brash heroes being stuck in a pocket time-stop for the past week by the Evil Chronos has saved them from a fate worse than death! Will the lizards with guns shoot them? Will moonshadow survive the space kraken? How about that sniper on the roof? Tune in next year for the thrilling page turn! PS238 – now updated …. Eventually?!?
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