Well… if they had actually killed the dragon that castle might have remained in enough of a state to be rebuilt…
Well at least any locals will have plenty of building materials to make use of!
Not so sure about the dragon though… but at least thats one dimensional portal closed I don’t know if the school would like having a reputation of blowing up massive castles in another reality… well some wouldn’t anyway!
17 thoughts on “09/21/2012”
– Oh, so that’s how it happened…
That poor, poor, dragon. I’m sure it’s death held as much meaning as that of King Kong’s.
“It was Youth killed the Beast”?
I dunno, doesn’t quite scan.
He’s a dragon . He might of survived even that, if he can dig himself out of the pile of rubble.
and on the upside, this time its not Yeager’s fault the castle blew up… 🙂
I hope the Nodwick gang got out in time! xD
I’m guessing they did, since li’l Vashti was with them, and we’ve still got the grown up Ms. Imperia with us.
Yes, they did, but only because they used Nodwick as a halfling shield from all the falling rubble.
I’m guessing *most* of them got out in time. Nodwick will probably have to have his arms re-attached or something.
Well… if they had actually killed the dragon that castle might have remained in enough of a state to be rebuilt…
Well at least any locals will have plenty of building materials to make use of!
Not so sure about the dragon though… but at least thats one dimensional portal closed I don’t know if the school would like having a reputation of blowing up massive castles in another reality… well some wouldn’t anyway!
Its not another reality, its the past.
Alex C
He lost his prisoner. He lost his treasure. He lost his castle. What else can go wrong with this day for the Dragon.
I’ve a feeling ONE of the Nodwick gang was in need of some duct tape.
I meant Yeagar and co not the unexpected school outing!
This could be why th dragon in Use Sword on Monster doesn’t like tech and powers.
Hmmm… Another tie in?
Hmmm… Another tie in?
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