
36 thoughts on “09/13/2013

  1. Alright, who here has a computer from CSI that can enhance what Zodon’s whispering to visible levels?

    1. Unfortunately my computer isn’t that good, but I have the next best thing: the TPB and my own eyes!

      Panel 4: “Okay, listen up. We’re going to go through and you’re going to guard the portal no matter what. If you do I can make sure you’re rewarded beyond anything you’ve ever experienced.”

      Panel 5: “But if anything happens to our way back here, I’ll make sure that every [Who am I kidding? Sorry sweetie, spoilers!]. Got it?”

      (Seriously, if you don’t care about the spoilers, just let me know in the comments.)

      1. It’s.. in the comic. I think that makes it foreshadowing, not spoilers. Declaring it to be a spoiler and not a red herring is a bit of a spoiler, though. I’d like to know what it says.

        1. I’d concur with Mathalor, it’s in this page, albeit difficult to read which either means that it is intended to be foreshadowing or means that it is an Easter Egg, not spoiler material.

      2. Declaring it a spoiler to print the text on the current page in legible form is even crappier than the usual spoiler-taunting. Come on. This isn’t spoiler-minding, it’s just mocking everyone reading this online.

        1. Fine, be that way!

          Panel 5: “But if anything happens to our way back here, I’ll make sure that every video game on any console in your apartment has the scores reset so it looks like it’s owned by a demented monkey hitting the buttons with its tail. Got it?”

          Zodon has essentially threatened to delete all of Forak’s Playstation acheivements. Are you happy now?

        2. Yes that is the worst threat evarrrrr

        3. So you considered the fact that Forak is a giant geek (which was already made plain) worth spoiler-tagging, but the as yet unrevealed online effectiveness of the threat was not?

          What that tells me is that the redaction-mangled posts I’ve seen from you (which could have been handled more delicately by only giving vague hints in the first place, rather than setting up to show details and then redacting them) are not in fact driven by a genuine want to be considerate and avoid spoilers. From there, there’s even less to go on, but the easiest thing to speculate is that you are in fact rubbing people’s noses in you having something that they don’t.

          If that’s not what you’re trying to get at, you may want to take a serious look at how you’re handling this, because I’m trying to give you the benefit of the doubt and finding it really hard.

  2. Sorry, I had trouble reading it on paper… I hope someone is kind enough to post it. (I think Zodon is right though. The boy needs focus.

    1. It’s not meant to be read. I’ve always thought that shrinking text down so it’s literally unable to be read except by really lucky guess was a great way to analogise whispers or muffled words.

      1. Then what’s the excuse for sprite comics?

        1. I don’t follow you.

        2. Unreadable text is a hallmark of sprite comics. at least the one’s I’ve come across.

        3. Don’t assume that something’s a staple of a medium just because the medium is flooded with that something.

          Would you perhaps like some proper sprite webcomics to read? I could recommend a few.

        4. Since MFZ’s “Insonica” and “There’s Something About Tails” both went belly up I haven’t really found anything similar to satiate my needs. Still, thanks to you tube they will be remembered… or at least the original Insonica will. I’m not really a zombie, it’s just that outside of CVRPG and that animated one with the holy pancakes I haven’t bothered to look at in years I haven’t encountered anything that satisfying…

          Yes, I would like some proper sprite comics to read…

      2. After several minutes of squinting hard I could read the teeny tiny text in my copy of the TPB. It helps that I know the context of Zodon’s (highly effective) threat from a later issue. 😀

  3. Just caught up here after a week of reading from the start. Very nice work.

    I can roughly guess the number of letters in each word, but getting clear text from letters in 3×3 pixels is beyond me.

  4. for the record, I tried to do the ‘fancy CSI computer thing’. not surprising it didn’t work. The image wasn’t saved with a high enough bit rate. Even if there was valid text there were not going to be able to read it unless you get a CSI brand Magic Computer™

  5. It’s the Horseman’s Word.

    1. From the position of Zodon’s “hand” in the second of those two panels, I’d tend to agree. Whether or not the text says what people claim it does, the hand position has implications.

  6. The fact that Zodon is giving pep talks at all is scary on many levels.

  7. In past he has put the actual text in the balloons but lower than the print shop or the image file can enhance. I recall one time there was an effort to decode it and I think 1 in 10 words where still up in the air… Often with multiple possibilities that worked int eh sentence and meant different things.
    Love the whisper technique.
    Not quite as annoying as TV or movies where you have magical subtitles to understand the bad guys jokes and plans about the ignorant hero but then for no reason a conversation gets left with no translation. What did my babel fish get a tummy ache?

  8. Oh, to be a fly on THAT wall…

  9. My guess is whatever Zodon’s words are they have the intended effect.

    1. Yup.

      Also, Atlas-Boy would be a perfect name for Forak once Ul-Ron gets fed up with Argos, nukes the nobles and comes back home to resume his career as Atlas. Every REAL super needs a sidekick, right?

  10. I recall reading it one time (with the print version). I don’t remember exactly what it says, but I think it was along the lines of “If you let this portal be turned off, I’ll make all Playstation games look like they were made by apes while sitting on their hands.” At any rate, he was motivating by telling him that all his favorite video games would be ruined, past, present and future.

  11. The words are all whispered. None of the characters want to be noticed in such a medium.

  12. I suddenly heard “Atlas-Boy” as “Laughing-Boy” a la Bugs Bunny. 🙂

  13. Hmm. Atlas boy.. Atlas boy… ATTABOY!

  14. So I get that Aaron can get too busy to make new comics for us but ps238 should be more immune since its already made.

    1. I’m guessing that he doesn’t have a buffer set up. Also, they’re working on site upgrades (see note on main page).

      1. If it’s anything like several other webcomics I read he’s are having issues with an “upgrade” from ComicPress to ComicEasel

        1. Reminds me of the character from idiotcracy. Upgraddde.

  15. Atlas boy. Meet your arch nemesis – Goolge Maps Man…

  16. “I know where you live, Floyd.”

  17. I love the respect that is shown for young people in this comic. The fact that Julie would a) understand this about Forak, b) think of it in time c) explain it clearly and concisely as she does to Zodon in time to avoid an inevitable Bad Result is completely believable to anyone who spends time around kids (esp smart ones) of this age. I have heard surprisingly deep analysis of character and consequences and even political and social issues from 9-12 year olds, who took the time (or were required for school to) read up on complex issues. But most adults who do not actually try to interact with children on an intellectual equal – or bother to listen to them – often treat children like monkeys in human suits with the brains of oatmeal. Perhaps because they have had to deal with too many adults who behave that way out of laziness or an unwillingness to exert themselves? But the truth is that often young people care more and think deeply about things than we give them credit for. Especially the smart ones (although no, i don’t mean only the “genius” ones). And if we know anything from this story, the kids at PS238 are generally in the group that tends toward the brighter end of the spectrum (occasional blue hulky forms excepted). In any case, this is just another example of the good writing and convincing character development of these kids and this setting, that make it so much fun and so believable – even though it is on the surface a “silly” comic about prepubescent superheroes and villains in a (reluctantly) publicly-funded superschool…

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