
7 thoughts on “09/10/2012

  1. Ahh, Nodwick. ^^ Ever the gentleman and usually the guy who sees most of the game.

  2. Jürgen A. Erhard

    Good thing they went up against Nodwick’s people (him excluded, of course, as we see in the last panel) 😀

  3. “Looks like a pencil, but totally isn’t” Simply brilliant.

  4. @ciell
    I didn’t find it as funny, but to each their own.

    Incidentally, is she using a shadow clone (or magical after image) to fight with the boys while she’s talking with big nose?

  5. One thing I’ve always loved about Nodwick: He’s always been the quickest on the uptake.

  6. Improvizational skills…UTTER FAIL!

    1. They don’t need many iprov skills with Yeager, at al.

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