
14 thoughts on “09/06/2013

  1. That’s a brilliant punishment. 😀

    1. Cruel and unusual, certainly…

    2. One day, mankind will have to flee earth, and I believe that they’ll use the Facebook User List to eliminate people from the mass exodus.

      1. Hey how’s it going?
        I didn’t know you read this web comic, too! 😀

  2. Where’s the kaboom? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering kaboom!

  3. Hm. I’m guessing that the other open portal averts the “power vacuum” that would otherwise be going on here.

    Also, apparently the Evil Overlord List is not required reading for the von Foggs.

  4. Pfft, so thanks to the portal, the energy he is sucking up is flowing back into the other universe like removing the bottom from a bucket someone is using to bale water from a barrel with? XD

    1. No, Victor can’t open a portal to the targeted universe to insert the Ultimate Negatory while Zodon’s portal is open. So long as Zodon’s portal is working, Victor can’t convert the other universe into fuel. Of course that’s only a stop-gap solution, so Zodon has a step two (and a step three; after that the plan’s a little hazy).

  5. This line is busy, please try your call again… when the trans dimensional portal is not engaged across town.

  6. Gotta complain about the captcha again. Ok drumsticks was the goal. Is saw 2 snare drum sticks and what I swear as an ex percussionist was a base drum mallet (stick). Grr… I guessed right. Now they show a ring and ask for the rock. Yes I see Diamond but there is also a round grey fish that looks also like a stone. (The blue giraff could if squinting also be a landslide. ) ambiguity can be annoying and amusing. Its times like this that I regret volunteering for that cyborg implant…. Who’d of though it would have this draw back. 😉

  7. This universe is currently active on another drive and cannot be accessed. Would you like to save universe under another file name?

    1. Your_Mom(1).unv

  8. Greater than the current temperature… in Kelvins.

    1. No, just… no.
      Don’t give the computer incentive to work around whatever measures prevent it suiciding.

      Seriously. AIs can be rather inventive, and, while a solution to this would be to beg e.g. Hershel or Alexandra to post something on FB, so would arranging things that their continued existence ends in greater penalties than that for self-termination.
      It is also why this: https://xkcd.com/534/ isn’t full-proof. And why there is a block of concrete encasing one of my basement rooms, my old gaming computer and the Rube-Goldberg’esque thing it had the mice build.

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