
8 thoughts on “09/05/2012

  1. Alec definitely needs a teacher. =_= And a year’s worth of detention!

  2. When Alec draws, expect the unexpected.

  3. So Alex prefers to draw portals? Another example for the evils of computer games! 😉

  4. It looks like this episode is……drawing to a close. EEEEEEEEEYAAAAHHHH!!!!!

    Had to do that.

  5. Dude – is that Orville???

  6. Boy he’s going to be a powerful mage when he get’s some real training, I bet.

  7. Nope, that’s the Downstairs Neighbor. He wants to complain about the noise from the party. 😛

    Told y’all there’d be an Entrance.

    1. Nah, he’s just dropping by for a cup of human; he’s feeling a little peckish. That, and he wants to have a stern word with those darn kids who tramped through his treasure hoard.

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