
16 thoughts on “08/30/2013

  1. So this is just an equipment run, a prelude for saving a universe?

  2. “I know what we’re here for when I see it.” -> “I’ll know what we’re here for when I see it.” ?

    1. That, or “I’ve just seen what I need and now I’m going to get it”

      1. Zodon knows exactly what he’s looking for because [SPOILERS GALORE!] So yeah, he does know exactly what [SORRY SWEETIE, SPOILERS], and he’s not blowing hot air out of his hoverchair’s chrome tailpipes. (Oh wait, he got rid of those after the science fair. 😀 )

  3. They were the aforementioned ‘tour group’, I take it?
    Did bat-girl (I forget her name. Guardian?) ever show up on cameras? I didn’t know she could extend that invisibility to a group.

    1. She’s with them, so if one of them gets caught, she gets caught and thus in trouble. Therefore, as long as they’re with her, they’re hidden from security systems.
      The logic chain behind this is explained further way early in the series.

    2. It’s come up before. She’d get into trouble if any of the OTHERS got caught too, so her ‘protector’ keeps them from being noticed too.

      I figured it had to be her the moment I saw that line about not showing up on the security cameras because of that :P.

  4. Guardian Angel is speaking like a true dungeon crawling adventurer!

    1. No, she’s talking like a future girlfriend! Seriously, she teases Zodon all the time, but he literally can’t do anything to her thanks to her Guardian Force (unlike any other student as PS238). As a result, Zodon needs to react to her taunts on a purely intellectual level (unlike Victor, whom he reacts to with name calling, laser guns and Doombot Hovertanks (TM)). Combined with the fact that she associates the acquisition of her bat (the only offensive powers she currently has) to the trip to Zodon’s sattelite (a trip she only went on because of her Guardian Force locking her in one of the S.I.I.T.S. pods) and thus to Zodon, means that she subconsciously likes hanging out with Zodon.

      Ambriel and Zodon’s relationship will become a little more complicated when she becomes [THIS SPOILER HAS BEEN CLASSIFIED BY THE TDDD] in a few issues.

  5. Huh. It looks like Aaron has mastered time travel, since it’s now the 3rd, and the site says the comic posted on the 28th of last month.

  6. And lo it began! Four children (and an Argosian Otaku) begin their journey to save an alternate universe from the nefarious schemes of one Victor von Fogg! So far our band has snuck into Clay Industries’ warehouse, where Herschel Clay, aka the Mighty Mantium, stores his unfinished doodads, geegaws and whatchamacllits, along with sinister devices confiscated by the Union of Justice from notorious no-goodniks! (Plus a few things Angie and Prospero cooked up in shop class that could end life on our dear planet if removed from the containment fields!)

    Thanks to Guardian Angel’s good ol’ Guardian Force, the security guards remain completely oblivious to our three do-gooders (and one evil-doer who’s doing good and one guy who’s in it for extra credit and a burrito), as they enter Containment Unit Beta! What will U.S.A. Patriot, Guardian Angel and 84 discover in this hall of wonders? What is Zodon expecting to find here, and how did he know about it? Will Forak contribute in any meaningful way to this mission? And what about Ron and Moonshadow, lost, even as we speak, in the depths of space, with no hope of rescue?

    Stay tuned True Believers, because the action is going to start heating up! Get ready for electrifying battles, death defying escapes, an “American Idol” winner and a cameo by the gosh-darn Revenant, as the adventure so titanic we could only call it “Saving Alternate Omaha” continues! Excelsior!

    (Apologies to Stan Lee. And to people who don’t like Stan Lee.)

    1. Seriously, why don’t you work for Arron?

      1. If he really wanted me to shill for him, he’d bring back “Floyd”!

  7. Hm. I hope Guardian Angel’s “friend” either did something to the cameras while the door’s opened, or did something to make the security person look away. Preferably the former, in case the footage gets reviewed later. Can the guardian force loop the footage so that it still looks like the door’s closed? Hmm.

  8. “Don’t touch anything!”
    Because that worked so well in Aladdin. 😛

  9. Boy, Ambriel’s going to grow up to be the snarkiest antihero ever, and that’s saying something.

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