I’m betting the witch is like little Vashti, but a lot taller, with a tattoo over one eye. This would of course result in a time something-or-other, as Vashti was her own captor, and took her own spell book…. I hate time travel.
Moon Shadow combined with Nodwick’s knowledge and perception would create the ultimate non-powered super hero that could beat every super powered indivudal in the world!
8 thoughts on “08/29/2012”
Ah, Nodwick. ^^ Always the wisest, most perceptive member of the party. Maybe Moon Shadow should take a few lessons? 😉
Who wants to bet Ms. Vashti is going to put in her appearance now?
Three cheers for Nodwick, indeed!
I’m betting the witch is like little Vashti, but a lot taller, with a tattoo over one eye. This would of course result in a time something-or-other, as Vashti was her own captor, and took her own spell book…. I hate time travel.
Moon Shadow combined with Nodwick’s knowledge and perception would create the ultimate non-powered super hero that could beat every super powered indivudal in the world!
Well except Batman. But. Batman he is supposedly non-powered
Man in the Mists
Ah, but he’s being trained by the Batman-equivalent.
Nodwick has a superpower actually the ability to lift impossable amounts of weight and carry it long distances.
Let’s split up, gang! Never a good idea! 0.0
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