
9 thoughts on “08/24/2012

  1. Never follows Yeagar’s lead, guys. Unless you’re sending him ahead to check for traps.

  2. I’m not the only one thinking about a spacefaring poptart-feline that they were recently taunted by… right?

  3. temporaryobsessor

    You know I think there are some simularities between Tylor and Nodwick.

    1. Why do you constantly spell Tyler’s name as Tylor? If it’s a spoiler… Well, you’re two years in the past, so I can’t exactly ask you to “please stop” and get any results.

  4. Somehow, I don’t think that was the real witch….

  5. Nodwick = Tyler

    Both without powers and with the magical abilitity to see what everyone else ignores.

  6. Actually all Yeagar will do is throw Nodwick ahead of them!

    1. That is why it’s a good idea to shove him ahead to check for traps once in a while. :p Just desserts, see?

  7. Heh. I know exactly who that is.

    Blob: no, she IS “the real witch”.
    Then again, she’s not quite who everybody else perceives her to be…

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