As I’ve mentioned before, there’s no way Tyler can go to any school without the paperwork being in order, so somewhere there must be some a perfectly legal waiver that allows him to go to PS 238. It’s not like the Department of Education, at the very least, doesn’t have the authority to waive entrance requirements.
Tyler’s paperwork says “Metabilities: Pending”. American Eagle and USA Patriot have a point that the rules were bent to allow Tyler to attend PS238; how much more are the rules going to be bent? Especially when we learn that [Spoilers!]. If [Spoilers] can’t attend PS238, why can Tyler?
Tyler can attend because he has permission to attend. If anyone think that the permission was issued on the wrong grounds, they can appeal that decision to the proper authorities. What they can’t do, if they believe in the rule of law, is to unilaterally decide that they’re going to ignore the rules. It’s simply not Eagle’s and Patriot’s decision to make.
And, incidentally, if having pending metabilities is legal grounds for permission to attend, who can prove that Tyler’s metabilities aren’t pending? If, conversely, pending metabilities are not sufficient grounds (which I think would be an excellent rule to have), then Tyler must have a dispensation from someone with the authority to give such a dispensation that allows him to attend anyway.
Prairie Son
Actually, if my hunch that Tyler was born on the EDL’s Moonbase as a way to ‘jumpstart’ his Metabilities is correct, then he’s probably in under the discretionary clause, as he’d be technically an extraterrestrial.
but Tyler does have meta ability’s, How else do you explain the nobody can recognize him as Night Shadow?
3 things.
1. Legal waiver that allows Tyler to go to the school is that he has two of the strongest super powered parents alive who won’t take no for an answer.
2. Only the girls seem to care about the problems Tyler goes through or even the fact that he is missing which is kind of strange.
3. Shady political dealings when you kicked Tyler out of class president Mr. Eagle. You have become a true back stabbing politician. With people like you we help set a bar for how evil villains should be (forcing them to rise above it).
Zodon was a bit of a casual bully to Ron/Captain Clarinet in issue one, but he’s been picking on Tyler consistently ever since issue #3, for a reason. A reason that can only be revealed by exploring Zodon’s BACKSTORY! Once you know Zodon’s secret, you will finally understand why Zodon said what he did in panel two of today’s page!
Speaking of today’s page, there is some sort of discontinuity between issue #46 and issue #51 (which was never published in individual issue form, only in the “PS238 vol 9: Saving Alternate Omaha!” TPB). According to issue #46, Tyler has been missing from school for several days. Ambriel is asking Zodon, since the two of them live in the student dorms, along with Tyler. (Also, Ambriel is very observant, clever and awesome.) Zodon replies that he has no idea where Tyler is. We, the readers, know that Tyler has been on Argos, and is now with Ron aboard the “Valiant Lance”, lost in space.
In issue #51 we learn that Toby has been covering for Tyler, but he’s been doing all week by [Sorry Sweetie, Spoilers!]. My guess is that sometime on Friday (the day issue #46 takes place on) Toby retroactively [More Spoilers], but Toby must have done this after lunch period, and extended it back to when Moonshadow left for Argos. (Remember, Toby has no memories of Tyler being Moonshadow.)
I find it interesting that Ambriel (and in a way Zodon) express more concern for Tyler being missing than the Marlockes. If they weren’t two of the most powerful beings on Earth, they would lose custody of Tyler in a nanosecond.
Don’t you guys love the way Ambriel banters with Zodon? She may tease him, but you can tell she loves a super-genius who makes awesome gadgets!
Speaking of shipping, Tom Davidson just brought polaroids of the Junior Prom at HS238, PS238’s High School equivalent, from several years in the future! Let’s see what we have:
Tom and Naomi dancing the charleston, with sixteen year-old Naomi cute as a jitterbug in a flapper dress!
Alejandro and some scorpion themed girl I don’t recognize dancing on the ceiling.
Suzie and 82 flying around the room!
Malphast drinking punch, as Hestia offers him some greek yogurt!
Marvin and an asian girl I don’t recognize dancing.
Orchid and a swarm of honey bees in the shape of a teenage boy, dancing near a girl with frost powers, who is refilling the ice bowl.
Steve Newdeck as the DJ.
Vera and a much more athletic Zach dancing near Bernard and a blue skinned girl with claws and horns, who hold hands.
Kevin and …. wait, is that Alexandra von Fogg?!? Seriously? Are they making out?
Moonshadow dancing with Julie.
Tyler dancing with Julie.
Ron dancing with Julie.
Forak dancing with Diana, the woman who runs the K-Square. She doesn’t look much older, does she?
Ambriel and Zodon being crowned prom queen and king, then sharing a dance, as robots dance the Robot in the background in another photo.
Supervillains attacking the prom, fight breaks out.
Hestia expels all supervillains.
Tom and Naomi snuggling on rooftop of the “Julius Schwartz Memorial High School” building.
Tom says he has other photos, but he thinks he may have left them in Victorian London.
Huh. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but the images on the polaroids just changed. Now all of the images depict large metal pepperpots with plungers and some other attachments firing death rays. Has anyone seen Tom?
Oh no. The polaroids changed again! Now they show android soldiers with skull faces mowing down human civillians! Help!
Okay, I think we can relax. The polaroids have all changed to scenes from different time periods. All of them feature either Tom or Naomi, and four teenagers, two guys and two girls. The guys are dressed in clothes from the late 1980’s, the girls are dressed in fashions from Plantagenet era England. For some reason Murphy’s sister is in half the pictures. Most of the polaroids show the teens playing air guitar at moments of historical importance, like the signing of the Magna Carta, the battle of Thermopolis, the Septo invasion, Woodstock, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Should I be worried about this?
Before the space-time continuum went kablooey, one polaroid was of Tyler in a tux dancing with 84 (in a prom dress version of her uniform) and Moonshadow (in a more stylized version of the Moonshadow costume) dancing with 84. It seems teenage Julie has a crush on Tyler and his secret identity. 🙂
Zodon doesn’t seem to get that Tyler didn’t want to go to ps238. His parents make him. He’d probably be the first to tell you he, ” doesn’t belong here,”. He just picks on Tyler because he thinks he won’t fight back. Big… Jerky… Jerk.
Zodon has some issues relating to his origin. Zodon’s origin story won’t be revealed for another two issues, but suffice to say that I’m convinced that the reason Zodon picks on Tyler is directly tied to a single event that changed Zodon’s life forever. This event will lead directly to Zodon confronting his past, as well as what might have been. All this, and more, as “Cataclysm Across Alternate Universes” continues! Universes are being destroyed to fuel Victor von Fogg’s lust for power! Can Zodon and his classmates make it in time to save the next universe scheduled for consumption? How can Forak be motivated to act like a hero? What is the secret of Zodon’s past? Could America ever vote for Victor von Fogg to win “American Idol”? And what will Ron and Moonshadow eat for lunch? Tune in “PS238” fans, as all of these questions are answered!
I’ve read the books, and honestly, while his back story dose explain why he’s grumpy in general, I don’t see what that has to do with Tyler in particular. Maybe when the back story rolls around you could explain?
Hey did Tyler actually stop being Class President? Like officially? Or did the teachers just ignore it because they knew Tyler wouldn’t care and there wasn’t anything for the Class President to actually do?
31 thoughts on “08/12/2013”
Hans Rancke
As I’ve mentioned before, there’s no way Tyler can go to any school without the paperwork being in order, so somewhere there must be some a perfectly legal waiver that allows him to go to PS 238. It’s not like the Department of Education, at the very least, doesn’t have the authority to waive entrance requirements.
Tyler’s paperwork says “Metabilities: Pending”. American Eagle and USA Patriot have a point that the rules were bent to allow Tyler to attend PS238; how much more are the rules going to be bent? Especially when we learn that [Spoilers!]. If [Spoilers] can’t attend PS238, why can Tyler?
Horatio Von Becker
Dangit, stop that, context means it pretty much has to be Ron.
Hans Rancke
Tyler can attend because he has permission to attend. If anyone think that the permission was issued on the wrong grounds, they can appeal that decision to the proper authorities. What they can’t do, if they believe in the rule of law, is to unilaterally decide that they’re going to ignore the rules. It’s simply not Eagle’s and Patriot’s decision to make.
And, incidentally, if having pending metabilities is legal grounds for permission to attend, who can prove that Tyler’s metabilities aren’t pending? If, conversely, pending metabilities are not sufficient grounds (which I think would be an excellent rule to have), then Tyler must have a dispensation from someone with the authority to give such a dispensation that allows him to attend anyway.
Prairie Son
Actually, if my hunch that Tyler was born on the EDL’s Moonbase as a way to ‘jumpstart’ his Metabilities is correct, then he’s probably in under the discretionary clause, as he’d be technically an extraterrestrial.
but Tyler does have meta ability’s, How else do you explain the nobody can recognize him as Night Shadow?
Moonshadow. And some people can.
3 things.
1. Legal waiver that allows Tyler to go to the school is that he has two of the strongest super powered parents alive who won’t take no for an answer.
2. Only the girls seem to care about the problems Tyler goes through or even the fact that he is missing which is kind of strange.
3. Shady political dealings when you kicked Tyler out of class president Mr. Eagle. You have become a true back stabbing politician. With people like you we help set a bar for how evil villains should be (forcing them to rise above it).
And 4) The kids voted unanimously for Tyler because both candidates were *jerks*.
That sounds rather like real politics…
In real politics, the third and fourth candidates are also incompetent jerks!
Frith Ra
Now I find myself wondering if the Excelsior Public school has the usual ratio of bullies & jerks. I’m wondering how Zodon relates to them.
Zodon was a bit of a casual bully to Ron/Captain Clarinet in issue one, but he’s been picking on Tyler consistently ever since issue #3, for a reason. A reason that can only be revealed by exploring Zodon’s BACKSTORY! Once you know Zodon’s secret, you will finally understand why Zodon said what he did in panel two of today’s page!
Speaking of today’s page, there is some sort of discontinuity between issue #46 and issue #51 (which was never published in individual issue form, only in the “PS238 vol 9: Saving Alternate Omaha!” TPB). According to issue #46, Tyler has been missing from school for several days. Ambriel is asking Zodon, since the two of them live in the student dorms, along with Tyler. (Also, Ambriel is very observant, clever and awesome.) Zodon replies that he has no idea where Tyler is. We, the readers, know that Tyler has been on Argos, and is now with Ron aboard the “Valiant Lance”, lost in space.
In issue #51 we learn that Toby has been covering for Tyler, but he’s been doing all week by [Sorry Sweetie, Spoilers!]. My guess is that sometime on Friday (the day issue #46 takes place on) Toby retroactively [More Spoilers], but Toby must have done this after lunch period, and extended it back to when Moonshadow left for Argos. (Remember, Toby has no memories of Tyler being Moonshadow.)
I find it interesting that Ambriel (and in a way Zodon) express more concern for Tyler being missing than the Marlockes. If they weren’t two of the most powerful beings on Earth, they would lose custody of Tyler in a nanosecond.
Robin Bobcat
Well, remember that Toby is now the ‘favorite’ son, being the meta-powered son they always wanted. Because that won’t traumatize Tyler at all…
That ship has saled.
so thats how he ended up in that pod as basically a floating head with robo arms
Don’t you guys love the way Ambriel banters with Zodon? She may tease him, but you can tell she loves a super-genius who makes awesome gadgets!
Speaking of shipping, Tom Davidson just brought polaroids of the Junior Prom at HS238, PS238’s High School equivalent, from several years in the future! Let’s see what we have:
Tom and Naomi dancing the charleston, with sixteen year-old Naomi cute as a jitterbug in a flapper dress!
Alejandro and some scorpion themed girl I don’t recognize dancing on the ceiling.
Suzie and 82 flying around the room!
Malphast drinking punch, as Hestia offers him some greek yogurt!
Marvin and an asian girl I don’t recognize dancing.
Orchid and a swarm of honey bees in the shape of a teenage boy, dancing near a girl with frost powers, who is refilling the ice bowl.
Steve Newdeck as the DJ.
Vera and a much more athletic Zach dancing near Bernard and a blue skinned girl with claws and horns, who hold hands.
Kevin and …. wait, is that Alexandra von Fogg?!? Seriously? Are they making out?
Moonshadow dancing with Julie.
Tyler dancing with Julie.
Ron dancing with Julie.
Forak dancing with Diana, the woman who runs the K-Square. She doesn’t look much older, does she?
Ambriel and Zodon being crowned prom queen and king, then sharing a dance, as robots dance the Robot in the background in another photo.
Supervillains attacking the prom, fight breaks out.
Hestia expels all supervillains.
Tom and Naomi snuggling on rooftop of the “Julius Schwartz Memorial High School” building.
Tom says he has other photos, but he thinks he may have left them in Victorian London.
I want copies of theses photos. They can be my screen saver.
Huh. I don’t want to alarm anyone, but the images on the polaroids just changed. Now all of the images depict large metal pepperpots with plungers and some other attachments firing death rays. Has anyone seen Tom?
Oh no. The polaroids changed again! Now they show android soldiers with skull faces mowing down human civillians! Help!
Okay, I think we can relax. The polaroids have all changed to scenes from different time periods. All of them feature either Tom or Naomi, and four teenagers, two guys and two girls. The guys are dressed in clothes from the late 1980’s, the girls are dressed in fashions from Plantagenet era England. For some reason Murphy’s sister is in half the pictures. Most of the polaroids show the teens playing air guitar at moments of historical importance, like the signing of the Magna Carta, the battle of Thermopolis, the Septo invasion, Woodstock, and the fall of the Berlin Wall. Should I be worried about this?
Prairie Son
Only if it portends another Bill and Ted movie.
Tyler and Moonshadow (same person) dancing with Julie?
Before the space-time continuum went kablooey, one polaroid was of Tyler in a tux dancing with 84 (in a prom dress version of her uniform) and Moonshadow (in a more stylized version of the Moonshadow costume) dancing with 84. It seems teenage Julie has a crush on Tyler and his secret identity. 🙂
Zodon doesn’t seem to get that Tyler didn’t want to go to ps238. His parents make him. He’d probably be the first to tell you he, ” doesn’t belong here,”. He just picks on Tyler because he thinks he won’t fight back. Big… Jerky… Jerk.
Zodon has some issues relating to his origin. Zodon’s origin story won’t be revealed for another two issues, but suffice to say that I’m convinced that the reason Zodon picks on Tyler is directly tied to a single event that changed Zodon’s life forever. This event will lead directly to Zodon confronting his past, as well as what might have been. All this, and more, as “Cataclysm Across Alternate Universes” continues! Universes are being destroyed to fuel Victor von Fogg’s lust for power! Can Zodon and his classmates make it in time to save the next universe scheduled for consumption? How can Forak be motivated to act like a hero? What is the secret of Zodon’s past? Could America ever vote for Victor von Fogg to win “American Idol”? And what will Ron and Moonshadow eat for lunch? Tune in “PS238” fans, as all of these questions are answered!
I’ve read the books, and honestly, while his back story dose explain why he’s grumpy in general, I don’t see what that has to do with Tyler in particular. Maybe when the back story rolls around you could explain?
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Right now, that’s gotta get under Zodon’s skin more than any insult could.
Crud. Must have messed up the /b tag somehow. Only “cute” was supposed to be bold.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.” Right now, that’s gotta get under Zodon’s skin more than any insult could.
It would upset any sentient being to be sneered at that way.
Sneered at? I thought she honestly thinks he’s cute when he’s angry.
Hey did Tyler actually stop being Class President? Like officially? Or did the teachers just ignore it because they knew Tyler wouldn’t care and there wasn’t anything for the Class President to actually do?
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