
35 thoughts on “08/09/2013

  1. Pffffft~ thats supreme power for you XD Just goes to ones head

  2. What a ineffective machine,harvesting whole dimensions for some minutes of godlike power

    1. Yeah… But… GOD like power.

    2. Yeah, it is inefficient. He has to burn up an entire universe to power the Machina Deus and insert the harvester into the next universe to be consumed. Luckily, Victor’s been unable to focus on conquest, but if he figures out how to make the Machina Deus more efficient? To channel less power than full omniscience, but still boosting him up to levels where he outclasses heroes like Atlas or the Power Partners?

      And so far he hasn’t targeted any inhabited universes. That’s about to change, as Cataclysm Across Alternate Universes continues! Universes will be destroyed! Heroes will be tested! “Doctor Who” references will be made! And the one secret Zodon has been keeping from his fellow students (but which every grown-up in the world, including the Crystal Skull, seems to know) will be revealed! Plus: Ambriel’s costume will get a make-over!

      1. Coming soon on PS238…
        What? I felt it led onto that.

        1. And a theater near you!
          (insert summer or winter release dates)

        2. Same meta time, same meta channel

        3. Think “comic book cross-over event”, rather than “summer movie blockbuster”!

  3. Wow! He accomplished all that and he doesn’t consider it worth a hill a beans. Granted, it wouldn’t impress anyone interviewing him for a job but still.

  4. So that light going out several pages ago was a universe dying?

    1. I… well spotted. I wouldn’t have made that connection. The risks of days between updates, I guess.

    2. Yes. It supposedly had no sentient life forms in it, but it will never develop any either.

      1. Why would we suppose that it didn’t?

        1. Sorry, that was a spoiler. 🙁

          And I’ve been so good at not letting them slip out. Sigh.

  5. Why do you NEED these things?
    If you could target the omniscience (which remember is smarter than you and knows better) then it would be simple to find all the solutions to your problems… Only your higher self knows better and realizes your better off not staying like that.

    1. It was either my higher self or God that asked me two questions. I don’t remember the first, but the second was “Do you like Law and Order?” I responded to his questions emotionlessly, despite the objection and protest of my child like ego state to the answers I was providing. Ultimately, I was told to read children’s stories.

      Then again I’ve also had dreams featuring the devil, which I believe to represent my father. Mostly because the dreams feature him gloating over some petty event, idea, or happening that I would have had no control over or responsibility for in the first place.

      I also seem to have social status dreams, which is ironic because have no social life beyond the internet, and I quite honestly don’t care wether or not I’m seen as inferior at this point.

      I consider competition, avarice, and greed to be manifestations of jealousy and rivalry that distract people from their underlying rage at whatever they consider to be injustice. I find the philosophy behind hubris a cruel irony that actually provides the arrogant, fearful, greedy, violent, judgmental, and moralistic justification for separating the innocent and ignorant from their power. Which is mostly ironic considering the premium placed on innocence these days.

      I wouldn’t minimize the transformative effect of materialism. If we weren’t in constant search of resources to fulfill our needs we’d still be three hairs away from being baboons.

      As it stands we have become Demi Gods with imaginations so great that we have achieved control over life and death without its mastery. There will come a time when everything on this planet will have been engineered by mankind using the resources God gave him change this world for the better. The only thing holding us back from our birthrights are religion, politics, and injustice.

      1. Also, I use “him” because I am male, and it is tradition to use Him to discuss mankind or God in general. And, ultimately “Hu,””it,””Shi” and “S/he” wouldn’t have nearly as much of an impact when describing a form of light that sounded male to me anyway.

        1. I also have an excellent superhero package in my dream world considering I can phase through walls, teleport, and create an EM shield that boosts my physical strength.

  6. My guess would be that, by absorbing a universe, he’s also absorbing the mental state and worldview of the being who created that universe in the first place.

    1. That raises a rather disquieting thought (for Victor). IF the universe he just destroyed was created by someone, what’s the odds that said someone is going to be a tad annoyed with him?

    2. Victor is building up a great big deal of Bad Karma. Fortunately, for the bad
      guys having a lot of Bad Karma is no big woop. For the good guys, Bad Karma can get you killed or worse. For bad guys, a slap on the wrist.

    3. He’s not absorbing a universe into himself. The universe is fed into [SPOILERS!] which converts it into raw energy to power the Machina Deus.

      For those who don’t get the references, Victor’s Machina Deus is a homage to Doctor Doom absorbing the Power Cosmic from the Silver Surfer, and using it to attack the FF.

  7. The poem and symphony are a pretty epic way to troll astrophysicists.

    1. so was the use of Saturn’s radio emissions in “Plan 9 from Outerspace.”


  8. It figures. The only way Victor von Fogg would be worth knowing is when he is not himself.

    1. You do realize he’s a kid, right? Not to mention he’s being groomed as the future ruler of a foreign country. It wouldn’t matter what you thought of him as a person as long as there are sycophants laying in wait.

      It’s not a matter of when he will obtain power, but when he’ll use it. As long as he’s a distracted glory hound plotting to take over the world, overthrow the government of some other country, or “watering his coconut tree,” he isn’t causing problems for anyone else but a few politicians and trained soldiers of fortune or otherwise.

      And the best part is the wealth of technology developed for illicit purposes being used to do something positive in the world.

      1. Actually, the Von fogg family, thouge they are very rich and own sevrel companies, don’t rule any of the world yet. They do however live in a blimp the size of a small country. (Shone here.) Victor Is being groomed to enheirit the entire world, after he or his father take it over. This may prove difficult.

  9. Just one week with timely updates. That’s all I ask. It’s not like the process can’t be automated. It’s not like this storyline doesn’t already exist at least one arc into the future in real-world comics.

    I stop in here on Monday afternoon and it’s STILL not updated. This place is beginning to remind me of MegaTokyo.

    1. Um…. you want your money back? Buy the comic on Amazon.

    2. In all fairness I know how you feel. I got hooked on Wereworld by Rann and that site went belly up and as far as I can find there is no comic to be bought.

      1. It’s not that I *expect* something for nothing. Or even demand it. It’s just that the author is putting it up here, he’s monetizing it like most web authors do, he’s a pretty resourceful and creative guy, and… well, “updated Mon-Wed-Fri”. What else can I say? It creates expectations. Mild ones, but really, this updating should be automated by now.

        1. I think it’s because of preparations for GenCon. Hopefully, after GenCon the comic may or may not resume updating at regular intervals. 🙂

      2. Having a hard copy of a web-comic is great. I wouldn’t have had the luxury of playing around with mine as much as I did if I hadn’t made the hard copies available. I like to play with the order of the story lines when the mood strikes me. It usually works out really well memento styled.

        Also there’s something that feels good about seeing your own stuff in print. I don’t know if it’s because you don’t see the beauty of it when it’s a stack of papers in a folder, or flickering lights on a screen.

  10. That boy, I say that boy as enough issues to fill an entire newsstand.

    1. How many volumes does it take to fill a newsstand? Is it like the periodical section of the grocery store???

      I wouldn’t really know since I typically hang out in book stores, libraries, and second hand shops.

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