
21 thoughts on “08/07/2013

  1. Uhmm, You forgot to reverse the polarity of the neutron flow? Your quantum stabilizer uses 220v & you’ve got it plugged into 110? There’s a bug in your wormhole nexus & it likes smiley faces?

    1. No, no. You only reverse the polarity if you want to break it. That’s what I learned from Dr Who.

    2. Reversing the polarity is like putting the batteries in the wrong way. You only do it if you want to do the opposite.
      I recommend increasing the power supply. You can’t go wrong with more power. Well, you can go wrong, but it will at least be more impressive.

  2. You know its bad when emotionless computers grovel as if they fear retribution. Either you. Over do the punishment of Madeline’s or you programmed your computers with a handicap that wastes time.

    1. Victor programmed the computer to grovel like that. This kid has issues.

      1. All van Frogg stuff does this kind of thing. It’s a familiy mater more then a Victor mater.

        1. Well, grovelling for mercy whenever something goes wrong is the logical response when your creator is a mad scientist. They swear vengeance over the slightest things.

  3. – I don’t know about anyone else, but I want that operating system.

    1. No you don’t. It’s powered by the destruction of SPOILER using the <SPOILER that Victor stole several issues ago.

  4. Oh brother, did he get the smiley-face idea from that loonie putting out all those mailbox pipebombs or was it vice-versa?

    1. Since this is from some years ago, probably not.

      More likely, the universe is showing off its (perverse) sense of humor.

    2. He got the idea from watching a rerun of Star Trek: TNG where Picard draws a smiley face on the exploding cloud from a warp core breach.

      1. In the real world, there are fireworks that form a smiley face when they go off.

  5. You forgot to carry the one?

  6. You guys are all missing the point: Victor is trying to use his machine to grant himself omnipotence, in the hopes that he can conquer the world. The problem is that while he has the omnipotence, he no longer cares about ruling the world. The next few pages explain why he’s having this problem, and what his plans to get around it are.

    1. Chill dude…. It’s just the Big Mellow from the cosmic connection man….
      I thought that was apparent but not really noteworthy yet… Smiley faces…

  7. Infinite cosmic power has personality altering side effects? huh!

  8. *immeasurable

  9. What is that little freak doing? o_o

    And my use of pejorative has more to do with his personality than it does with any other-than-human physical qualities he might have.

  10. NO! The power of calypso has left him. I was hoping for something more substantial than a smiley face of epic doom. Do you know how difficult it is to collect the energies of the power cosmic? DO YOU!?

    1. I know we’re both made of star dust… So maybe its not that hard after all?

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