
8 thoughts on “08/01/2012

  1. Moon Shadow legend continues to grow. Both good and bad it seems now.

    1. That is often the way with legends, as they are retold from different perspectives again and again…

  2. Ron seems to be more suspicious of Moon Shadow than he used to be. And I wonder who the two new files reference. The Flea presumably has one already. The gold-armored henchmen previously mentioned that Moon Shadow has no known powers, so Moon Shadow presumably already has a file dedicated to him. Cecil is probably one, especially if he left a business card. Maybe Alec is the other?

    1. I was assuming Cecil and Moonshadow, and that a file just meant they’d put what they knew now, and have a place to add more as they go along. That’s a good point about the gold-armor guys, though.

      If they start going by what people will say they “know” about Moonshadow’s abilities, though, they’ll end up with a crazy file. >_>

      1. I would say Toby and Moonshadow myself

    2. If Ron seems more suspicious of Moon Shadow, that may well be because he asked him for advice after the battle against the teleporting bully, when his parents’ marriage was going south at an accelerated rate and he blamed himself for it — and Moon Shadow’s advice not only did nothing for him, but his parents broke up anyway.

      1. Also, while Ron may not consciously remember his visit to the Castle Outside Time and Space (as a witness for the Decision), he may have held onto a part of his feeling of having been betrayed by Moon Shadow. Even if he no longer remembers why.

  3. But will Alec learn to be more careful with his waste paper?

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