
33 thoughts on “07/28/2014

  1. Wow. 84 is even less connected to her classmates than I was.

    1. She was busy ending a war.
      Then saving a universe.
      Then dealing with beign suddenly famous.

      And this a superheroic world where stuff moves a lot faster.

      When you have not been in your dimension for a week, things might have changed a bit too.

  2. I so much identify with 84 right now… She’s like the genderswapped superhero version of me…

    1. so you are #48 then

      1. “I am not a number! I’m a free MAN!” If you don’t recognize this quote from The Prisoner (no. 6) I’m showing my age. 😉

        1. Raises hand; “I did. I got that reference.”

  3. I’m amused by the Flea, who is apparently making an art form of getting rejected. I sincerely hope it is from a sense of humor rather than a pre-teen desire to rebel.
    And frankly, given his abilities, pranks or not, any super team should be begging to have him on it. After reading Worm (parahumans.wordpress.com) I am not downplaying insect control ever again, and the Flea also has major physical enhancements too.

    1. Anyone not reading Worm, go do so.

      1. Flea is actually already pretty tight with Tyler and his crew. That’s probably why doesn’t give two flips about what everybody else thinks. He’s already got some awesome friends and an awesome team, he’s got nothing to prove.

        1. On top of that the Flea is another one of the Revenant’s understudies.

          Its less a team and more a loose association of friendly individuals. Which is more dangerous to villains. And the Flea seems to have mastered the ability to show up when he is most needed. Example: this current sequence. There was explaining that needed doing and when no one else could do, there was the Flea. Its as if he has a fly on every wall 😛

      2. Thanks for the Worm recommendation. Not something I might have found otherwise. Very nice bit of super-hero prose.

      3. The trigger warnings (all of them) make me not want to read it.

        1. I was also initially put off by those, but having read it I’ve found it’s actually fine; The author doesn’t go into detailed description of the nasty things, so it’s not too upsetting.
          I would definitely recommend it as one of the best pieces of fiction I’ve ever read (it’s so gooood).

  4. Judging by Gauntlet Jr (though it may be a bad idea to generalize from one case), the super teams are all about feeding ego and snobbery. It’s not surprising Flea would get a kick of getting rejected by them.

  5. I actually think he’s a sane version of Ambush Bug, he does sometimes almost have an awareness of the 4th wall.

    1. He’s an amalgamation of several bug related superheroes. His costume, and any 4th wall awareness, are reminiscent of the Tick, and several of his powers and attitude are reminiscent of Spiderman, and maybe a touch of Antman.

  6. 84 will form a group with the rejects obviously.

    1. Then she can invite Tyler.

      1. Given right there at the top of the most wanted list is, duhduhduhda! Moonshadow.

  7. Flea reminds me so much of one of my friends is nearly creepy.

  8. I can tell I’m going to like mrs. White.

    1. She could have been Ms. Pond 😉

      1. Naming her Pond with that reference could have legal issues. The BBC is noted for not having a sense of humor about such things!

        1. Or a sense of humor period.

    2. As long as you don’t bump into her in the conservatory while she’s got the candlestick.

  9. Unfortunately Ms. Pond isn’t now, she and her husband are back about a century. Too bad, really, Mr. Williams teaching History would be… interesting. ^_^

    1. Ack, that was supposed to be a reply to roguebfl.

  10. Amusingly enough, I too had a math teacher in high school named Ms. White. Even more amusingly, she was black.

    She was a pretty good math teacher too.

  11. I super approve of 84’s parents right now – she recognizes the Doctor Who theme!

    1. Even better, most likely the original, not the remake.

  12. Throughout the comic, the Flea has had a very distinct voice in my head. The other day I figured out why. I’ll describe the voice, and let you guess.

    It is very stereotypical Latino accent, similar to but not quite the same as the Speedy Gonzales accent. He also speaks mostly in the first first person, sayint “Dee Flea” all the time.

    Another hint: it’s why I kept picturing his costume as brown.

    I actually wonder if he was directly influenced by the voice I am imagining, because the personalities fit pretty well.

    1. That sounds to me almost like you’re thinking of El Seed, one of the Tick’s classier villains.

      1. Nope. The Flea from Muchas Luchas.

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