
5 thoughts on “07/27/2012

  1. The smoke will be real nice with the air circulation shut down.

    1. And it was a witty one liner.

  2. Hmmm. Speaking of Zodon’s family, only his mother was ever mentioned. An adult with a similar intellect and unpleasant personality as Zodon might be capable of impregnating a woman and then leaving her to fend for herself, watching from a distance whether the offspring grows up to his standards.

    Then again, Zodon has travelled in time before…

    1. temporaryobsessor

      Zodons personality should make the first part harder but I guess womans taste in men might not always be what we would like it to be or even make sense. I have very little personal experence on the matter. I actually think in the long run abandonment would be preferable to living with someone like Zodon mostly because I can’t picture him in any sort of non abusive relationship with his wife and son.

    2. Who said she’s a biological daughter? It could be a M Bison like female clone, or a construct of some sort..

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