if the toys are anywhere near advanced as the ones in “Continuum” or “The Last Mimsy,” then I could see the possibility of value. As it stands each one is probably as valuable as a moon rock.
However, I’m still not entirely clear on how on can prove the value or worth of the items when no one else on earth knows it exists, much less the toys’ history. As a one of a kind item it has value, certainly, constructed of otherworld polymers, possibly, but as far as financial gain I can’t wrap my head around it being a big ticket item. From what I understand, beyond scientific curiosity there’s really no market for the toys in general.
And, honestly, I don’t think it would fetch as high a price as a piece of moon rock.
Of course, I have a hard time understanding *why* any of these toys are as expensive as they are, so who knows. Maybe they’ll be worth millions (possibly for the polymers rather than the collector’s value?) or maybe they’ll be worthless.
He probably isn’t interested in SELLING the toys. Just knowing that they’re the rarest on the planet is enough for him.
Of note, though, these are Argosian, and for the royal (if crappy royal) family. They may be damn near indestructable by softling standards.
Heck, Near-Mint’s alter ego might be a fustrated toy designer. Having access (as mentioned) to advanced polymers, or crystal-based electronics? That’d be a sure-fire career-advancer.
Yeah, he’s probably a collector. He knows they’re alien, that’s good enough for him.
Or, if he does want to sell them, he probably knows people who trust him to tell them the truth. Or just collectors with more money than sense.
They’re unique toys, at least on Planet Earth. They almost certainly have Argosian writing on them, are made of Argosian alloys (or whatever they use instead of easy-for-a-F.I.S.S-to-break plastic) and contain cultural references foreign to Earth. He can just go to toy fairs or Comicon and charge a fortune for fan-boys and -girls to wait in line and see toys from Atlas’ home world. He’ll be the envy of toy collectors across the world, and could get multi-million dollar offers for Forak’s toy collection. And worst come to worst, he could call Forak up and threaten to zap him if Forak won’t authenticate the toys (or come to Comicon and sign authographs/pose for pictures). Near Mint has come up with a fool proof plan… luckily 84 is not a fool, and she is not in the mood for this. Forak is going to get serious detention time.
There are obsessive collectors who never look at their stuff; it’s enough for them to know that they own it. If it disappeared and they didn’t find out, or if it were a fake and they didn’t find out (because of its being stolen so they never show it off or tell anyone they have it), they’d still be happy. Entire movies have been built on that fact.
It’s not exactly like he had a choice. Or proper upbringing (like everyone else in PS238). And perhaps not even the Superpowers to deal with it.
So cut him some slack, he is a stranger in a strange land.
On the plus side, I cannot think of him letting his frustrations out on the Softlings on Argos – wich actually speaks for his character.
So perhaps the thing he has to learn is that he can (and should) push some poeple around. Namely bad guys.
No, he’s not the “worst” superhero by a long shot, especially considering he’s only been doing the job for a week. Every member of the Great Lakes AvengersX-MenDefendersChampionsInitiative Avengers (aka “The Lightning Rods!”) who is not named Squirrel Girl is a much worse Superhero than Forak. Especially Mr. Immortal; Forak may not be entirely invulnerable, but at least his super power isn’t “come back to life five minutes after being killed”.
Really? I thought Big Bertha was a decent superhero.
She nearly quit being a superhero in the “GLA” mini-series, she spends most of her time playing card games with Mr. Immortal, Doorman and Flatman, and the most proactive thing she’s ever done was teaming up with Taskmaster, Weasel, Blind Al, Hydra Bob and a Lobo knock-off to try and assassinate Deadpool. Yeah, she’s a real decent superhero. :p
Odd, I somehow got the impression that Hawkeye and Mocking bird were Part of the Great Lakes Avengers… I’m also pretty sure the rest of the team consisted of a Dr.Doom Cosplayer, A homosexual Reed Richards, and a Grim Reaper.
Gimp Boy was never a member, 2-D Man isn’t gay as far as I know, and Doorman beat the previous holder of the title to become the new reaper. (The old one is stuck as a squirrel.). On the other side, Squirrel Girl left…
His name was “Leather Boy” not “Gimp Boy”; he was an S&M fetishist who answered Mr. Immortal’s ad in the Pennysaver looking for superheroes to defend the Great Lakes region. He was kicked out after they realized he had no superpowers or combat skills. When he saw that Squirrel Girl and Monkey Joe were the new members of the GLA, he broke into their HQ, shot Mr. Immortal and strangled Monkey Joe, while he was wearing a fake version of Dr. Doom’s mystic human-hide armor (made from the skin of von Doom’s first love). (Leather Boy revealed that a lot of the members of his subculture had started wearing fake versions of the armor, made out of regular leather.)
Flat-Man is gay. Dinah Soar was killed by Maelstrom. Doorman died during the fight with Maelstrom, but was reincarnated as the new Deathurge.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird were members of the GLA, but they weren’t founding members, and they were trying to train the team in the use of their powers.
There is a scene at the end of GLA where Dinah Soar, Grasshopper I (who was a member of the GLA for less than thirty seconds before getting killed fighting Batroc’s Brigade), Doorman, Monkey Joe and Mockingbird are playing cards in the afterlife. Mockingbird is asked why Hawkeye isn’t there, to which she responded “He’s the Swordsman.” That scene is canonically problematic, because the Swordsman who joined the Thunderbolts was Andreas von Strucker, and Mockingbird was later revealed to be a prisoner of the Skrulls during “Secret Invasion”. The only possible way to reconcile this, is that the Mockingbird in that scene is the Skrull who replaced the real Bobbie, and since the Skrull was infused with Mockingbird’s blood in a mystical ceremony, she was stuck playing cards for all eternity with the dead GLA members. Why wasn’t Hawkeye there? Two words: Chaos Magic.
Here’s the official line-up of the Great Lakes Avengers:
Current: Mr. Immortal, Doorman, Flat-man and Big Bertha.
Deceased: Dinah Soar, Monky Joe, Grasshopper I, Grasshopper II, Grasshopper III (actually a Skrull)
Former Members: Leather Boy, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Squirrel Girl, Deadpool
There have been worse heroes than that. Frogman Jr comes to mind, overweight clumsy son of the villain Frogman. The worst IMO would be The Blimp of the Inferior Five. He could fly, but only at the speed of an arthritic snail.
Inept Lad WISHES he could match any of the Inferior Five… Even Jester.
Have you read “Final Crisis”? Jester was pretty badass when Superman and Captain Marvel met him in Limbo.
25 thoughts on “07/22/2013”
if the toys are anywhere near advanced as the ones in “Continuum” or “The Last Mimsy,” then I could see the possibility of value. As it stands each one is probably as valuable as a moon rock.
However, I’m still not entirely clear on how on can prove the value or worth of the items when no one else on earth knows it exists, much less the toys’ history. As a one of a kind item it has value, certainly, constructed of otherworld polymers, possibly, but as far as financial gain I can’t wrap my head around it being a big ticket item. From what I understand, beyond scientific curiosity there’s really no market for the toys in general.
And, honestly, I don’t think it would fetch as high a price as a piece of moon rock.
You’d be surprised.
Of course, I have a hard time understanding *why* any of these toys are as expensive as they are, so who knows. Maybe they’ll be worth millions (possibly for the polymers rather than the collector’s value?) or maybe they’ll be worthless.
Robin Bobcat
He probably isn’t interested in SELLING the toys. Just knowing that they’re the rarest on the planet is enough for him.
Of note, though, these are Argosian, and for the royal (if crappy royal) family. They may be damn near indestructable by softling standards.
Heck, Near-Mint’s alter ego might be a fustrated toy designer. Having access (as mentioned) to advanced polymers, or crystal-based electronics? That’d be a sure-fire career-advancer.
Yeah, he’s probably a collector. He knows they’re alien, that’s good enough for him.
Or, if he does want to sell them, he probably knows people who trust him to tell them the truth. Or just collectors with more money than sense.
They’re unique toys, at least on Planet Earth. They almost certainly have Argosian writing on them, are made of Argosian alloys (or whatever they use instead of easy-for-a-F.I.S.S-to-break plastic) and contain cultural references foreign to Earth. He can just go to toy fairs or Comicon and charge a fortune for fan-boys and -girls to wait in line and see toys from Atlas’ home world. He’ll be the envy of toy collectors across the world, and could get multi-million dollar offers for Forak’s toy collection. And worst come to worst, he could call Forak up and threaten to zap him if Forak won’t authenticate the toys (or come to Comicon and sign authographs/pose for pictures). Near Mint has come up with a fool proof plan… luckily 84 is not a fool, and she is not in the mood for this. Forak is going to get serious detention time.
There are obsessive collectors who never look at their stuff; it’s enough for them to know that they own it. If it disappeared and they didn’t find out, or if it were a fake and they didn’t find out (because of its being stolen so they never show it off or tell anyone they have it), they’d still be happy. Entire movies have been built on that fact.
– Ok, is Julie doing the shaking, or is that a defensive mechanism of the kite trap?
– And I still say rather than Atlas 2.0, he should be called Inept Lad. Worst Hero Ever.
Prairie Son
Next strip, kid. No Spoilers allowed.
To be fair, Forak would agree with you.
Or Lackey Boy, Lackey Boy, does whatever he’s told and then shuts up.
It’s not exactly like he had a choice. Or proper upbringing (like everyone else in PS238). And perhaps not even the Superpowers to deal with it.
So cut him some slack, he is a stranger in a strange land.
On the plus side, I cannot think of him letting his frustrations out on the Softlings on Argos – wich actually speaks for his character.
So perhaps the thing he has to learn is that he can (and should) push some poeple around. Namely bad guys.
No, he’s not the “worst” superhero by a long shot, especially considering he’s only been doing the job for a week. Every member of the Great Lakes
AvengersX-MenDefendersChampionsInitiativeAvengers (aka “The Lightning Rods!”) who is not named Squirrel Girl is a much worse Superhero than Forak. Especially Mr. Immortal; Forak may not be entirely invulnerable, but at least his super power isn’t “come back to life five minutes after being killed”.Artificer-Urza
Really? I thought Big Bertha was a decent superhero.
She nearly quit being a superhero in the “GLA” mini-series, she spends most of her time playing card games with Mr. Immortal, Doorman and Flatman, and the most proactive thing she’s ever done was teaming up with Taskmaster, Weasel, Blind Al, Hydra Bob and a Lobo knock-off to try and assassinate Deadpool. Yeah, she’s a real decent superhero. :p
Odd, I somehow got the impression that Hawkeye and Mocking bird were Part of the Great Lakes Avengers… I’m also pretty sure the rest of the team consisted of a Dr.Doom Cosplayer, A homosexual Reed Richards, and a Grim Reaper.
Gimp Boy was never a member, 2-D Man isn’t gay as far as I know, and Doorman beat the previous holder of the title to become the new reaper. (The old one is stuck as a squirrel.). On the other side, Squirrel Girl left…
His name was “Leather Boy” not “Gimp Boy”; he was an S&M fetishist who answered Mr. Immortal’s ad in the Pennysaver looking for superheroes to defend the Great Lakes region. He was kicked out after they realized he had no superpowers or combat skills. When he saw that Squirrel Girl and Monkey Joe were the new members of the GLA, he broke into their HQ, shot Mr. Immortal and strangled Monkey Joe, while he was wearing a fake version of Dr. Doom’s mystic human-hide armor (made from the skin of von Doom’s first love). (Leather Boy revealed that a lot of the members of his subculture had started wearing fake versions of the armor, made out of regular leather.)
Flat-Man is gay. Dinah Soar was killed by Maelstrom. Doorman died during the fight with Maelstrom, but was reincarnated as the new Deathurge.
Hawkeye and Mockingbird were members of the GLA, but they weren’t founding members, and they were trying to train the team in the use of their powers.
There is a scene at the end of GLA where Dinah Soar, Grasshopper I (who was a member of the GLA for less than thirty seconds before getting killed fighting Batroc’s Brigade), Doorman, Monkey Joe and Mockingbird are playing cards in the afterlife. Mockingbird is asked why Hawkeye isn’t there, to which she responded “He’s the Swordsman.” That scene is canonically problematic, because the Swordsman who joined the Thunderbolts was Andreas von Strucker, and Mockingbird was later revealed to be a prisoner of the Skrulls during “Secret Invasion”. The only possible way to reconcile this, is that the Mockingbird in that scene is the Skrull who replaced the real Bobbie, and since the Skrull was infused with Mockingbird’s blood in a mystical ceremony, she was stuck playing cards for all eternity with the dead GLA members. Why wasn’t Hawkeye there? Two words: Chaos Magic.
Here’s the official line-up of the Great Lakes Avengers:
Current: Mr. Immortal, Doorman, Flat-man and Big Bertha.
Deceased: Dinah Soar, Monky Joe, Grasshopper I, Grasshopper II, Grasshopper III (actually a Skrull)
Former Members: Leather Boy, Hawkeye, Mockingbird, Squirrel Girl, Deadpool
There have been worse heroes than that. Frogman Jr comes to mind, overweight clumsy son of the villain Frogman. The worst IMO would be The Blimp of the Inferior Five. He could fly, but only at the speed of an arthritic snail.
Inept Lad WISHES he could match any of the Inferior Five… Even Jester.
Have you read “Final Crisis”? Jester was pretty badass when Superman and Captain Marvel met him in Limbo.
No, Frogman is the son of Leapfrog.
Ed Rhodes
Everybody knows “Florida Man” has the sole title to “Worst Hero Ever.”
Forak just needs some proper motivation, maybe a peer his own age whom he can relate to! Maybe he should join Facebook…
Also, Near Mint’s statement is incredibly ironic, since he himself is exactly that “wrong element”.
its only racist if you’re wrong/it isn’t prejudice if its true
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